Breastfeeding and Slimming World

And a pic of her in her highchair. It's a bit big for her at the mo though!


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Thank you!

Forgot to say we took her for her first swim today too - she loved it! Mind you she is incredibly nosey and I think mainly enjoyed just watching the other people. We had a swim float seat thing for her.

She was 4 months on Friday
She basically stopped sleeping properly, about 5/6 weeks ago. Basically she wakes up every 1-2-3 hours whereas before she'd sleep through for 9/10 hours. At first wrote it off to teething/jabs/cold but
she also started wanting an extra feed in the night and was already finishing off 7oz bottles every feed which is the max recommended (as well as needing an additional feed to the recommended) and chatting to all the other mums I know, this is what their babies did which led them to weaning them, and all around the same age too.

And I tried lots of things before jumping to weaning, increasing numbers of feeds during the day to try and encourage her to sleep more, giving her hungry milk, riding it out (like I said it started 5/6 weeks before!)

Lack of sleep at the mo is killing me lol, it's like when she was a newborn! Hoping it'll improve soon though and loving this step in our journey. Potato for lunch today!
Sarah........well if she's ready shes's ready!!! lol I'm at a weening talk tomorrow, should be interesting!
*****BIG NEWS****

It's taken me 10 wks to loose my pregnancy weight which was 2st 3.5lb which was 2 wk before i gave birth! I'm soooo flaming chuffed .........feel a bit cheated though........i really think i should have been slimmer of the week as lost 4.5lb last wk and 3.5lb this wk, the lady who got the massive bag of goodies lost 1.5lb last wk and 4lb this wk. Confused, i thought it was total over 2 wk? Asked my C who said she just goes off the computer but said she would check it out. Anywoo i did it and thats the main thing!
There was no sling library today so not able to tell you how it went!
whats a sling library?? i understand SOTW to be the person who lost the most that week but had to have lost the week before too! well done on getting back to prepreg, i gained again this week and i'm loosing patience with myself!

Sarah sounds like she gave you lots of signs, cant go wrong following babies lead! hope she snoozes better for you soon, might also be a gs! xxx
Fern....... A sling library is where u can hire different types of slings for a couple of wks to try them out, think you pay a small deposit and you can buy them if you like them. Not sure if its a national thing or just some random sling crazed group? Lol i've also heard of a toy library which is at my local surestart centre. X
Ive heard of toy libraries not sling though - that's a fab idea!

I did think it could have been a growth spurt, that's why I left it so long. But fair enough Bella gave me 7 hours sleep last night yay!! Feel so much better for it.

She's got pear for lunch today - her first fruit... Wonder if she'll enjoy!
Hi ladies sorry not been round much little man has colic n my eldest started acting out!

Love seein how all ur babies are :)
Tj has a feed pattern forming with his feeds

Just bit of a problem with my left boob :( it used to be his fav siide now he latches n unlatches at every feed n it seems softer even if a morning than other boob :(
Hey Bunny
Yep i will be going to clarks though may pay them a visit in a sale lol! If we have to wait until they are walking, what do we put on their feet in the mean time?
Can't wait for weigh in tomorrow........according to my scales another decent loss, hope so cos it also means i've officially lost my my pregnancy weight woopwoop!!
Hoping to go to a sling library tomorrow, will update if its any good!

I only put socks or baby grows on Charles
And a pic of her in her highchair. It's a bit big for her at the mo though!

aw bless she looks so gawjus beng so small ;)

Charles starting swiming last week and he also loves watching everyone. He is so chatty now and yesterday at baby group he gsve the biggest giggle in the world, lol. He also started chatting to another baby girl there and touched her arm and she did the same, didn't realise how emotional it is to watch your little baby turn into a sociable creature. He is so interested in everything now and going through a bad batch of teething again, when will this dame teeth come through it is hell for all of us. Thank God for carpol and teething powders!
Aww not looking forward to teething,.really cant bare to see my baby in any kind of pain/ discomfort, im going to be a wreck!!!
Went to a weaning talk yesterday.....eye opener over the sugar etc thats in the packet baby foods and the lack of lumps in some of the foods that should be semi solid ....makes me more determinded to do my own, shouldnt be tok difficult if im organised and baby has same as me. Was told the low salt stock cubes are fine to use or you can buy baby stock cubes
Watching your baby smile is just the best feeling ever x
Leeanne910 said:
Hi ladies sorry not been round much little man has colic n my eldest started acting out!

Love seein how all ur babies are :)
Tj has a feed pattern forming with his feeds

Just bit of a problem with my left boob :( it used to be his fav siide now he latches n unlatches at every feed n it seems softer even if a morning than other boob :(

Dan did the same and swapped fav boob for a bit.....wonder if its something to do with them growing longer therfore position is a bit different so not latching as easy? If your worried get him weighed to check he's putting on weight. Are you expressing ok on this boob? Breastfeeding is so hard but also so rewarding, i love feeding him in public lol.....feel like im showing off x
Got him weighed! 9oz gain this week n worked out the week before i counted wrong! So was 13oz week before lol he has settled today on both boobs but has increased by 2 feeds in the day for him n has gobe down early x
Hello, this is my first post and I hope I'm doing it right.
I have a nine month old little boy and I'm continuing to bf him.
I re-joined sw 5wks ago as I got into a bit of a slump over christmas and I started to re-gain some of the weight I'd worked hard to loose.
Hopefully I'll be pre-pregnancy weight very soon. Xxx
Aww fern blooming gorgeous she is!!! Love the tent sooo cute. What dark side? Lol

Aww glad ur little man is putting on weight hope its put ur mind at rest!

Anyone any tips how i can get my little man to sleep in the day at home.....he has no problems sleeping whilst out in his pram. He falls asleep on my boob but as soon as i put him down either cot or my bf'ing pillow, wide awake!!! Am knackered today as went to bed late so i could see my husband for an hr .I fed Dan in bed earlirt in the hope he would fall asleep such luck!