brit's 2013 slimming world + fitbit diary :D - time to get skinny!!!!!

aww thanks :D well to be honest i cant go to weigh in because im working so it will be unofficial (me proper full on naked on the scales haha).. i reckon i will have gained because i went wild on mon... but hey ho we will see... good luck to you too!!! x

Lol! Naked weigh in sounds loads better to me haha! xxx
Got my club 10 :D

I was off Sat/Sun but was back in work on Monday as too many had it booked off before I had the chance. Had a nice weekend off though cos I usually work every Saturday.
Good luck for tomorrow! And hope you get lovely weather for your walk :) It was gorgeous here today for the first time in ages!!
just about to dose off and someone in the flat next door starts playing a trumpet! !!!!!! for gods sake!!!!!

What the!?

How did naked weigh in go?

Good luck today, let us know how you get on at subway :) xx
Got my club 10 :D

I was off Sat/Sun but was back in work on Monday as too many had it booked off before I had the chance. Had a nice weekend off though cos I usually work every Saturday.
Good luck for tomorrow! And hope you get lovely weather for your walk :) It was gorgeous here today for the first time in ages!!

yeah the walk was nice :D WELL DONE ON CLUB 10 thats fab!!!!!! whats your job?? xx
hey girls, well i sts which im happy with as ive had a lot of alcohol and my fair share of bad food :D

Started subway today and boy was it hard, i had to clean literally everything from the walls to sauce tops to everything... my back is killing now.. not in till 3 tomorrow as I am being trained to close the shop so quite lucky this week :D ate lunch at one then didnt finish until 8.30 so when i got home i was starving.... decided to have a green day so i went wild!!!! i had a bowl of dried allbran golden crunch, followed by a bowl of cheese and beans followed by sw chips eggs mushrooms and onions oof!!!!!
its great to have the feeling of being bad when actually im not :D

Found out that we get a free subway every shift so i need to work out the syns, im going to try most days to have a salad box but i know if ive had a long shift im going for the bread hehe.... most shifts i will at least walk 45 mins there... and if not too late 45 mins back... but we will see...

determined to lose 3lb this week!!!! therefore ill get my stone and my club ten!!! it will happen :D

Also because im working 12-7.30 on sun i wont be able to attend the slimming world opportunity event :( ah well maybe next time :D

Hope youve all had a great day

Green day:
35g bran flakes (heb1)
Cherry shape 0% yogurt

40g rf cheese (hea1)
Lighter than Light Mayo (1)

Sw Chips
2 eggs
40g rf cheese (hea2)
Tom sauce (2)
brown sauce (0.5)

2x tangerine
all bran golden crunch (heb2)

Syns: 3.5/15
Weekly syns: 3.5/105

Fitbit: Steps: 10784 Floors: 10
Miles: 4.89 Calories: 2426
Yay! Congrats on first day done. :) and great on STS too.
I'm sure with all that walking to work you will have a good loss next week. Xx
hopefully :D

Well got up this morning all nervous as the store opens today therefore it will be really busy and i haven't got a clue to be honest lol
Not in till 3 so going to have a large lunch then have a subway salad for tea.

Decided to use the cheese as an healthy a and then have honey and mustard dressing which is about 1-2 syns. I may get a packet of quavers as Ill have enough syns but we will see hehe

From now on my food is going to be boring as most days ill be eating subway, may bring my own stuff in from time to time but i doubt it :)

happy friday :D xx
hopefully :D

Well got up this morning all nervous as the store opens today therefore it will be really busy and i haven't got a clue to be honest lol
Not in till 3 so going to have a large lunch then have a subway salad for tea.

Decided to use the cheese as an healthy a and then have honey and mustard dressing which is about 1-2 syns. I may get a packet of quavers as Ill have enough syns but we will see hehe

From now on my food is going to be boring as most days ill be eating subway, may bring my own stuff in from time to time but i doubt it :)

happy friday :D xx

Good luck for today and well done on the STS, that's what I'm aiming for this week but will most likely be a gain!!
Sure why would you bring your own when you get it for free :) I'd be too tempted by the bread... and the white chocolate cookies, they're my fav!!

I'm assistant manager in a shop, sometimes I like it, other times I hate it but it's full time hours every week so could be worse.
Good luck for today and well done on the STS, that's what I'm aiming for this week but will most likely be a gain!!
Sure why would you bring your own when you get it for free :) I'd be too tempted by the bread... and the white chocolate cookies, they're my fav!!

I'm assistant manager in a shop, sometimes I like it, other times I hate it but it's full time hours every week so could be worse.

yup you cant beat guaranteed hours, thats y ive moved jobs
you never know you could get a loss or a maintain :D when is your weigh in?
well ive decided if i go the gym or know im going to walk there and back ill let myself have a subway sandwich, ive worked out the syns and it will be about 9 for the bread and hea for the cheese and about 3 for the dressing, then maybe have quavers or some days a cookie. Im going to focus on looking at my syns weekly rather than daily which will let me have these little pleasures in life hehe xx
Wednesday which is plenty of time but I had 2 big bits of cake yesterday (one with icecream!) and half an easter egg.
Tomorrow night is dinner and drinks out with my family and Sunday is dinner at mums and I'm making dessert again (which lead to 78 syns last sunday haha) so my aim is maintain!! So I'm being an angel today and will on Mon/Tues/Weds, well that's the plan anyway :)
I was thinking of maybe trying the 30 day shred again... I haven't exercised in ages which is really bad!! If it's still dry at break time maybe I'l do a loop of the street :) I don't go to a gym anymore since it was a waste of money for the amount of times I went! Need to get my puppies trained on leads so I can take them on walks!
aww what puppies you got?? yeah ive hardly been the gym recently and its costing me a lot, just need to settle into job first may go tomorrow,

yeah i think 30 day shred is really good but i live in a flat so its not happening,
how far did u get on it??
Have you heard of the 30 day squat challenge? im about to do 100 squats ... dreading it lol xx
todays food: will update goings on tomo as im knackardo hehe :)

All bran golden crunch (heb)
shape cherry yogurt

SW Chips
2 eggs
tomato sauce (2)
brown sauce (0.5)

Cheese (hea)
honey and mustard dressing (1)

Quavers (5)
2 roses chocolates (5)
vegetable soup

Syns: 13.5/15
Weekly Syns: 17/105

not too bad will try not to eat the quavers next time but its going to be hard hehe xx
heyy yesterday was manic, so much information was threw at me at once i thought my head was going to explode, in the end i asked if i could take a break and have some food but sit in the back and still listen to what they were telling me. The owner was really pleased with me asking that but it was the only way i could eat :)

Was meant to go to the gym this morning but yet again i didnt get up, and decided instead to do my washing and go and buy some food. I really need to get back into the gym but just want to settle in the job... hmmm hehe

I PROMISE I WILL GO ON MONDAY!!!!! there ive wrote it in capitals so i have to now :D me and my housemate are going househunting monday morning so i will suggest we go to the gym first then look around... no excuses then :D

hope everyone is having a nice weekend :D xx
aww what puppies you got?? yeah ive hardly been the gym recently and its costing me a lot, just need to settle into job first may go tomorrow,

yeah i think 30 day shred is really good but i live in a flat so its not happening,
how far did u get on it??
Have you heard of the 30 day squat challenge? im about to do 100 squats ... dreading it lol xx

What's the 30 day squat challenge?? I'm intrigued!
aww what puppies you got?? yeah ive hardly been the gym recently and its costing me a lot, just need to settle into job first may go tomorrow,

yeah i think 30 day shred is really good but i live in a flat so its not happening,
how far did u get on it??
Have you heard of the 30 day squat challenge? im about to do 100 squats ... dreading it lol xx

2 jack russells. there about 6 months now and little devils!! One keeps escaping into the neighbours garden bacause she's smaller and squeeze under the fence.

I'd done 2 weeks of level one (not every day) and put on level 2 once but didn't finish!! Didn't go for a walk on my break yesterday. My toes got really sore and was painful to walk! Manager said it could be circulation and told me to take aspirin and it worked! It was weird cos its never happened before.

Il take a look at that squat thread but don't known if I could do that many!