What a terrible night! lol Asleep lovely and early - awake (first time) at 10.45pm... fell back to sleep pretty fast then weird weird dreams... involving turkey soup with dumplings, big party, lots of folks who I dunno but who, in the dream, were clearly great friends, dancing, singing, boats, messing about on water, eating., laughing.. mum was with me - still ill but more mobile and joined in all the fun.. until she slipped into the water and dropped like a stone and I hauled her out... after which she was ok (still dying though).. heard her talking to the friends whilst I got dried off and she was saying how she didn't want me to know how bad things are.. and I told her I knew before she did and not to worry about me.. and things would be fine... partied on...
Then awake again at around 2.30am til 5am... at around 4am mum got up to go to the loo and slipped so I dashed in and set her right... this is the 2nd time she has lost her balance in the night when going to the loo... seriously hope she is never left alone at night as it could be catastrophic... her right leg is getting weaker and weaker.. I guess the tumour is growing..
She was in good spirits but of course it broke our night (although mine was already in bits, lol)... and she fell back to sleep around 5am.. I, on the other hand went on a mission to raid the fridge... mega FAIL though as it's full of activia yogurt, bottled water, Dr Pepper Zero, butter (for sis), stork margarine, various chutneys, potatos, onions and food supplement drinks (aka gloop)..! Biscuit barrels duly scoured but decided have had enough of those as sis will make another comment if I scoff those! lol So.. Dr Pepper Zero in huge amounts duly consumed ... and back to bed feeling hungry, tired and disgruntled!
Finally fell back to sleep around 6.30am.. to then wake again when mum got up at 7.30 to go to the loo again.. lol Something tells me that when she has her afternoon "siesta" I shall be doing similarly in the living room! lol lol lol
Beautiful sunrise here this morning and feeling remarkably upbeat despite everything... mum in no pain is wonderful.. sis and I had a much more relaxed discussion yesterday when I got here... she is clearly more chilled out when mum is like this, and I totally understand that! It is easier to cope with a positive, painfree mum than a desperately ill, tired and crippled with pain mum!
She has clearly been discussing mums funeral with her and told me she is doing the eulogy, and I can do the readings.. that mum wants to be in her wedding dress.. and wear her ring as long as possible so I told her mum can keep her ring on forever and wants to.. so that was that!
She hasn't mentioned the extra bit of sorting out the mum and she were supposed to be doing but I had a look last night and I have found it.. it is just absolutely as I expected.. lol... all changes made are in favour of sis and HER children .. but that's ok.. I don't mind. At the end of the day, if that is how mum wants things then , so be it. I think its a tad biased but hey ho. That's how it's been all my life, why would I expect it to be any different now?!
I am still going to keep an eye on her finances though....
It's so good to see mum eating and drinking again and chatting and getting out.. she is going to her "red hat" club this morning - every month there are a group of WI ladies who all meet up for coffee and cake somewhere, and they all wear red hats... lol It’s to do with the poem about wearing purple when you grow old and, apparantly, is a worldwide thing.. and why not!!
So – she had a snooze and we set off….. parked wonderfully close, got the wheelchair out (am sure that’s why my back is giving me hell right now!) and took her to meet everyone – what a lovely bunch of ladies! ALL proudly sporting their red hats!
Once settled at the table, and drink provided, umbrella for shade too.. as blazing hot sunshine!. And I set off with my “list” of jobs… I was heading back to the car after completing half of them when mum asked me to take some photos of them all so I dashed back to the house and got my camera – I have taken some real beauties!
She was thrilled to bits and they had such a good turnout too! Best in months! (and possibly the last mum will get to, but you never know !)
So, off I shot to the local Budgens and tried to complete the next job on the list.. partly successful but what a miserable old fart was serving me!! He was dreadful! So rude about the area, the people, everything! I asked him why he worked there if he hated it so much? I advised him to take up another line of work as clearly this wasn’t his “gift!” lol… I asked him what his neighbours thought of his feelings about where he lives and he said they don’t like him.. I couldn’t help myself … “I can’t imagine why” says I… “although I can hazard a guess!” I am sure I heard chuckling in the queue behind me as he huffed and puffed his way through my shopping!
Next chap in line wished him a cheery “Good Morning” to which Grouch replied “What’s good about it?” so I turned back and told him… “The fact the sun is shining, you are able to stand here and do a job, you have your mobility, you have work, you have a home and breath in your body – THAT’s what’s good about it! So stop being so bloody miserable!” and I strode off…
Well…. I know, it was bad of me.. but SOMEONE had to say SOMETHING! If you are in a customer service, frontline position then you ought to at least pretend to be polite!!! Rude old git!
Told mum, and got her home… she’s worn out now so is back in bed… fan on.. and ready for a kip after her lunch…
EPIC Fail on diet front… ho hum… need to accept that I just ain’t gonna be good when here! End of! I have to TRY though… otherwise it’s a waste of money that I just can’t afford.. so… back on track tomorrow – honest injun! Told mum she has to encourage me too! Lol Bless her.. I just munch my way through her cupboards like a swarm of locusts… there’s a particularly tempting bag of rice crackers sitting in there calling to me right now.. but.. to be honest.. I am so stuffed from all the other stuff that I can’t face ‘em! Lol
Think I’ll try and snooze before mum gets up again at 4pm and her next visitors arrive… ladies from the British Legion… time for me to go out and complete the list methinks….