Wow busy I have missed so much, just caught up with the last few days of your diary and the time has flown

I've got to rush this response out to you.
you look amazing! And I'm sorry to hear you went off plan a little but you've got back on it and that's the most important.
My oh has always measured at my navel. So has been doing it wrong clearly. Hmmm.
your tummy looks amazing hang on I already said that

but it does!
as for the oh half problem, I read that with gritted teeth.....I. Did a campaign advert for women's refuge a while ago now and although he isn't beating you, it is another form of abuse...emotional, financial and controlling. It's the same thing.
i agree with all the girls, get all the advice you can get, play dumb with him whilst getting out there and finding out as much as you can, he won't expect it because like Lynne said, he's probably cock sure of himself.
You have kids, there are things in place to help, I know it.
Il say one more thing on this awful subject take it as you wish,
I don't believe in god (sorry if this offends anyone) I also believe that we only live once, life is not a rehearsal so make it the best you can because life is too short and wasting time on something that is making you unhappy is just insane.
like Albert instein said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
take care x