Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Lovely to see you Jennie..... thanks so much for the life home it was very much appreciated.... don't think I could have faced the 2 hour coach trip....:( Thanks to for my lovely birthday pressie it's fab and I may light it later...:) I have a complete '' camera and not a clue what is one it..... I might not be able to take it to the local Tesco to develop as I know lots of people there.....:eek: :eek: Thighs are v sore..... a 16 stone podium dancer is not pretty....LOL!!! I just thought I was 2 8 stone dancers....LOLOL!! Speak soon - your looking ace btw......:D
it was so good to see you again. It feels like ages since the last time! The lift home was no trouble, and, had I thought of it, I could've picked you up too!! Next time we shall have to remember!!! Glad you like the prezzie :) Can't wait to see the pics, I have a good idea of what's on a lot of them!! lol I think you surpassed yourself as a podium dancer!!! I would never have the balls to do that! lol You can really flippin dance though!! Not surprised your thighs hurt with all that dipping you were doing!! More exercise on that dance floor than a months worth in the gym!! You looked lovely, I love that black top of yours and you ALWAYS look so glam!!! Thanks SOO much for the bra, it felt fab to be wearing a black lacy bra under me new top!! :D

Hi Jennie. Just having a quick catch up before dinner, just wanted to say how wonderful it was to finally meet you yesterday, you are as lovely as I thought you'd be from your diary. Flares was fab, so glad you *twisted my arm* & made me come with you :p my feet are still killing me though, I ended up driving home in my socks! Catch you later xxxxx
Aww, thanks MD. It was wonderful to meet you at last. You are so smashing and I meant what I said to you! I'm really pleased you submitted to the arm-twisting! You are an ace dancer too! I loved Flares, and singing and dancing along with you! lol Next time you'll have to stay over and boogie all night with us eh? ;) Not surprised about the feet, that dance floor is unforgiving!! So very very glad you came and met up with everyone :D

Jennie - just wanted to say how brilliant it was to finally meet you!!!! Look forward to seeing you again the very near future.... And you are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for you, young lady.. lol.. what can I say!! I adore you!! We're going to have SUCH fun when we meet up again! lol I am so very very glad you didn't pull out of the meet and that you had a fabulouso time too! Enjoyed our one-to-one chin wag too. ;) Maybe see you at Easter?? (you can show me Cardiff's talent (and the infamous Steve!!). :D Really hope we can get together again soon.

And your top was beautiful. And I loved seeing you again Irene xx
Ah Irene, how lovely to see you, just sorry we, yet again, didn't get chance to talk at length. Perhaps you can come and stay with me for a weekend (although NO idea when!!) and have a break and a rest and a weekend SS'ing with me! :) You're such a lovely person. Glad you like my new top - I love it and with all the positive reinforcement from everyone it has become my favourite piece of clothing now! In fact, I may well wear it to the gig this Saturday night! (It's already washed and hanging up in the airing cupboard ready and waiting for it's next outing! I intend to get loads of wear out of it!!) lol I loved your necklace yesterday morning but neglected to comment!! Will have a look at finances etc and see if Bath is an option... would be nice to see you again.

Just a quick hi from me too. So lovely to see you again .. and you looked gorgeous last night. What a beauty you are turning into!! Quite stunning!
Oh Sharon, what a lovely thing to say, thank you. (I think you need to get to specsavers double quick though!!) You looked incredible as ever, slim, sylphlike and sophisticated. I loved that jumper you wore Saturday night - very classy and sexy all at once!! You look amazing and I really hope that all goes absolutely perfectly with the upcoming events. Thanks again for the compliments. They mean more coming from fellow dieters (no matter what stage they are at!!) and women in general as women aren't renowned for being complimentary to one another in the general scheme of things.. lol.. this site is full of exceptions!!
Glad you had such a good time Jennie.
looking foreward to seeing some of the photos

Thanks Jane

I wish I'd taken my digi camera to the club but it's too bulky. Poor Sarah (Westiegirl) has lost hers in her suuitcase being taken on her journey home and she took LOADS! So, we shall have to rely on Mich's photos as I don't think anyone else took any! I only took some in the hotel in the afternoon and will be whacking them on here at some point so you will see the faces to the names. What a lovely bunch of women! Seriously, it was such a pleasure to meet them all. I'll probably write a novellette (unlike me eh?) about it all during the week by which time we shall all have fastly fading memories of the whole thing! I do hope you can make it to the next one though, it would be great to meet you. xx
Hiya jennie I'm just on page 65 of your diary and I'm hooked its like a good book you can't put down. Have you ever thought of writing one, you have such a great way with words. Just one little question will ya slow down please as I'll never catch up :p which isn't so bad it like having a never ending book.:read: Thanks for the open and honest insight to your amazing journey it really is inspiring me and keeping me on the straight and narrow:hug99:

debbie :thankyou:
Know that feeling Debbie, i read through jennie's diary ,found i didn't want to miss any thing out ,but everynight i'd come to read a few more pages onlty to find it had grown.
You'll just have to read faster.:giggle:
Week 24 weigh in - almost 8 stone gone!!! Can't believe it!

OMG!! I went for my weigh in at Ailsa's tonight and I lost... 5.4lbs!!!

That means... another 1.8lbs and I will have lost a stonking 8 stones!!

yippeeee - hopefully next week!! (although this IS Add-A-Meal week for me)

I am SO chuffed. It must be partly due to all that boogying on Saturday night!!! :D :D :D

Whatever - I'm celebrating with me tomato soup and pint of Asda appleade.

Picked up my Sarah on the way back from weigh -in so we are all home now. Me and my girls. :D

Sarah looks wonderful, her hair has grown loads and we had the best hug ever. She is quite surprised at the difference in me but is very encouraging. I just cooked her a chicken noodle stir fry (very low fat) and she is tucking into that as I type.

Zoe starts the Cambridge SSing tomorrow as she wants to lose a couple of stone before her holiday in May. Ailsa measured and weighed her and explained it all to her and we chose her packs so as of tomorrow we will be an SSing household!! (well, once Sarah goes back to uni with a food parcel! lol)

Am a very happy bunny tonight and still smiling from the weekends events - unforgettable - just like last time!! :D

Absolutely bloody fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done you are superwoman :wow: :superwoman: :bliss:

See you'll be booking that skydive in no time ;)
well done you. :)
wah who way to go girl !!!!!!!!!
you are doing & looking so fab at the moment, can't wait to see the stunner that arrives at my do in July :D
i am so chuffed for you cos i know that just recently you've had real cravings to eat but being the strong person you are you have mainly stayed on the straight & narrow - kudos to you hun, this must be just the kick you need to keep you going.
Way to go girl!

You are truly inspirational! BTW you looked fantastic on Saturday. And on Sunday too. How did you manage to look as fresh as a daisy when I looked like sh!t!

At least with Zoe SSing you'll be able to avoid any temptation of the food kind! I think that was the secret to my success first time around. I lived with a flatmate and I got rid of all my food. I couldn't eat any of hers because it wasn't mine and would be tantamount to stealing in my eyes. People think I was a good student but truth be told I just removed the temptation. I also only had the right number of packs to last until my nexty meeting so I couldn't binge on extra packs because I would have to go without for a day or so! That's possibly why I have struggled the last 6 months - my mum and dad live in the same house and their food is available to me (if it's your family's food it's not stealing!). Hope that the extra motivation of LL can help me resist the temptations.

Sorry, just realised I was rambling on your thread! Thought I was on my own for a moment then. Anyway what I was trying to say was that I think it's great the way you've stuck to it even with food around you!
Nearly 8 stone??? Woweeeeee!!! You are one superstar girlfriend!!! But no more fish F*cking pie do ya hear me?!?!? hehe
Wow Jennie - that's absolutely fantastic - all that dancing must have helped - YOU ROCK LADY!!!! :D

So thrilled for you, you deserve it you've stuck to it through thick & thin & you are rightly reaping the rewards, you really will soon be booking that skydive.

So glad you've got Sarah home too, must be lovely for you.

Take care hun & well done again.

8 stone - that's about the same weight as my daughter, gosh Jennie you've lost a Georgia :p

Bring on the 8 stone
Only amatter of days by my reckoning
Well done Jennie on the 8 stone mark

Just remembered that you told Bob off for putting his feet on the sofa. He was well chastised by you .
Later he put them back on again and i told him you were walking back into the hotel. PMSL His face was a picture and he soon took his feet back off , quick time.
Congratulations Jennie, what a fantastic loss! You are doing so well! Good luck to Zoe on her SS journey.

Julia x
OMG!! I went for my weigh in at Ailsa's tonight and I lost... 5.4lbs!!!

That means... another 1.8lbs and I will have lost a stonking 8 stones!!

yippeeee - hopefully next week!! (although this IS Add-A-Meal week for me)

I am SO chuffed. It must be partly due to all that boogying on Saturday night!!! :D :D :D

Whatever - I'm celebrating with me tomato soup and pint of Asda appleade.

Picked up my Sarah on the way back from weigh -in so we are all home now. Me and my girls. :D

Sarah looks wonderful, her hair has grown loads and we had the best hug ever. She is quite surprised at the difference in me but is very encouraging. I just cooked her a chicken noodle stir fry (very low fat) and she is tucking into that as I type.

Zoe starts the Cambridge SSing tomorrow as she wants to lose a couple of stone before her holiday in May. Ailsa measured and weighed her and explained it all to her and we chose her packs so as of tomorrow we will be an SSing household!! (well, once Sarah goes back to uni with a food parcel! lol)

Am a very happy bunny tonight and still smiling from the weekends events - unforgettable - just like last time!! :D

Congratulations Jennie!

Just think you now have actually lost more than I use to weigh when I was slim...:eek:

Your an inspiration and your diary is a terrific read.

Well done.

Love Mini xxx
Dublin, Zoe, Sarah, food!!!! So good having my girls together!

Tuesday already! :eek:

Well, Zoe had her first taste of the Cambridge this morning - showed her how to make Choc-mint "porridge" with husks.. she ate the lot but said it was grainy and not that nice so perhaps less husks next time! She's going to join the site too but has promised not to read my diary and vice versa. She's hoping there will be other 18 yr olds on here that she can chat to.

Am so tired today - stayed up way too late last night so DEFINITELY very early night tonight!!

"working" from home this morning ;) but still going to job 2 this afternoon, then, when home am going to have food!! lol AAM week!! Yippeee!!

NOT going mad this time though - am going to have 3oz of cod with salad and pickled beetroot, cabbage and onions!! :D :D :D Lush combination eh? ;)

Might get some mushrooms too... (salivating now at the thought!).

Just got off the phone to someone who is struggling like mad at the moment - know where she's at! Not easy this weight malarky!!

Last night I did something madly impulsive! I booked myself on flights to Dublin for the meet at the end of June!!! I know, I know.. it's crazy and I'll be tired but hell, you only live once and I KNOW I would be tearing meself up if I didn't go.. PLUS... I have a heap of euros upstairs in a drawer that were left over from last summer's hols and I just counted them and there's 300 of em!! So - I reckon that will easily cover my flights ( £75) and bus fares to my friends in Foxrock (12 Euro return from airport) AND cab fares to and from Dublin centre on the Saturday (approx 30 euros each way I think). No hotel costs as staying with my friends - so that's ace too.. AND.. as the cheapest room I can find costs over £100 for one night I reckon it is definitely cheaper to do the taxi thing. MUST write their address down really clearly though! (Thanks to Irene too who said I can change at her hotel for the evening, not quite sure how I'll get my day things back though! lol) probably end up getting ready at lunchtime and simply staying out from the 3pm meet onwards! Have warned friends that I may not return until the wee hours (if at all!!! ;)) lolololol So.. am DEAD excited. I love Dublin, lived on the outskirts for the first 8 years of my life and have been back a couple of times. Last time was 2 years ago and I was a mess emotionally and physically, so this time it will just be physically! lololol

My schedule will be.. .fly home from Tobago to Gatwick arr 9am Friday 29th, get back to mum's around 11am, sleep for 3 hours, drive to Luton (to avoid rush hour on M25), leave car at ex bro-in-laws, visit neice and new baby, get lift to airport for 6pm, fly to Dublin, get bus to Leapordstown, meet friends., get to their place by midnight.. lol.. sleeeeeeep... taxi to Dublin next afternoon meet up with all the girlies!! (yippeee) and eventually go back to friends at some ridiculous time of day Sunday, back to bus to airport and fly home around middayish, drive home (1 hour) and then sleeeeeep, unpack and then go to pub quiz!!! :rotflmao: gonna be fun fun fun!!! Then back to me 2 jobs on the Monday! (might have to have the Monday off to sleep a bit though!) I know its madness but I just HAD to do it!! Y'know? So, just got to sort out a dog sitter now! lol

Sarah's just begged me to give her a lift to Northampton to meet her mate so I eventually relented and said yes if she gives me petrol money - which I will relent on too! lol

She's off to London tomorrow to see Russell Brand and some other bloke whose name escapes me.. so she'll be in tonight (cooking chicken in white wine with baby pots and veg for her), cod etc for me! :D After London she's off to MK to see friends, finally home Friday (might go to the wine bar with her).. and then taking her back to bus station early Sat am. So.. she has a full itinerary this week!

Zoe's going to see how she goes with the diet but seems very determined as her hols are only 6 weeks away so she's focused!

Going to write oodles about the Brum meet later (before early night!) as it was so fab and I met some fantastic people!

Done sod all this morning except yawn - honestly - where were my nagging minimins mates last night to tell me to sod off to bed!! ;) lololol I got carried away with the Dublin thing.. it's another thing to look forward to though and those events keep me going. You lot, no matter how you are doing with your own journies, ALL inspire and encourage me enormously you know!!!! (without exception!!!)

Don't think I could have done this without you all travelling with me :D so,:thankyou::thankyou::thankyou:

It's so good to have my girls home with me together too :D
Jennie, just caught up with your thread. :wow: How amazing is that loss, you have done amazingly well, how long has it taken you to lose that amount of weight, you must feel like a different person.
:princess: You are a star, a great bench mark for others like me who still have such a long way to go.......:superwoman:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: