Blonde Logic's Stream of Consciousness/Diary

hugs for u xx
Arr BL,I do sympathize with your losses it will get easier in time!
I also lost a sister to cancer 8 yrs ago,I still miss her daily she was my best friend too,she was only 35 when she passed away!
Sending <<<"Hugs">>>. take care Hun! Hope things get easier for you soon.
Sexy xx

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Good to see you back but I am sorry that things have been so hard. Don't feel you have to be feeling strong to come back. We are always here to support you. x
Thank you BL, for finding the strength and the time to update us all on how you're doing... You've been in my thoughts a lot lately and I've been hoping you're ok...

I am so sorry that life hasn't gotten any easier especially with this dark anniversary coming around the corner as well as having to endure more emotionally challenging struggles of friends and loved ones. I wish I had the power to lift the dark clouds from people I care about, but I can't. I can only hope that with time the struggle of the every day will become that little bit easier and the sunshine will start shining through your little window.

You are not alone. Remember this. It may be the single most important thing that could lift you from the darkness.

And what a year it has been

Well I think it is time I update my diary. I have made a few entries, but nothing of great substance. Not that I can remember anyway.

Must warn, there will be plent of food talk. And plenty of typos, just cause I cant be bothered to proof this. lol

As we know, the first year anniversary of moms death has just passed, and I have been doing a lot of reflecting on this past year.

I have really made a mess of it. But it was such an awful year, I don't feel I need to punish myself - I think I paid enough.

But my weight is up. This year, it has been up and down like a lift on crack. I can't keep track of it it has changed so much.

In retrospect, I see now that I threw almost all I had learned out the window. Through all the darkness I didn;t realise I had - but I sure did.

I am such a creature needing comfort, and there seem to be two places that I can count on for that feeling. Food, and shopping. ANd both become a compulsion - an obession. I really don;t know how to "just be" most of the time. I seem to always want more more more. WHatever it is. Stuff and things or food.

Half of the year I coped with it all by shopping. Now I am paying for that. I am lucky I have a forgiving and understanding hubby. Not to say he was not well angry woith me - and so he should have been. But he understands, and that is a very good thing.

The other half of the year, I baked my way through the grief. It started innocently enough. Baking for my husband. And then when moms dog arrive, I started baking dog treats for her too. So I was baking for him, and for her.

I found the act of kneading dough was so grounding, so earty and so comforting, I could not get enough of it. I had never made homemade bread without a machine before and when I started having success, and getting the satisfaction and comfort I needed (haha no pun) from kneading - well, the shopping stopped and this became m y obsession. It wasn't too long before I was baking for him, for her and for me.

Carbs!! Of all things - Ishould have KNOWN better. But I lost myself in it. And my weight started to go up. SO back on packs, and my weight went down. Off the packs, my weight went up. Back on - down. And so on.

Somewhere in it all, there is a connection to moms death. THe very first thing I did on the night I got the call from mybrother that she had died - once I stopped crying for some unknown reason, I HAD to make scones. Something I never made in my life. I jut needed to bake something to distract me from the news I received - nevermind it was 1am in the morning.

So I am pretty sure, somewhere therin lies the connection - mom died - I started baking as a distraction - and never stopped. Perhaps trying to distract me from the whole horrid event.

In any event, last weekend myhusband sat me down and asked me, "You have gained back everthing you lost this last time, haven;t you?" (Not my entire 10 stone!! thank god - but the 2 stone I lost on my last (and I mean LAST) time in abstinance.

At first I was angry. Then I was ashamed and embarrassed and got very defensive. Then succombed, and admitteds I had become obsessid with baking which lead to an obsession with food. I should have known better. In RTM bread was my biggest trigger.

I wanted to dissappear. I knew I had dissapointed him. Or felt I had. I could not bear forhim to look at me. I felt he was seeing every single bulge here and there where the weight came back. It was awful. And depressing. I jut felt like such a loser, and was so ashamed.

But ya know what. It was the slap I needed. It woke me up to face that I was out of control.

So this past week, I have been recalling everything I did that was successful in RTM and for the couple of years after that I maintained. I had strayed so far off the mark, it was not even funny. And I never saw it happening - or,if I am honest - I looked the other way when I thught I was seeing it happen. Denial. I was comforting myself because after the year I had I felt I deserved comfort. And I did. But why did I do something that hurts me??

ANyway - I feel I am slowly getting a grip back on myself. I have stopped some of the bad habits straight away. Way too much coffee with milk has been replaced again with giant bottles of water.

The baking has stopped. This is the first weeken in months and months I dont have dough rising, or biscotti baking, or foccacia on the go, etc. And it has felt like such a relief. No rush to the store to get more flour and yeast. No panic that coffee is running low.

Water - tasting water reminded me of feeling healthy. Funny that - but it had a huge impact after the first big gulp. I really was surviving on coffee alone. Morning noon and night. It is a wonder I ever slept.

The cost of coffee and flour was huge. Hence the lack of fresh fruit and veg that I adored before.

What a mess I made of it all.

I only hope I can manage to find my groove again. Its scary, because I willnot do it with abstinance. I will never do abstinance again. I think that has caused me a problem.

Abstinance is great for a great big committment to get a massive amount of weight off in a short period of time. But I found each time after more and more difficult. Not abstaining - that part was easy because science does all the work for you. But coming off the packs, the feeling of wanting to have what I had not had was so strong, that the rules of RTM seemed to go out the window. Each attempt was more and more difficult until the last time I realised I stopped the packs and made no effort at all to gradually introduce food - went straight back to baking. Duh. No wonder it all jumped back on. COmpletely my fault.

So no, I will not abstain again.

I will have to try and cut back, eat healthy and exercise. BUt that has been hard. During this year, more and more of my body has been affected by arthritis. Walking is extremely painful. The long 1-2 hour power walking I adored, no longer happens as I reach the corner and want to cry for pain. Because my toes are fusing.

Floor exercise is difficult, because my hips are more and more affected.

So, I got myself a bike, which needs a little work before it is road worthy. But the fact that nothing touches the ground I think it will be a good choice for me.

So, I have my work cut out for me.

But I want what I fought so hard to have back in my life. Feeling slim, healthy and fit. And happy. I want to be happy again.

So this is why I have not been around much. I have felt unworthy.

I will try and drop this negative attitude and give my chatter box a swift kick. But it is going to be tough.

But there you have it.

I screwed up big time.

BUt I have not given up.

And owe big thanks to my wonderful husband for caring enough to bravely confront me. I needed it.
Thanks for posting BL.

I dont think you have screwed up. You have been through a set of experiences which were trully tragic. You managed the situation in the best way you could. Some of the decisions you made around food were not the best ones you could have made, which resulted in weight gain.

You have now paused, regrouped and taken stock ( all be it with the shock tactics from hubby! lol ) Now you are ready to consolidate what you have learn't from your diversion and apply it to getting healthy again.

You have not I repeat not screwed up! Crocked thinking! You would not say that to someone who has been through what you have been through. You are still the inspiration you have always been so step up to the ring and as they say take another swing lovely ! You only fail when you give up !

Loves Ya x
I think recognising you need to change the way you are dealing with life's challenges is a big step forward for you.

Abstinence is not for you - but you have loads of experience to draw from to get you back on track.

This is a safe place to come and get support and inspiration for the next phase. To get back to the slim, fit, healthy you again.

Hugs - xx
Thanks ladies.

It's going to be tough, because I feel I have lost or forgotten all my tools!! They have gotten pushed out of my head with all the rubbish that has pushed its way in my head!

I realised, one of the most important tools that I have forgotten how to use is my voice, and three small words: No thank you.

I am going to try and remember how effective those words are.

It is so frustrating because when I started LL, I had 140 pounds to lose, and I KNEW I would lose them. I just KNEW it. And I had littleto no fear. And I did it.

Now, just a small amount of 2 stone or so feels impossible!!

GRRRRR. I really am annoyed at myself. lol At the time, I just kept saying "Well, its OK - you will need to pay for this though" and the comfort seemed wortht the price.

But in reality - IT WAS NOT!!!! Absolutely not.

A lesson to learn folks - no matter how long after the diet and even after maintaining for nearly 2 years - it still is a very very slippery slope.

Onward and downward - as best I can.

Important lesson for us all. I can see myself using that justification as well, it's ok but you will have to pay for it you know. Fuzzy logic to say the least.

Thanks for sharing xx

ps how is SB ? making progress I hope
BL you can totally do it!
Our live is one big learning curve and each lesson we learn makes us better people!

One of my favourite quotes at the moment is...

Never underestimate the power that lies within you.

Amen to that!

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BL you know you can do it,now you've refocused your mind!
Good luck hun!

Sexy xx
Well, thanks guys but my mind is not refocused yet - lets just say its refocusING. :D I have some good days and still some not so good.

But today was a good day. Because of the pain in my feet has gotten so bad, I got a bike and cycled in to work.

It felt WONDERFUL to get some good exercise without any pain!! It is only a mile and half to work so I rode home the long way, 3.5 miles and loved it. And when I got in I was not in a snacky mood for the first time in a very long time.

So I feel encouraged. Exercise is VITAL for maintenance and because of the Chronic Pain stuff I have its been very frustrating not being to hoof it like I used to.

I work near a small lake and think I can ride around it at lunch times a s well as in and home from work, so looking hopeful!

Tomorrow will be my Friday challenge. Boss brings goodies in EVERY Friday.....time to try and remember those three words....No Thank You.


Hope the Friday challenge went well x
Ugh. I am in such a state of personal internal turmoil about what to do.

I am not coping well with temptations these days. I have to admit that. I have a good day then a couple bad days, and so on.

I am so angry, and upset with myself, but trying not to beat me up too much. I jut feel so sad that I seem to have "lost it" when it comes to the firm unshakeble (I thought) grip I had on food. It feels it has all gone out the windwo.

I had a lovely visit with SB the other day, and we talked about it a bit, and she made the comment after I said I would never do abstinance again, she suggested I should perhaps have done it with a new group this last time, rather then doing it amongst the maintainers group.

I have given this a lot of thought, and think she may be on to something. I think - and I am considering going back on packs - depsite aying I would not do it again - but I am thinking she might be right. I should have gone to a returners group and strated from scratch, including redoing the CBT.

I think it was a mistake not to do it that way, and dammit - I just looked at the clock and my lunch is over!! LOL Just when I was getting on a roll - will have to go for now and continue this later.
Right - where was I....

I think that going back to full abstinance amongs maintainers, in retrospect was a bad idea.

I also think ending abstinance after only a month or two, just a couple of weeks before so many unpleasant "anniversaries" was not a very well thought out plan.

I don't think I was away from food long eough to fully break my tie with it - and without any CBT I didn;t even address why i was using it for comfort.

So...I dont know what to do. All I know, is I am scared of gaining everything back I lost. I am nowhere near that - but it scares the heck out of me, and realising what a slipery slope I am on, what if I just take one step too far and start sliding and can't grab on. <sigh>

One lesson I hope others take from this is that LL is not a cure for life. You will have to always fight against your ingrained nature. If you are anything like me that is.

So, I will be giving this some thought....and will open up to my hubby and talk to him. See what he thinks. I value his support, and I think I will have it - but I feel I have already let him down by not doing this the way I KNOW I can, and should have, a few months ago.

Hey ho. SO, thing to ponder - is full abstinance - new starter grou - full on CBT - right head space - and rock this thing 110% like I did - and find myself again??

Or pay the price for my bad behaviour - and try my hardest to slog it off conventionally.

Lots to think about.

SB - thanks for the good food for thought. xxx
Some interesting insights there. Has taken me a while to think of a reply lol not one who can offer any great insight or advice I'm afraid. Thank god you have hubby and SB on team blonde logic for that.

I think those of us who have habitually abused food over the years are a bit like alcoholics or addicts. It doesn't go away but with conscious decision making we manage our addiction. Some periods of our life make that easier than others. I think the key is to keep fighting the good fight. Only by throwing in the towel do we loose the war.

Hope u decide on a plan that you can work with. Thinking of you x

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Hi hun,
Sorrry - it wasn't my intention to give you MORE "food for thought"
I think you just see things slightly differently when it's not yourself who is in the situation.
I know if it was me I would be able to deal with it better if I started the whole thing from scratch with a new group who don't know much about each other and that full commitment you only feel in Foundation.
I know what a strong person you are and how important it will be when the time is right to nail this thing again.
The positive effects on your health and the prospect of going clothes shopping with me again are just 2 of the great things to look forward to.
Do you remember the day we bought up everything decent in all the charity shops nearby and came back to show my OH all our bargains?
What a fun day that was - and all on black coffee and water!
Best therapy for both of us. xxx:)
Love ya loads hun. If it hadn't been for LL I would never have met you.....x
Hi BlondeLogic,

I just caught up on your diary. Had I not done LL in 2008 and been so inspired by your strength and commitment, not only would we have never met (if only on this forum), but I wonder if I would have made it to goal.

Like you -- I maintained and then have been up and down. I had about 2 and 1/2 stone to relose at my heaviest, and now have about a stone to go. I decided to not go back to LL or do it strictly with packs. However, as I like the simplicity of packs, I also know that I need to learn how to manage my food -- so, I am using CD810/1000. I have two packs a day and then between 800 and 1000 calories. My losses are coming a lot slower -- but when I stay on plan, I do lose. I also like seeing my CWPC each week and having her weigh me. I need to be held to account.

In addition to having CD packs and cooking South Beach meals -- I am using Judith Beck's book The Beck Diet Solution. Her father is founder of CBT and she is the psycologist who developed using CBT to assist in weight loss. There is an accompanying workbook. I gave both the book and workbook to a young woman who wants to lose 11 stone. She is going to use WW to do this and I am going to be her diet coach. I do not know if you are familiar with Beck's book, but it is very worthwhile.

BL, you have lost the weight before and will do it again. And, I feel confident that as you lose the weight this time you will learn more about how to maintain your losses long term.

BIG HUGS!!! You are still one of my heros!
