BordersGirl's Final Phase to Goal - I lost 6 stone!!

Sat 12st 8.4lbs
Sun 12st 8.4lbs (STS)
Mon 12st 8.4lbs (STS) TOTM!
Tues 12st 8.8lbs
Wed 12st 7.4lbs (WI day)
Thurs ? - forgot to weigh - first time ever I think!
Fri 12st 7.4lbs (STS)

wow, that's not like you BG, forgot to weigh in lol! you're slacking x
Lol, no not drunk, just late, and I didn't weigh in when I got home from work as that doesn't really tell me anything so I had a whole day off the scales and I survived :). Next time I might try for 2 days off. Small steps tho, small steps ;)
be careful though stay off 7 days and you put on a lb he he

happy to report said pound now gone along with another one , which was obviously just a combination of me being a gluttonous pig and totm , which usually come together anyway and about twice a blooming month atm ...ho hum
See, I told you to stay off the scales until you were back in ketosis and TOTM had bu**ered off :)

I've had a really bad day today - 3 bars, 2 coffees and cheese today! No proper packs at all. Felt really hungry at breakfast (had day off) so had a S&S bar with a cup of coffee. Then I had a BL mint bar at lunch, and a bit of cheese (maybe 25g), and now I've just had a BL snack bar and another cup of coffee! Oops! Chicken and veg later and will try to leave it at that and start afresh tomorrow. I'm starting to flag now to be honest. If I could just get down to that last stone to go I'd start stepping up I think. Might end up doing that anyway at weekends the way things are going. I can do this really easily during the week when I'm at work but the minute it's the weekend and I'm home it's difficult.
same same same , i was 100% yesterday but even seeing 2lb go this morning hasnt stopped me having too much already today
im definitely not even in ketosis yet or anywhere near it , im just doing damage limitation at the moment while i figure out my next move

my treadmill came today , so i start couch to 5k tomoro

ive been on my fitness pal and tried to construct a menu i can enjoy ,which is quick easy meals , low carb and healthy but with enough treats in it to ensure i dont feel deprived I cant believe how hard it is to consume 1000 calories when you are actually trying to

Ill up that to 1200 after a few weeks

Ive forgotten how to shop for food for myself !
Add to that total a packet of diabetic mints (another 100 calories!) and 2 scrambled eggs (suppose that's on plan). That's it for tonight (I think!). Suppose it's not too bad but it's about 950 calories all in.

I'll still do the packs at work, and some salad I think when I start to step up, and I like the veggie / protein meals so will probably try to avoid too many carbs during the week (but not cut them out entirely) and then at weekends I get alcohol, pasta, bread, whatever I want within reason :). Tis the plan anyway :).

Getting a bit fed up of this forum now to be honest. The atmosphere seems to have changed as it's become busier, and not for the better I think.
Not deserting, just not trying to keep up as much with the forum. Got too busy and the same questions get asked almost every day. Need to go back to work tho to get back on track, although I never thought the day would come where I thought that under a thousand calories was too many :)
Well, I must admit that really the only diaries that I regularly read/check/comment on is yourself and Tara... I can't imagine how much time it would take to keep up with everyone..

Perhaps that makes me a poor forum contributor... lol oops!!
I here you sister !!

The atmosphere , thought it was me being paranoid , cant log on now without some drama kicking off
Im going to find a new diet and start a new section lol
Phoenix - we can start the slim and cheat section :)
lets do it :D

Its only a matter of time before I get kicked out of this joint anyway , Im already posting in s and s maintenance, s and s off topic and calorie counting , its dead quiet there ;)
Where's quiet? Calorie counting? Maybe that's not all the rage these days. I remember when CC was the only sort of diet in town!
I think early 90s I was calorie counting
but I also used to do the Jane fonda workout every day , i had calves like a rugby player lol
Calorie counting probably works still. After all the guidelines for men and women are still quoted in terms of calories.
No I refuse to let you S&S veterens leave now. I can't believe how much it's taken off though within the last month! I find it hard to keep up with everyones diaries and feel awful if I miss that someones had a good weigh in or something! I know how much I appreciate the positive comments and wouldn't have got this far if it wasn't for this forum.
