I think u need more time too hun, if she asks u your opinion, tell her u would prefer to take ityou will go back stronger then hun xx
3lbs is not a lot, you can do it by Sunday hun xx
Yea I will, not only that my colleague said there's no other weeks empty where I can take then so I've been off 6 month another 2 weeks is neither here or there,
Then I've a week in August so it will work well,
As for my knee I'm walking better now,
Up and down stairs is painfull
I can't kneel on it at all tried twice and the pain is too bad,
Before my op it took a bit to get down but I could weight bear on it while kneeling ,
So some things better some things have gone worse
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Will 8.5 stone be the lightest you've been Vonnie ? xx
Have u thought about the other plan we spoke about, have u started that one ? xx
I just checked tv guide for Really TV, its a repeat of series 1 Secret Eaters xx
This time 8.5 will put me at 13.2,
I did see 12.10 for a week back in 2000/2001 but wasn't at group ,
That is my all time low / high weight
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Oh no poor VonnieI really hope u get better hun xx
I did it sun mon tue and lost 3 lb, if chan hadn't cooked I think I could of had a brilliant week ,
It was going well and I felt really good on it
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The surgeon said to my sis he thinks I might need injections into the joint ,
He access it when I have my check up
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Vonnie think I need to stop now, pain is coming backwish I could type longer. I will come on tomorrow, really missed chatting with you. Will u be on tomorrow ? xx
How much do u weigh now, is it 13st 5lbs ? xx
When is your check up ? Mines 14th July xx
if they give u the 2 extra weeks, how many weeks do u have before u go back to work ? xx
Almost 4
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if they give u the 2 extra weeks, how many weeks do u have before u go back to work ? xx