So totm had arrived this morning, feeling a bit yuk , pains not full force at the moment but they will be later on and tomorrow ,
Have weighed this morning and it shows another 2lb,
I'm feeling bloated again and the fact that I had done toast late last night won't of helped,
I'm going to get drinking the water to try flush it through , but tbh I'm kinda thinking just get this week over with stay on plan wi on Saturday and focus on a new week,
The scales are now showing 6lb up so that's 13.11,
I'm hoping the gains won't have a bad effect and throw me off plan for the rest of the week , I'm feeling pretty confident ATM but tonight is the danger zone, but there isn't a lot if bad stuff in the flat,
There's OH biscuits but there always there and there's none opened so that helps, there is his crisps but if I eat then he won't have any as only 1 pack,
I just have to think it's just once a month I can't keep using it as an excuse and self sabotaging ,
I'm sure super Vonic wouldn't let it happen so why does
"No will power weak Von " let it get the better of her ?
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