BordersGirl's Final Phase to Goal - I lost 6 stone!!

Good point , Im the same weight I was 2 weeks ago but Ive lost 2 inches off my waist , get the tape measure out or go shopping in your wardrobe
Yeah, you got all the acronyms right. You must be used to acronyms working amongst a load of IT geeks :).

Exercise? What's that? ;)
Well not that much actually. The OH walks the dogs during the week as I leave for work early and return relatively late. I'm a weekend walking gal :)
Still a bit rubbish. 12st 10.2lbs and still 0.4 higher than where I got to before my weekend break. Have to admit I'm finding it frustrating now!
Im doing 7 days of shakes only ,want to join me ?
I have to say day one went surprisingly well and I actually had to force myself to have my third shake before I went to bed as I really wasnt bothered , whether or not that feeling remains , time will tell
Its a bit of an experiment really and it makes no sense why it should make much difference but if it sees a good loss i may be onto something , ill report back.

Perhaps you are coming up to totm then , do you feel bloated , I felt really porky last week but thankfully thats gone now
Whilst I am the newbie and will always bow to your superior knowledge, Obi-Wan... are you exercising any more than you were previously? Muscle weighs more than fat and this is where measuring the inches might help... you could be toning up but the scales won't reflect that....

I take it TOTM is 'time of the month' and WI is 'weigh in'.. just so I get all my terminology right... :)

PS. Thanks for checking in on me, it really helps!!

I always thought that too.... but muscle weighs the same as fat!!! Its just less dense and therefore smaller... weird eh...

But i agree if your exercising more you may be a bit dehydrated.... Get more water down ya!!!

Have to admit I'm considering the shake only route for a bit but I love my bars :( but as it's the weekend soon I might give shakes only a whirl from Monday if I don't make any progress over the weekend.

In the back of my mind I have this niggle that the start of my really slow losses was when I started using Biggest Loser bars instead of S&S bars. Lots of people on Exante seem to use them with no problems but maybe there is something in them that isn't right for me. Shame I bought so many if that's the case!

Need to cut out the BL bars and get back to S&S I think! Do like the BL bars tho!
Yes I think I would try cutting the bars out completely for a bit anyway and then only buy the s and s bars. Hopefully the weight loss will start going again
or could just be a natural plateu, how long has it been now since you stalled

it just doesnt make sense , you know what calories you are taking in ad how many your body needs so common sense and science for that fact would have you losing still

I think I mentioned an article I read last week that said people on and off vlcds long term can lower their metabolic rate permanently

but surely you are not maintaining on so few calories , Ill see if i can find the article , not trying to scare you btw!!
Thanks Phoenix that's an interesting article. I've always been a bit of a slow loser (more's the pity!) but I noticed things getting really slow about a week before Christmas but it was difficult at that time and I did have a couple of days where I picked at 'bits'. Then after my Xmas break (where I put on loads Lol) I started back and lost it all in 9 days and had what was quite a good January. February has been rubbish but maybe it's just my body doing some sort of 'adjustment' and things will pick up? I suppose I had a reasonable week (I'll take anything over 2lbs as a good week at the mo) followed by a crap week, then a reasonable week and then another crap week. Then a week where I put on 1lb after 2 off plan low calorie days and I haven't yet made it back to where I was when I took those 2 days off. It's hard! Need to keep positive tho and I just took delivery of 84 shakes so I have to keep on track :)
are you measuring yourself ,or do your clothes feel better ?

I have to say , havnt weighed myself for a few days now and it feels really good , it kind of puts pressure on me becasue I just dont want to see an sts on wednesday or a crap loss, so im trying harder somehow

but I know you are 100% and struggling , it must be time to mix things up a bit !!
At last this morning the scales showed a drop! I'm 1.6lbs less than yesterday and down to 12st 8.4lbs. So that's 2.9lbs less than Wednesday's WI although I was a pound and a half up on the previous week after my weekend off so overall it's 1.4lbs less than where I got to before. At least the damn things are moving in the right direction again, although I'm not counting my chickens until the scales start moving down a bit more consistently. 1 day doesn't make a week!

I'm now 2.4lbs away from 5 stone lost and 16.4lbs away from my goal.
Thanks Phoenix - yes it is a bit of a relief, I was beginning to think there was something strange about me (well more than usual that is ;)).

Now what was that challenge we had? :)