Bren, I hope you don't mind my asking... but are you planning on doing a Consolidation period afterwards? I know this diet is difficult for a vegetarian, as you're even more restricted than we are, but the regular "extras" have meant many restarts for you, so I wondered how you planned to proceed when you get back down again.
Like us all, after some carbs, you take on water, so of course the weight loss will be good this week... but how to stick on the diet, without extras, to get this malarky finished once and for all, move onto consolidation, be able to have your gala meal out with your husband to get back to normality soonest?
With your recent health issues, I'd love to see you off this diet, eating the Conso way, and no more yoyoing...
(I'd like it for me too, but I'm a Witch so I'm allowed to be different

So... what's the plan Bren?