Born obese , Tomorrow is my New Dawn

First day was sick, 2nd day just felt weak like jelly. 3rd day was better.
Oh that's better than you expected, still pretty rotten tho

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No you won't be able to do anything at the moment,
Have you got a large incision , ouch to the pain if redressing it ,

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Not too large, more medium size, but it flipping hurts when I do the salt bath, when the salt hits the wound I want to scream :cry:
I have been eating lots of curries made in oil and rice and naan breads :eek: , I'm trying to eat less portions for damage control :rolleyes:. Also I've got back into coffee and biscuits. I had half a pack of hobnobs today, the plain ones :( not good Vonnie ...........

It soon creeps back doesn't it, all last week I was so bad I ate chans biscuits , as well as intentionally going out and buying crisps snd choc,
Just couldn't get focused,

Smaller portions is going to help, but it's hard to say anything coz your sis is cooking and caring for you ,

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I'm eating crisps as well, couple of packs just out of boredom , I really don't need any of it in my life ! :cry:

That's exactly it , I wasn't hungry just mindless shoving it in , to the point I felt physically sick,

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That's exactly it , I wasn't hungry just mindless shoving it in , to the point I felt physically sick,

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You know looking at my stone losses today really helped, it makes u think doesn't it, we all seem to have some kind of pattern. Mine is so strange, its feb/april/oct those are the months I lose, how strange, that means I have to wait till October, I'm not a happy bunny :rolleyes: xx
Secret esters is on tonight ,
9pm on really,
If your still awake,

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Yay ! Is it repeat or new series ? xx
You know looking at my stone losses today really helped, it makes u think doesn't it, we all seem to have some kind of pattern. Mine is so strange, its feb/april/oct those are the months I lose, how strange, that means I have to wait till October, I'm not a happy bunny :rolleyes: xx

It does make you think , in that case mines
Lose 8 st,
Gain it back
Lose 8 st
Gain it back
Lose 8 st
And this is the gain it back time , **** that ain't happening again , surly this is 3 rd time lucky reach target :)

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It does make you think , in that case mines
Lose 8 st,
Gain it back
Lose 8 st
Gain it back
Lose 8 st
And this is the gain it back time , **** that ain't happening again , surly this is 3 rd time lucky reach target :)

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Nope your gonna break this 8 stone cycle, I know u are ! ;) xx
Hav you caught up with made in Chelsea,
In Marbs
Is on on Sunday :)
Soooo excited

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Hav you caught up with made in Chelsea,
In Marbs
Is on on Sunday :)
Soooo excited

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Yes and Yes :D hehe xx
Nope your gonna break this 8 stone cycle, I know u are ! ;) xx

Oh god I hope so ,
It's like a blooming wall I hit and can't get
Under it
Over it
Round it
No matter what
I seem to get there ppl start commenting how well I'm doing and I start falling off plan , if no one says anything I'd prob do ok and keep plodding on
It's crazy it happened at this point every time , I want that 8.5 so bad , in my heart but my head doesn't want to join the party

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How many lbs do u need for your 8.5 stone award ? xx

How small is that
And I can tell I'm moving away from it,
I'm due on tomorrow I can tell I'm retaining fluid so if it's not thus weekend il try really hard for next week , I want it before I go bk to work,

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I'm hoping wen I ring my area manager , she said to ring a week before my note expires ,
It finishes on 4j July,
I hope she says to take the 2weejs hol I've missed while being off,
She did that with my assistant manager so she thinks she will say the same to me ,

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I'm hoping wen I ring my area manager , she said to ring a week before my note expires ,
It finishes on 4j July,
I hope she says to take the 2weejs hol I've missed while being off,
She did that with my assistant manager so she thinks she will say the same to me ,

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I think u need more time too hun, if she asks u your opinion, tell her u would prefer to take it :) you will go back stronger then hun xx