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Yea still here
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So happy about your op
Yea still here
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So happy about your op. You'll probably have yours before mine. I spent today going over my budget and food shop, don't think I will be able to start the challenge this week, probably the week after, hope that's ok hun xx
Course it's ok, I haven't bought anything either, no shopping till OH gets payed tomorrow night,
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Oh how I wish I had an OH to pay for shopping !How has your day been today ? I spent time planning meals for next week. I won't be able to shop till next Friday but just wrote it all to keep myself busy. I am going to go to Aldi instead of Asda for a change and see how much I save. Tomorrow I am proper gonna sort out my clothes, my cupboards are in a bit of a mess. Von what have you done with your clothes that are too big for you ? xx
I go to aldi , Ido save money when I go , but sometimes it can be swings and roundabouts if morrisons or sainsburys have offers on, like today I got 3 pineapple for £1.50 at morrisons it was in a range at 69p each or any 3 for £1.50, there was other things in the range but I really fancied pineapples lol,
Ooh you sound like your going to get organised tomorrow,
My big clothes some I gave charity some I threw, but I didn't have loads of clothes I hated clothes shopping I found it so depressing,
I still don't really enjoy it , I go straight to the larger sizes ,
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SW are doing a clothes donate I think its this week - all bags of clothes donated make money for Cancer Research so if you have some you could take them along to group![]()
Theres also a thread on here that someone started where people actually swap clothes!! Any unwanted items as your losing people would post pics of what they had and others would say - I will take such and such off your hands and I think all you had to do was parcel up and post them off ( not sure if postage was paid by the reciever to the sender)
Yep my C mentioned that in group, thanks for reminding me Sheila, will keep that in mind for my charity stuffxx
I'm not looking forward to going back to work we got a new blouse it's more fitted wen I tried it before Christmas it was tighter than I would like on the arms and quite fitted on the body, it feels really uncomfortable because I'm not used to fitted clothes,
I hope losing weight while off will make it feel better,
Il try it wen I go home for my op
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I was like that for a while Von, I became so used to wearing lose clothes, I didn't like the feel of anything that gave me shape. I think we don't realise that by doing that we actually make ourselves look bigger than what we are. Sure I understand where you are coming from, first and foremost you have to feel comfortable in what your wearing and at first it does feel like a big difference, but after a while you will get used to it. See how you feel after your op, I'm sure you will look lovely in it hunxx
Yea I know your right, the fleece I wore at work was a size 28, I was still wearing that when I was 18/20, as I thought it covered me up , but in fact it looked stupid but at the time I didn't see it , all through summer I wore it coz I didn't feel comfortable showing my arms, the old blouse was a size 28 also ,
Hopefully this year will be different,
As you say it's getting used to feeling your clothes close to you ,
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Yep I think comfort has to come first, then you will start feeling confident in it and happy, we don't see it but others notice a huge difference and that's very rewarding . I'm sure you'll start loving your new size but don't get too comfortable because I know your gonna keep shrinking in size as you go keep attaining those awards, your work people are gonna be like, hang on Von, didn't we just do your uniform order last month ?
either that or they'll have to pay for an in house tailor for you ! hehe xx
Yea that's what I'm hoping it will be a bit looser that it feels more comfortable, and yea it is going to get looser ,
Lol one of my colleagues used to be a seamstress il be asking her to take it in for me,
Wow that will be a first , never said that to anybody before, don't need to with elasticated waists
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You know one thing I never liked in the clothing industry is we have to pay more for larger sizes so unfair. I know they use more cloth etc but isn't that discrimination ? I know once I went to a salon for leg wax and the lady said she will charge me more because I'm bigger, first time someone said that to me in a salon, so I got up and left ! What did she expect me to do, have 1 leg waxed ?
Maybe its me but I think there's so much discrimination towards big people going around
I'm hoping to go for a walk if it's nice weather , other than that not much ,
Unlike you being super busy
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Well I'm trying to give myself stuff to do otherwise I will end up eating the whole house. I hope the weather is nice and sunny tomorrow so you can enjoy your walk
. Think I'm going to hit the pillow now lovely, loved talking to you tonight, had a good laugh !
Catch up with you tomorrow hun, night night xx