Born obese , Tomorrow is my New Dawn

I'm so looking forward to the theatre tonight , going straight from work so have to go somewhere for tea ,
My mind is thinking pizza but I hav never been to a Pizza Hut / pizza express type establishment in my life , but pizza express has opened 2 doors down from work and wen walk passed after wk they look gorgeous , but an I better not knowing what I'm missing it could end up another thing I crave lol ,

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Can't believe you've never been to a pizza restaurant. They are good and PH has a salad bar to make you feel less guilty. I'm not going to give you advice though cos I don't want the blame if you get addicted. ;) Enjoy yourself wherever you end up and have a blast at the theatre. :D:D:D
lol ,

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Happy happy birthday my dear! I've been to the Mousetrap, it was fab, I hope you enjoy it!

Enjoy your day and week sweetheart :) xx
Well jen and patsy as you probably guessed the fresh start went t!ts up ,
I'm determined to start it again I feel soooo uncomfortable and bloated , work trousers that ppl were commenting were hanging off me are now snug,
Only myself to blame no one was force feeding me while i was asleep ,
Had so much pain with my knee a week ago I could hardly walk to lift my foot to walk was intense pain in my knee , I know if I don't get this weight shifted this is the future I'm looking at or worse , knee still twinging but tolerable now but still taking painkillers and anti inflametry tabs,

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Well jen and patsy as you probably guessed the fresh start went t!ts up , I'm determined to start it again I feel soooo uncomfortable and bloated , work trousers that ppl were commenting were hanging off me are now snug, Only myself to blame no one was force feeding me while i was asleep , Had so much pain with my knee a week ago I could hardly walk to lift my foot to walk was intense pain in my knee , I know if I don't get this weight shifted this is the future I'm looking at or worse , knee still twinging but tolerable now but still taking painkillers and anti inflametry tabs, Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Oh dear Von
If it's any consolation I know
just how you feel
Aw hun I feel for you, but the fact that you keep trying means you never fail, just keep trying when you can and take it one day at a time and you'll get there some time.

I have not been too good either and this week will not help as I have Christmas meals every other day (literally). I'm not gonna stress about it though, but just try to be good between times, and enjoy all the lovely nosh the rest of the time. :D Trying not to be all or nothing for now cos I know it's a major failing of mine - so not allowing myself to think things like "I've had big Xmas Dinner so I may as well have X Y and Z" Maybe it would help if you could do something similar cos it really is tough to be fully on plan at this time of year.

Hope you have a lovely evening. :D
Aw hun I feel for you, but the fact that you keep trying means you never fail, just keep trying when you can and take it one day at a time and you'll get there some time. I have not been too good either and this week will not help as I have Christmas meals every other day (literally). I'm not gonna stress about it though, but just try to be good between times, and enjoy all the lovely nosh the rest of the time. :D Trying not to be all or nothing for now cos I know it's a major failing of mine - so not allowing myself to think things like "I've had big Xmas Dinner so I may as well have X Y and Z" Maybe it would help if you could do something similar cos it really is tough to be fully on plan at this time of year. Hope you have a lovely evening. :D
your so right , that's my downfall if I mess up I think oh might as well have whatever I fancy for the rest of the week and start Monday , and the circle continues , I am trying to break this but I find it hard , it wouldn't be as bad if I could think I've blown the day start tomorrow rather than taking rest if the week depending on what day it is, I ruined last Monday so hence the start today where I could of had one bad day and six good ,
Anyway it is what it is ,
Enjoy your Christmas meals out ,
I laughed at you not knowing how you found time to work ,

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Sounds just like me, hence my plans for the meals out, gonna try to not even write off full days, never mind full weeks, so being good up to meal out and again immediately after, Wish me luck. :D
good luck , but you sound like you got it sorted in you head so I don't think you will go wrong

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Well I got through the first day . Hurrah ,
I'm off to bed now ,
1 . So I don't eat
2 . Alarm goes off at 4.30, blah

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