Crimes! Calories in gaviscon?! I don't have a clue?! Though I'm usually pretty good on trying to provide my scientic take on things! Seriously I wouldn't worry about the amount of calories on gaviscon they will be minis use and not impact I. The grand scheme of things.
Glad you are peeking out from the parapet. It's good to see humour in your posts
again. Yes we are rubbish at this diet stuff but we are brilliant at everything else er! Ok I am still working on trying to be a perfect mother to a teenage beast and 9'year old but hey! Wtf! They are leaving home at 18 and won't be allowed back except at holiday time.
Have a good nights sleep and catch pump your dd. x
Glad you are peeking out from the parapet. It's good to see humour in your posts
Have a good nights sleep and catch pump your dd. x