Born obese , Tomorrow is my New Dawn

Afternoon Von :p, wow lasagne for tea sounds yum, can I come round ? :D Glad your feeling better hun and eating well. Well done on the housework and body magic :), I've just made myself a cuppa too :coffee: . I didn't end up buying the slimatee in the end, a friend of mine said it contains senna which is a type of laxative, so that put me off. Apparently it should be ok to use once or twice a week though :) . I bought some peppermint tea instead which normally helps settle my stomach. How's your day been so far hun, hope your knee is feeling better ? Kay xx
Hi Kay , yea il be serving in bout 15 mind so il wait for you :)

Slimatea yea does contain senna and yea makes you go loo , but I was feeling sluggish so it did help , but definetly not a permanent thing,

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Hi Kay , yea il be serving in bout 15 mind so il wait for you :)

Slimatea yea does contain senna and yea makes you go loo , but I was feeling sluggish so it did help , but definetly not a permanent thing,

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Yummy will be right over ! :D Oh its good your not taking it daily, but if it helps you from feeling sluggish then its all good :) . I forgot again, sorry I'm a bit dosey sometimes, do you weigh at home on Saturdays hun ?

Kay xx
Hi Kay , hi patsy,
Yea hope wi goes well again Kay fingerscrossed,
Well patsy as for having a good day erm still in bed, hav terrible night sleep couldn't be bothered wiv anything , least I managed a few hours now ,

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Evening Von, hope you have a better nights sleep tonight hun and are feeling better in the morning :) .

Hugs Kay xx
Wi today and I've lost 1lb this week, strange about it coz clothes are feeling significantly looser so must be inch loss that's better this week , but the numbers on the scales affect me more but I've got to think its a loss so it's going the right way ,

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Wi today and I've lost 1lb this week, strange about it coz clothes are feeling significantly looser so must be inch loss that's better this week , but the numbers on the scales affect me more but I've got to think its a loss so it's going the right way ,

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Well done on the loss and the looser fitting clothes. :D:D:D
Thanks patsy , I was expecting more tbh but I've to accept a loss is a loss ,

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Wi today and I've lost 1lb this week, strange about it coz clothes are feeling significantly looser so must be inch loss that's better this week , but the numbers on the scales affect me more but I've got to think its a loss so it's going the right way ,

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Yay !! Well done Von :p really happy for you. You've had such brilliant losses over the past few weeks, try and look at it as a monthly figure overall and you will realise how well you have done. :) I hope you enjoy the rest of your day hun .

Kay xx
Yay !! Well done Von :p really happy for you. You've had such brilliant losses over the past few weeks, try and look at it as a monthly figure overall and you will realise how well you have done. :) I hope you enjoy the rest of your day hun . Kay xx
Thanks Hun xx
Your absolutely right bout looking how I've done do far , I've just gone back to the Easter challenge that I had updated earlier but didn't really take any notice of my stats coz was a bit miffed lol, anyway I just looked and since it started on 6 jan I've lost 22 lb , that's more than I managed all last year with the following plan / bingeing ( more than being on plan may I add ) that I was doing ,
So my next mini target is 6lb to get 2 stone off , then I've approx 1 1/2 stone to get me to what I was when I packed group in ,
Then depending on what I want my eventual goal to be it's 2 1/2 - 3 stone to target ,
I'm determined to get to goal , as you can see I gave up before I got there by packing in group,
I don't feel I want to go bk to group ATM, but who knows in the future I might change my mind,
So all in all it's still quite a daunting challenge and when , not if , I get there my total loss will be 11 1/2 stone ,
It may of taken me years and I mean years to get there but get there I will,
Even writing this down has made me realise how far I've come from the time I very first walked in to a slimming world group, I'm now 6 stone 8 lb lighter ,
Ok counselling session over lol :)

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I'm wrong I've lost 6stone 9 lb,
Didn't add today's loss on lol,
So that's another mini goal I'm going to add 5lb to get to 7 stone loss , or should I say back to a 7 st loss , ( after my regain )
But I'm not going to think about the past anymore what's done is done I can't alter that and get the time back I've wasted, but I can alter the future ,
So from today my next goals are

5lb to get my 7stone loss
6lb to 2 stone lost this year
13 lb to get into next stone bracket

That's my commitment line

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Omg I got my stats wrong , got sawdust for brains, I've just gone back to my first page and my heaviest weight is 2lb more than I've just been waffling about ^^^^^^^^ lol,
So mini goals are wrong here goes again

3 lb to 7 stone loss,
5lb to 2st loss this year
13 lb to get into next stone bracket,

It only affects my total loss I know but only 3lb to my next goal is better than 5lb ,
That's boosted me on already
That calls for a new commitment line


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Well I didn't go out , I didn't really need anything so I thought stay away from the danger zone don't be tempted wiv bad choices ,

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