Hi everyone! I am back from my holiday in Croatia, and it was GREAT!!! Not weight wise, but holiday wise

. We just had the most lazy holiday ever, just what I wanted, and needed. Sleeping, reading, listening to audio books, swimming, sunning (what's the word for laying in the sun getting a tan?), taking siestas, eating, drinking and just being very relaxed.
I am so happy to read about all of your weight losses, and that everyone has been doing so well on their holidays. 3 pounds in 3 weeks is amazing Broxi! I think I have around 8 pounds

Yesterday I hosted a party for my close girl friends, and we went out. So today I am a bit tired
How are things with your husband Victoria?
I honestly don't know what to do about my weight loss right now. I have been struggling for weeks now, just making bad choices and gaining weight. I still have one more week off work, and we have a few dinners planned with friends. I think I have gotten back to my unfortunate mind of "All or nothing" thinking. Why start now when I know I will have to eat in a day, and that sort of things. I am also hung up on what my CDC said about I either do ss or I have to do the equivalent to your 810 plan (or something around there). I would just want to do ss most of the days, and then eat when I "have to".
I will start by editing my signature I think, so that I can get a new start. Or at least it feels like it