Well, it's Friday. I went to bed and was asleep before 9.30pm last night - closer to 9 than 9.30 - and woke at 6.30 still feeling tired but not as much. Got to work at 8 having already delivered some festival programmes and posters en route, so that's another thing ticked off my 'to do' list (which, incidentally, IS getting smaller!).
I had a pep talk from a lovely friend last night and have taken her advice and am clearing my diary for the coming weeks so that I get a whole shed load of early nights in. Although I can't Monday and Thursday next week.. but am not adding in any new arrangements.
Have decided to meet the chef on Thursday for a drink. Not excited though, so not sure if it's worth going or not, will tell you on Friday.
Looking forward to tomorrow but also know I have to get through tonight first (after work estate agents, festival folk calling for progs and have to sort out fence and pack for tomorrow and make start on sorting Sarah's room so she has somewhere to sleep when she gets home Monday night!)
Put on my New Look top (the 'snug' one) Zoe reckons its better but still 'snug' so prob won't bring it to Brum which is a shame coz I love it but not point wearing it if too small.. patience is something I need to practice exercising!
No idea what I'll wear tomorrow night as all other tops are too big or too small or I don't have a red or black bra to wear under them and white straps revealed if movement are not a good thing. Will probably pack all my damn clothes and seek advice!
New rule - bed by 10 tonight no matter how much I've got done!
This morning I left a note asking Zoe to do certain houseworky things - hopefully she'll do them as I want the house half decent for agents. Also going to swallow pride and ask neighbours husbands to help sort out kitchen floor for me and ask again if one of them can fix fence this weekend.
Will be contacting a lovely lady from here about an offer she made regarding DIY in my home too. (Will prob have a chat about it tomorrow if time allows).
Must remember to take camera tomorrow and get more batteries for it. Rang hotel and have same room as last time so well chuffed about that. Determined to NOT cheat today.
Last night I did it again, straight home at gone 6, face into fridge, threw out shrivelled up mushrooms and peppers before discovering some abandoned celery. I hate celery. BUT. There it was and so was my jar of red onion marmalade. So.. 2 celery sticks and half a jar later (about 150g) I felt satiated and stupid and angry etc etc etc. As soon as Zoe got home I told her and she got the jar, tipped pepper into it, shook it and threw it in the bin for me. I know it's pathetic, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it!!
She also threw away the bag of cashew nuts that have lain dormant in the fridge door since Christmas. AND , has hidden the other jar of onion marmalade somewhere upstairs to save for Christmas. (It expires May 08).
I love her. We hugged and I thanked her. She knows how I'm struggling at the moment and hasn't moaned a bit about my crabbiness and tears and ear-plug-wearing nights at all. I know she hates being responsible for the dog when the fence is down, but, unless we put up temp fencing tonight then she has a weekend of it ahead of her!
I want to respond to each of you personally but can't right now as I would end up in tears and I need to not blow up this keyboard this morning.
Am off at 11 as have to do a post office and banking run PLUS appt at nurse at 11.45 which hopefully won't overrun so am not late for job 2.
AM getting more frustrated at job 2, but that's coz I'm tired.
NOT going to eat today. Having my soup in a little while, and going to try to drink more at Job 2 if I can as I think that will help. Only downed 2 pints in 5 hours yesterday afternoon. Will try and up it to 3 or 4 today but am bored with water and don't feel able to take in flavours just yet. Need to wait until it's just me and boss.
Not liking the fact that I cannot be contacted at all after midday until 6 because they don't approve of mobiles but I can understand their thinking. So, I have it on vibrate only and try to sneak to loo once mid afternoon. lol very schoolgirlish!
Aha! Sense of humour is returning - so tiredness must be lessening! HurraH!!
Hope all are having a lovely day and are looking forward to your weekend. I am!!!