Tuesday - Thursday
A potted history! (well... as potted as it ever gets with me!...)
Tuesday 5th December .. All morning was spent printing Newsletters at work, the stupid duplicator kept getting jammed and I only had Tuesday to get it all done and laid out as on Wednesday I had a mate coming to help me collate them all (600 copies of A5 and 50 of A3)! With phone calls interuppting me and people popping in I somehow still got it all done and was thrilled to leave almost on time! So it was a dash home, let the dog out, mug of Oriental Chilli Soup, pint of water and a snooze in the chair... then I made dinner for Zoe and her fella (Pork chops, roast parsnips in a mustard dressing, roast potatoes, gravy and sweetcorn).. then off to be weighed. Felt very bloated all day but couldn't figure out why!
Got weighed, and, as you know, it was a shocking 0.8lb loss. It was, however the first time weighed in my jeans and I am due on. Even so, bit of a pi$$er to be honest and.... were I not so damn beligerent a baggage I could easily have hit the hut when I left Ailsa's place!
Ailsa was a diamond - we talked about the conference on Saturday, about "Eric" (she doesn't think much to him at all - can't say I blame her given what I tell her! lol)... , we talked about my loss (or lack thereof)... she measured me again.. took photos... put them on the cd for me.. we talked food... drink... diet... the world! She is a great encourager and good on the sound practical advice! I left still feeling very despondent BUT knowing that it is a momentary blip which will sort itself out so I just need to keep sticking to the plan and all will be well. I was SORELY tempted to grab a maccy D or a cake or SOMETHING on the way home! But I didn't... *sigh... instead I moaned and bitched at Zoe about it and cried on the phone to her... then "Eric" rang and I moaned at him about it all ... bless 'em both... they were both like... well, you've lost loads... don't worry, it's still a loss... don't worry about it... it'll be better next week... etc etc... I knew they were right but I wanted to wallow just a teensy bit! lol
So, wallow I did... got home and wallowed on here awhile and then, because I was VERY tempted by the gorgeous-smelling loaf of bread I bought for Zoe that morning... I took myself off for a very deep bubble bath and book reading session... which I did and then went to bed.
Wednesday - Dec 6th
D-day (Darth Day)... woke up early and went to work in a pretty offish mood.. was made even more grouchy by the fact that someone had moved everything I had laid out! I was a real crabby cow all day in fact... TOTM due, trip to hospital looming, crappy weight loss (despite sticking to it 100%).. Zoe not gone to College, just basically everything feeling pants and poop!
My mate Rachael came in and we had a blast collating the newsletters! We chatted away, I told her all about "Eric" and she thinks he sounds like he does like me but is just rubbish at relationships/committment.... we talked about all kinds of things.. how fed up I was with my job... my weight loss this week (although overall chuffed to bits!)... my family...TOTM,... how I dreaded the hospital stay and the machine... kids (hers - who are THE most adorable children on this planet!!! I LOVE them!)... mine... who I love more than anything! Cars... courts... ex-hubby... ex-fella... animals... you name it, we discussed it!
My knee was giving me massive gip... I twisted it at Ailsa's and it is still (Thursday eve) giving me pain! I basically felt sorry for myself and needed to pick meself up! Spending the morning with Rachael worked wonders... to a point! We had a few interupptions... my boss rang.. then another chap rang and then called in and then called again, twice!.. two of the ministers called in with work to be done.. and an invitation to the staff christmas lunch - last year they forgot to ask me! This year they've asked and I've declined... as much as I would like to sit with (most of)them, I can't face watching them feed on scrummy chrimbo grub... and I won't... lol
Then my boss arrived.. I had just be whinging about him to Rachael... so we exchanged glances and., as you may have read.. he left after she did with the agreement that we are to "have a chat" on Friday after we have dealt with the work he wants to do.. I need to write a list of moans and groans.. MUST make sure they aren't pathetic petty gripes and grumbles.. and that I am fair and not too harsh.. I know I can be when the mood takes me and he doesn't deserve that..!
I labelled the newsletters and wrote appropriate envelopes - I just hope that my boss remembers to take them to his meeting tonight for distribution!! If not then I shall moan BIG STYLE at him on Friday! lol I only had to get them done in time for him to do so!
As I wrote earlier... I got very cross outside the bank and took direct action! lol Got home.. cooked an absolutely scrummilicious smelling chicken curry with basmati (Lordy, I LOVE the smell of that stuff!) rice.. packed my bag.. cried loads.. got humpy... snapped at "Eric" in a stroppy email... TOTM arrived (4 flamin' days early!!!)... and went to the hospital.. in a highly stressed out state..
Thursday 7th December
As you will have read... it went very very differently to the way I envisaged, and, in fact, I have just written a thank you letter to the nurse and a Christmas card too! She made me so happy!
Got home this morning and was totally exhausted! Sent loads of texts, came on here, posted on the sleep apnea forum I'm a member of, rang my mum (she was out) and then crawled into my lovely bed (leccy blanky on!) and fell into a delicously deep sleep.
Woke to the dog barking and got Zoe to let him out (oh, yes.. forgot to say, I was fuming when I realised she had overslept and not gone in to college again today!!!). I got her to getup and let the dog out... twice that happened... I just yelled at her to do it and then I went back to sleep...
Woke up feeling like I had slept the best sleep ever! Got up, came down and hopped on here... pootled around in the kitchen... then went out to get a paper (job supplement today)... got home,. chatted to my sister on msn about last night - she was very pleased for me.. .my mum rang back whilst I was out so I rang her again.. also had to ring to arrange to go and view a car on Saturday morning... (Zoe has fallen in love with a car on sale in Autotrader... *sigh)... so we are driving down to view it (about 5 miles from "Eric" !) on Saturday morning...
Speaking of "Eric".... I told you already about the text message I took umbridge to and my snotty email and his response... well... I was still feeling miffed about it this afternoon and had resolved to not contact him... lol.. I dunno what it is with men! If you leave 'em be they flippin call you - if you show the least bit interest they don't wanna know! Anyway,.. I didn't respond to his email and he rang me this evening!! I was a bit surprised to be honest and basically didn't give him chance to say anything before I gushed my news to him! lol
He was really pleased for me and then told me how bad work is and that they have dropped a massive new job on him and so he has to work all this weekend from home so the kids will not have a great time... PLUS... and I could've guessed this might happen... he tells me how he is now going to be working on the 22nd (when he was supposed to have the kids) so may have to have them on the 23rd! (our first date in 3 weeks!!!)... so you can imagine how pissy I felt on that one! I didn't let on how cross I will be if that is the case.. because it may not happen... but I think he is just laying the groundwork... we shall see...
I told him about going to view the car Saturday with Zoe and he shocked me by saying to call him and then pop in and say hello!!! (if he's not busy/got kids/gone shopping/working/playing golf/doing something else...)... he was supposed to be on a works thing tomorrow (which was why we weren't able to see one another) and he isn't going now.. he is supposedly working instead..... I hate being so damn cynical but really.. I can't seem to help myself!! He DID say that Dec was going to be a horribly busy month... so I can't moan too much (although I can at the no date thing for a month if that happens!). I told him how utterly stressed out and emotional I was yesterday and he just sort of chuckled and said " I know" ...

lol I guess I was MAYBE a bit harsh on him, but then again NO... he COULD have sent me a nicer more thoughtful text.. so hmmph.. lol poor sod... can't seem to do anything right at the moment can he.. lol I just have a feeling... oh heck... I dunno...
Isobel - that analogy is sooo true!
So... came off the phone feeling pretty good... AND I made sure that it was ME who ended the call... not sure why that feels so important, but it does.. perhaps a little bit of control... lol.. he sounds pretty rough , has a cough not dissimilar to a whooping cough sound... still, he can get medicine.. I'm too far away to look after him and don't want to anyway.. well.. not entirely true, but just as well there is the distance perhaps at the moment... still can't see anything beyond Christmas with him to be honest... maybe not even that long now...
Still.. he DID sound genuinely pleased about the machine news and is always very supportive of my weight loss... and he does call me.. (I never call him)... lol Oh GOD!! Why can't I make my silly mind up about him!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrr One call from him and I'm all girly again and pathetic! I am SO gullible! lol It isn't that he's any great oil painting or adonis physically either.. he is though, I sort of think... a lovely man, plus there is a definite fire of attraction between us.. although I am wondering if that will wane as I get lighter... is that terrible of me??? Maybe... oh I don't know... I do know that I am still not interested in other blokes or meeting anyone else... so I guess that means something.. perhaps I am beginning to like myself a little more now than I have in a very long time.. and because I like myself I don't NEED a man as much? Hmm... it's a thought I s'pose...
*cough... ANYWAY... this is way off track.. where was I.. oh yes... tonight! Blimey - caught up at last (only taken me about 2 hours!)... so am catching up on here, just had a yummy mug of chicken & mushroom soup, a mug of bouillon, a choc mint & husk muffin and 2 more pints of water... and am stuffed to busting! Still another muffin to have tonight before bed but that's ok... am going to bed by 10 and have to write my list in a minute of work "issues"... I'm sure when I write it all down it will seem so ridiculous! lol PLUS... now I'm not pre-menstrual and pre-hospital and pre-newsletter(al) I am far calmer! lol
Again, thanks for all your lovely comments, the hugs and phone calls and texts... I can't tell you what a difference they all made and continue to make. Ailsa bless her texted me last night and this morning to find out how it all had gone - I am so lucky to have such a great CDC! Just wait... this time next year I shall be the same size as her too! hee hee... and then maybe we'll be getting into MY old clothes!!
Maybe... in the meantime.. its back to the good ole SS'ing until such time as it is both wise and safe to go onto 790... (I reckon, um... July/August hopefully... but maybe not 'til Sept..) anyway.. long time off and not thinking about it... got my AAM to look forward to from Dec 23-29th!
Music festival work beginning to pick up now too so will be spending loads more time on that... check out the website...
Raunds Community Music Festival and, as I am in charge of all matters admin/tickets etc... if you fancy coming along in May drop me a PM.. might be able to wangle some "special" discounts! lol
Will catch up again tomorrow after I get back from work - busy morning as I had today off, but boy did I need it! Hugs to all, and hope you are all having a great evening! (whatever your plan/diet etc!) xx