Nanny Doreen
Nanny Doreen Red and Green from 25.8.19
You blather about whatever you like.
No restrictions here eh?.
No restrictions here eh?.
Hi Bog willow willow hope you are well. Not been on here since last October. Been on a binge trip ever since. Planning on going back to SW this week. I know for you maybe this is not the right thing, but for me I need a plan and a focus. I am just not motivated to do it myself. My consultant is great, there is also a private FB group where we all posts our meals and recipes etc and support each other. I have barely been out since March and totally out of any routine, am realised this is what I need, some semblance of a routine. I have probably gained all that I lost and perhaps more, but I had that little self-destruct devil on my shoulder for the past 10 months and really listened to it and did not even care that I did. It is still there. so I will shake its hand and move on!!After a few more rounds with the restrict, binge insanity. I am now fully onboard with Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating, and I've given the middle finger to diet culture.
I'm enjoying my food, and because I eat what I want whether it's because I'm hungry or I just want it, I'm no longer binge eating.
My weight is the same, exercise has become enjoyable once more. I eat fruit and veg and I also eat chips and chocolate when I crave food life is good. I sleep better too. It's not all perfect, I'm still tempted sometimes to go on another diet, but the feeling passes within an hour or two. I'm done chasing the weight loss F**king done!
If you're done with it all too, I highly recommend Christy Harrison's book Anti-Diet, or the podcasts Food Psych and Dietitians Unplugged. Untrapped a podcast from Australia is great(and very funny) too....lot's of UK based resources out there also.
Much love,
Bog Willow
That is a great attitude, a lot of people say you should have a goal, a plan etc but I did last time and because I kept missing the milestones or not reaching an X amount of weight by a specified time I was constantly feeling deflated, a failure and metaphorically beating myself up. I am not, NOT doing that this time. I, like you am never going to reach my salad days of being a size 8/10 I had so many other insecurities when I was that size and didn't appreciate that I was fine, ok, acceptable, etc. I am going to enjoy the journey this time and think less about the destination. It is too much pressure otherwise, well for me it is.Thank you,'s nice to hear from you. I'm sorry you've had such a rough 10 months. I hope SW works out for you, it sounds like you're off to a good start ((((Misty)))) with a good leader and FB group. I agree, horses for courses.
I'm working on accepting that I'll most likely be fat, or a bit fat for the rest of my life. I'm just focusing on being as healthy as I can be in a fat body. It has freed up a lot of bandwidth in my head, not obsessing about food, and I feel happier not hating on myself for eating when I'm hungry or eating what I want. I turned 50 this year, and it's doubtful I'll be thin ever again, at this age I'm really sick and tired of hating myself. Restricting my food, not matter how modestly, just caused anxiety and depression and sleeplessness and lead to binge eating for me.