Made mum about half a cup of her usual green tea (blergh) and left it on her bedside cupboard (which had been brought downstairs for her)..and I tidied up the kitchen a bit... then, when her tea had cooled enough, she tried to drink it.. not good.. her hands were shaking and she couldn't find her mouth.. we joked about that too! lol I suggested she might like to use a straw and she said no, she would manage.. (wonder if that stubborn independent gene is inherited... lol ) so, napkin now tucked under her chin, I sat beside her as she struggled on.. I know she thought she had drunk loads, but actually she had barely 1/4 of it.. then she wanted to brush her teeth so I got everything ready for her and after struggling to hold the plastic beaker I suggested maybe I could get her a smaller one as these were really large wide ones and she only has little hands... in fact.. our hands are exactly the same size... and she asked if perhaps a plastic cup with a handle might be the way to go.. so we agreed I would nip out later on and get one... and we had the most bizarre conversation about where the camping shop was that she wanted me to go to.. I just made the right responses and, said I needed the loo, nipped upstairs and rang sis and asked if she could pick one up on her way over... also asked her to do some shopping at Tesco on her way too as mum had then said she didn't want me to leave her.. so.. I flushed the loo (sound effects only) and came back downstairs.. I then suggested mum might like to watch Miss Potter.. as i knew it was a lovely story, but also that the scenery in it was magnificent! So I put the dvd on for her.. my phone rang and it was my sis.. and when I sat down to watch the film mum was already cross as there were loads of adverts and she wanted me to fast forward over them.. which I couldn't do! So, she got her knickers in a right knot, lol, and then we both laughed at how complicated the telly was!
Film started and mum announced that she had just watched these bits already that day and how irritating it was... she hadn't seen them at all.. but she was having none of it - as far as mum was concerned , it WAS what she had just sat through and it was ridiculous! lol
We talked and then she looked at me and said "We have already had this conversation! Everything you are saying to me and everything I am seeing, I have heard and seen already.." and I made a reply and she said "and you said that before"... and I responded and she said " and that too - you said that too!" .. I hadn't.. and I could see she was visibly upset at this..
We carried on watching the film and the nanny said something the the children in it and I made a remark.. and mum almost leapt down my throat with a very cross "and you have said THAT before too!!!"
At this point she looked utterly confused.. and looked at me and said it was really weird as everything she was seeing and hearing she had seen and heard already that morning... and she knew this couldn't be right.. I pacified her and made light of it by saying perhaps it was a touch of deja vu.. and she said,.. "AND YOU SAID THAT BEFORE TOO" we kinda dropped the subject and I asked if she would like me to do her nails for her as the polish could do with removing and a fresh coat applying... she loved the idea and so that's what I did.. she smiled at me and said she may just go to sleep whilst I did her nails.,.. and I just encouraged her to do so.. I tried painting her nails but I am rubbish so suggested in the end that when my daughter comes that she could do it instead and she would do a FAR better job of it! lol mum was happy with that suggestion!
So, I made sure there was no polish left on her nails and I massaged her hands with the lavendar cream I had bought in Cornwall for her.. it's almost empty and I am so glad I got it as it has meant mums hands and feet are softer and better hydrated than they might be, plus they smell good too, and, trust me, at the moment, anything that helps hide the smell of cancer is a good thing!
She fell asleep and I got ready for my daughter's arrival - her train was delayed so she missed her connection but then got another one and the lovely neighbour went and collected her for me... I cannot tell you HOW wonderful it was to see her and how glad I am that she is still here at the moment... right.. need to sleep a bit now if I can.. mum is soundo again so I'm going to try and be the same! ... more to follow later..