Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Aww no way fern, how come ww hun? You did so well on sw.....oh well if it suits u better, good luck! Stay on here though doesnt matter what ur doing. Wow Penny nearly 6mth.....means shes legal to wean pmsl

Bunny well done on ur weight loss

Ive done sw that long i couldnt imagine doing anything else! Lol Ooo tried mint muller lights....nom nom my new fav x
just really needed a change as im just pissing around with sw- ive joined ww for 3 months then im coming home! .. i'll be sticking around here!

amazing news, my baby just crawled!!!! yep, 6 months on sunday and she just pushed up and went two 'steps'.. bursting with pride, and shock! x
Awww yay to crawling!!!.......time to move everything n baby proof ur house! Ww propoints suppose to be similar to sw, id be mixing them up lol. X
Hey all I'm not breast feeding yet (im only 12 weeks pg scan tomorrow yay!) But I've read the first few pages of the thread and everything is really helpful so thought I would post then I'm subscribed and can keep reading all your posts until my time comes! Lol

X x x
Here are some tj pics at 5 weeks x

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!


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MissSlinky2011 said:
Hey all I'm not breast feeding yet (im only 12 weeks pg scan tomorrow yay!) But I've read the first few pages of the thread and everything is really helpful so thought I would post then I'm subscribed and can keep reading all your posts until my time comes! Lol

X x x

Woohoo to being pg hun congrats im not on the pg thread anymore but im sure they' re all a friendly bunch too x
Geobar said:
Hello, this is my first post and I hope I'm doing it right.
I have a nine month old little boy and I'm continuing to bf him.
I re-joined sw 5wks ago as I got into a bit of a slump over christmas and I started to re-gain some of the weight I'd worked hard to loose.
Hopefully I'll be pre-pregnancy weight very soon. Xxx

Hi and welcome, well done on bf'ing ur little un for so long its the best thing ever! Dont let ur xmas gain put u off....thats past now! Just start from scratch and dont forget with bf'ing u can have extra Healthy extras! Good luck x
I love feeding my little one and I'm not looking forward to stopping! Not that I am any time soon.
I'm also in training to become a breastfeeding peer supporter. So when I eventually stop I can still support others, which will be nice.
I don't really use the extra he that often, I think I'm worried about sts or gaining if I do
Aww Leeanne, TJ is gorge!!! - Just a quick question RE the dummy (i see one in the pic!) My penny hates them, and just chews on them now if i try.. when did you introduce one.. i put it off because of the issues we had with her refusing my breast in the beginning and i know it can confuse them and make them 'miss' feeds in the early days? xxx
Hey fern :)
He pretty much had it from week 1 midwife said was ok as he used me to fall sleep n was covered in scratches cuz he tried to get his thumb, when he was born he put his hands in his mouth lok well his fingers! He sometimes still tries suck his thumb!

Tj sometimes pops his dumny out so daddy dips it in gtipe water now n then n he loves it n goes to sleep lol maybe try that? Some babies just have a thing for sucking!

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!
MissSlinky2011 said:
Hey all I'm not breast feeding yet (im only 12 weeks pg scan tomorrow yay!) But I've read the first few pages of the thread and everything is really helpful so thought I would post then I'm subscribed and can keep reading all your posts until my time comes! Lol

X x x

How did your scan go? I couldn't recommend bf'ing enough. It can be hard at times but it's worth every minute of lost sleep lol. It creates the most amazing bond between you and your baby and the health benefits for a baby are unbelievable. It's a lot easier if you have a good support network so try to clue your partner up and when the time comes find a breastfeeding group near to you. It's good to get out and share your stories with like minded mothers. Good luck xxx
Geobar said:
How did your scan go? I couldn't recommend bf'ing enough. It can be hard at times but it's worth every minute of lost sleep lol. It creates the most amazing bond between you and your baby and the health benefits for a baby are unbelievable. It's a lot easier if you have a good support network so try to clue your partner up and when the time comes find a breastfeeding group near to you. It's good to get out and share your stories with like minded mothers. Good luck xxx

My scan was amazing! We've got a real mover and shaker growing in my tum we had waves, kicks, twirls and flips it was unbelievable!


I'm definitely going to breastfeed, my mum did and she will be there to support me and we have lots of great support around here.

I'm just so happy :D

X x x
Hey fern :)
He pretty much had it from week 1 midwife said was ok as he used me to fall sleep n was covered in scratches cuz he tried to get his thumb, when he was born he put his hands in his mouth lok well his fingers! He sometimes still tries suck his thumb!

Tj sometimes pops his dumny out so daddy dips it in gtipe water now n then n he loves it n goes to sleep lol maybe try that? Some babies just have a thing for sucking!

my new weightloss journey!! start:: 13s 12lb current:: 13s 12lb.... 54lbs to go!!

penny's never really got the whole dummy thing, when we went through a difficult crying stage at around a few weeks old i tried, but it would be a case of my holding it in! lol!! .. I wish she'd have taken one simply because i think she'd have been more flexible for bottles now.. but then at the same times at least i don't have to take it away now! Penny sucked her thumb from day one! though she can't work out how to close her fist, so she looks like shes face palming constantly LOL .. though now her toothypegs are moving around there is always something in her mouth!!!

Miss slinky, i think it's great your here early and thinking about breastfeeding, 80% of it is positive thinking.. it will happen! you CAN do it. .. the shock for me is that it isn't a given, breastfeeding can be hard and especially in the early days when they are establishing your supply and having growth spurts it can be exhausting and i remember, at times it felt like an incredible amount of pressure.. i didn't want anyone else to feed my baby, but i'd also have loved to sleep through just one feed lol!!! .. It was also very painful for me in the beginning, some midwives may tell you that aslong as your latch is correct it shouldn't hurt at all, but its very likely it will.... your little nipples aren't used to a constant powerful suck! lol but it does go.. i remember i used to rub my nipple along her top lip to get her to open wide, but i was so sore i would aim to get it in a chicken out, then do it again and have to pop it in so quick and close my eyes! LOL i always felt mean! .... but you can do it, persevere and believe in yourself.. Penny is 6 months tomorrow and i NEVER thought we'd make it this far.. we had alot of trouble in the beginning but now she LOVES the boobies LOL.. and its an incredible thing. x
Thanks everyone, I've found the big pregnancy book my midwife gave me really interesting as it gives a lot of information about breastfeeding, my midwife was so pleased that's what I wanted to do she gave me all the info on the support groups lol.

I think the most important thing I've gained from everyone here is that you shouldn't feel like a failure if it doesn't happen immediately and like you said its not a given!

No we want a nice surprise so were not going to find out if were having a boy or girl hehe, apparently scientific research shows women who don't know push better lol. But I just think as long is my baby is healthy I really don't mind so a surprise will be lovely!

X x x