That Jesse in "Fat - the Fight of my Life" or whatever it's called - he's a sadistic fella, ain't he? I'd want to punch his lights out if he jogged alongside me while I was panting my lungs out keeping up a constant stream of motivational batcrap... I wonder if anyone has??
I've had a slightly indulgent evening nicking pepperoni slices from a pizza. In my defence I didn't have my third shake by way of compensation, because, as we all know, pepperoni contains at least a third of my daily nutritional requirements.

I'm not recommending my actions, naturally. Back to the 100% thing tomorrow.
By the way, I can highly recommend the Exante Vanilla Cereal. It tastes very vanilla-y (like ice cream in a cone) - the flake bits could almost be cornflakes if you employ large amounts of imagination. I shall be ordering more of those. I will not be ordering more curry. :jelous:
It's the weekend, lovelies! :clap:
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