Breastfeeding and Slimming World

Jojo - everytime Charles had his injections he had a delayed response to them, hours later at night he slept rubbish and cried like something else. I am afraid calpol and cuddles are the only stuff you can do. It will pass and be birght as a button soon :)
if you can express from one boob while feeding from the other, or straight after his feed then you'l find you get a fair bit more out, and drinking lots of fluids too- the one thing is to remember what you express is NO reflection on how much milk you have so even though you may express anything from half an oz ish to 3 or more from one boob it doesn't mean you've only got half an oz. Your doing fab leeanne and there is no need to doubt yourself. Bfing is hard, but if you want to stick it out you just have to wait for this awkward stage to pass, the milk supply stabelising, getting used to have two kids! before you know it TJ will feed with no fussing, you'll be whipping the boob out everywhere and anywhere! Does Jacob understand/take notice? explaining to him in simple terms and encouraging him to be quiet during feeding times will help.... i'd recommend getting the avent bfing freezable cup things, they are about 9.50 for ten cups that can hold up to 6oz each and they are great for storing up batches. Remember to label them. Oh and remember to keep pump on minimum and only express for 10 mins each side at a time.. else you'l get sore. I find now i can turn mine up a notch, but i honestly do not know why they have a 'min/max' option, you wouldnt want it pumping any faster, thats for bloody sure.. oh and lean forward, gravity and all that. it'l take a minute or so for milk to start coming through, as pumps arent as efficient as babies!
Thanks Bunny.....i thought it was too good to be true! He just wants to comfort feed n cuddle a lot though i have managed to get him to have a little kick about on his mat lol


Leeanne......must be hard trying to juggle ur time between Jake ur fella and you!! Pumping alone i didnt get that much unless my boob was really full.....i manage just about to feed on one boob and express on the other and seem to get a lot more and faster too poss due to let down on the other boob! Just won an electric one for £28 EBAY picking it up wed hoping it makes it easier , if not its going straight back on lol! Im still waiting for my ppi payout .....massive joke its been well over a yr now grrr! Keep getting fobbed off with a big backlog.....ha! Happy spending hun x
Fern.....take it thats with electric pump? Will bear that in mind. Lol at whipping them too! I dare anyone to say owt to me lol! X
So tomorrow morning when I am most full, if I feed tj off one booby and express the other at same time. When he is next due a feed which boob do I put him on?

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 13lb To target: 48lbs
i woulld feed off the boob you expressed from, but i'm not sure what the advice from hv would be.. im no expert but i'd say your unlikely to empty a breast via pumping so having tj feed from that boob next would make sure he does, then you may find switching boobs will help him finish feed if he's still hungry. Expressing at the same time/s every day for a week or so will mean your body will begin to create extra in anticipation so you will find you get more as time goes on! and yes jojo electric, i was given one so have no experience with manual! .. i wait for the day someone says anything .. i'll be sure to give them an earful!
Thx for the tips fern :) might ask hv tomorrow when she comes. Tho when I have expressed I do have good let down and flow, I expressed the other day on boob tj didn't feed from but was due a feed from cuz daddy gave expressed milk to him from me bein engorged at day 3 and I pumped off 6oz! So would I just limit to an oz each time? So confoosed :( stupid boobs lol

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 13lb To target: 48lbs
Well last night I was crying cuz tj wouldn't settle. Was worrying about him getting weighed today!!

Then he got weighed! 11oz in a week!!!! :) happy mommy!! Hv thinks he has colic. So off to buy infacol soon!

Asked about expressing... Crap advice. Just said use those breast shells on other boob while feeds and collect oz after oz.... Hmmm

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 13lb To target: 48lbs
breast shells? not heard of these... what do you mean by limit to an oz babe? 6oz in one go is fab!!! well done you!

Well done TJ on weight gain! That fabulous news!

4lbs off for me this week! now 11 st 4.5 - got my 1.5st award, and am now exactly half way through this weight loss journey. .... 18 lbs till prepreg weight,bring it on! Also looking into training as a bfing peer supporter x
They like round things with holes in the top to let air get to ya nips lol they helped when tj wasn't latching right n made my nips sore n purple! But they collect th leaking milk! I leak about an oz just with let down from opposite boob! :) I have the mel.. Somethin or other ones and I sterilise them and pop in my bra if I feel my let down start, have to be fast tho as once I feel it start it flows!

I'm slowly building my bank of boob milk in the fridge ready for getting my hair done and goin to see Jacob work at school Thursday!

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 13lb To target: 48lbs
Fern I would defo be a supporter :) and don't take this wrong way (as i was a young mummy too) but I was 20 when I gave birth to Jacob n I had no support with booby feeding and I stopped at day 4! If someone supported ke I wudda got further like now with tj. And with your experience and also age you could help other young mummys who can relate to you and feel much safer and secure aroud u :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 13lb To target: 48lbs
ooh i see what you mean i believe they used to be called 'mexcian hats' .. i know, i laughed too!

thats exactly why i want to do it, i start on the course tomorrow! will let you know how i get on x
Hi all

Yep fern is right.... Feed TJ on the expressed boob the next time! They say not to over express as you may start making too much milk makes sense i suppose im doing it once a day, not at same time as depends what ive got on in day, if doing it in afternoon i will feed him on one boob only until expressed! Dont stress too much about it some days are better than others and you'll find your own way which suits you. No surprise mw was not much help and they wonder why not many bf?
Fern defo go for being a bf support buddy,got to be very rewarding.....i find giving advice on here the same. I would do it myself but not going to have time once working shifts and my other job!
Had another lovely day at baby group.Theres only 3 of us and they are lovely girls. Had a talk about teeth! Did not know baby teeth can grow already bad and decayed!!! How awful, mainly due to giving juice in a bottle! Water n milk is all they need! Suppose to be loads of sugar in baby food jars n rusks.....lucky my baby will be baby led weaned and on sw foods lol, oh yeah these baby toothpastes aren' t very good, just a tiny bit of normal toothpaste is better! Was an eyeopener glad i went!
Lost 4.5lb this wk, wasnt sure i would eating 6 healthy extras a day!
*** BIG TIP***
If you love bread...... Morrisons super saver 800g brown medium loaf 2 slices is just over the 60g youre allowed as heb, i cut off a sliver of crust to get 60g, means can have a decent size sandwich! Not tried it toasted yet...hope its better than the ww bread! Xx
I am currently sat in salon having my hair highlighted and cut :) and enjoying a cuppa! That isn't cold!! Happy :) tj is home with daddy having mummy milk in a bot bot :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb After pregnancy: 14s 0lb Current weight: 13s 13lb To target: 48lbs
It's amazing the things you learn at baby group isn't it? Last week we had a podiatrist come into our Tuesday group talking about baby's feet. She said that babies shouldn't have any sort of shoe until they're walking outside and then it should be properly fitted at clarks, otherwise could seriously deform their feet.

I know what you mean about the shocking things in ready made baby food, I think we're ready for weaning now as Bella's started having an extra feed in the day and has become very wakeful in the nights. I'm putting her on baby rice for a week or two then following annabel karmel's weaning guide. Can't wait!

Very jealous Leanne - I haven't had my hair cut since I was 37 weeks pregnant!!
Well done leeanne! Its great being free and leaving them with mummy milk!
Sarah wow shocking about shoes Dan has some little slip ons n some of the pop ons with is just a thick sock really....stops his socks from keep falling off! I do love my baby group<3
Currently being stared at whilst bf'ing in rude!! X
Clarks is best, well worth forking out on decent foot wear and they are brillent for measuring feet for children :)
It's amazing the things you learn at baby group isn't it? Last week we had a podiatrist come into our Tuesday group talking about baby's feet. She said that babies shouldn't have any sort of shoe until they're walking outside and then it should be properly fitted at clarks, otherwise could seriously deform their feet.

Charles sleeps 12 hours straight undisturbed (unless the old bad night due to teething) it is bloody brillent
I know what you mean about the shocking things in ready made baby food, I think we're ready for weaning now as Bella's started having an extra feed in the day and has become very wakeful in the nights. I'm putting her on baby rice for a week or two then following annabel karmel's weaning guide. Can't wait!

Very jealous Leanne - I haven't had my hair cut since I was 37 weeks pregnant!!
Hey Bunny
Yep i will be going to clarks though may pay them a visit in a sale lol! If we have to wait until they are walking, what do we put on their feet in the mean time?
Can't wait for weigh in tomorrow........according to my scales another decent loss, hope so cos it also means i've officially lost my my pregnancy weight woopwoop!!
Hoping to go to a sling library tomorrow, will update if its any good!
The podiatrist said It's best to put nothing at all on their feet where possible or socks if it's cold. I always put socks on Bella though... Her feet are always so cold! Plus I can't imagine there's any harm in using those cotton type sock shoe things.

Bella's first dinner - sweet potato. And today she had carrot. I think she enjoyed although I didn't give her much as I want it to be more about flavour and texture rather than substance at the mo.


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