Witchy, glad things are better with you. Great that you are dropping in sizes!
And for you too Claira! You are so positive and it is showing well in your weight loss. Your post yesterday hit home, and right into my heart. It is as you had written it for me. You say we should talk about our weaknesses and get them out in the open. I have avoided this because I don't want to put my burden on you guys. But it is great knowing that I can! I ultimately think it is entirely up to me. Right now I can't/won't start back on CD. The other day I did the math and if I loose about 3 lbs per week from now, I will be at my goal by the end of the year. What a wonderful thing to start the next year slim and maintain and tone up my body for the next summer. And buy that new wardrobe I am thinking about all the time

. At the same time it feels like such a long way to go! Until the end of the year!?!?
But, as Dr Phil says, the time will pass weather you do something about your weight or not. Another thing on my mind is that we are trying to get pregnant, have been trying for two years now. I know it will increase my chances if I loose weight, but at the same time I don't believe I will reach my goal weight, I must be pregnant before the end of the year. And that thought also is wrong for me.
Broxi, I understand what you are saying, and am feeling the same. It is hard going back. I was thinking about the girl you meet. Sounds strange to maintain weight by doing ss in the weeks and eating and drinking during weekends. Is she planning on doing that for long? It doesn't seem like the "right" solution for maintaining longterm.
Contrary, I totally agree with your post, and I think you also found the key to long term success, to re-educate the taste buds! I have been thinking about this now when I have been eating (mostly bad stuff) over the last couple of weeks. I don't dream about a nice healthy meal, but the bad fast foods and such. It will have to change for sure. Or I will be right back to my old weight. That might be one of the reasons why I am struggling too. The guessing that I will put the weight back on as I have done a few times before. I keep telling myself that I did it for the absolutely last time, and that slimness is something worth fighting for. But, at the back of my head I am still hesitating that I will really do it long term. And that makes me scared as hell. This can't be another failure!!!!
Contrary, I have the same thought on not being ably to comfort eat/drink after stressful day with self doubt. It is scary! I have also noticed that when not doing this, I have a lot closer to my feelings and can't really stop them from coming out (anger, crying, and so on). I guess it is good! And it gives a clearer image of what is going on in and around my life when I am not "using drugs" to silence my emotions.
THANK YOU ALL for the post from this morning and yesterday, they really made me think and reflect. Now I probably put together the longest post ever
