Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Think I'm packed washing done and drying for when we're back, working 6:30-3:30 then we'll see! Will need to do a couple of things when I get home for the cat but getting there just need to paint my nails. Am exhausted been a stressful day.

Had to tell my new manager I want to move section, had a cry when I spoke to another manager about it, had the whole Ben's dad thing and had to sort my no claims discount. Plus packing! Am not currently excited as too drained
Had the worst night sleep felt like I was coming down with something and woke up with a killer headache. Shower olbas and painkillers have helped and really looking forward to breakfast sooooo tired hopefully it help
Dose yourself up and hopefully by the time u finish work u will be excited x
Do u fly tommorow?
Try not to work about stuff that's out if ur control at the moment. Xx
Just enjoy your holiday u have been looking forward to it for so long xx
I have been looking forward to it for ages :D feel much better now spent 2 hours doing heavy work which wasn't fun. One driver said it's a good job I can drive better than you! I am rubbish at doing deliveries!

3 hours in less than 5 working hours to go!!

I will be excited later when I am with Ben
About to board! Been reasonably stress free which has been great staying overnight was so good much better than driving the day like we did last time it's only 2hours but still made a huge difference. We paid £40 each for better seats hope it was worth it!

Next stop Dallas :D
Safely here tho got killer jet lag and felt dreadful from the awful plane food so had weetabix and fruit for breakfast to get some goodness in me!

View from hotel room and our room. Off to get hire car soon then shopping and pool I think!


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Ben is in the shower singing about San Francisco so going to up load a few pics

They are view from our room, my birthday present purse :D, valley of fire, me in sls (newest casino) with my drink that was $27 for that and a bottle of Stella and and came in plastic glasses! Circus circus which we are close to and then inside the Wynn

Having a lovely time tho did bicker yesterday I always want to get up and go straight out Ben likes to take things slowly until lunchtime and we always struggle as I always have to adjust! At home it's easier but we're getting in to a pattern now!

Is so hot but is dry heat so isn't too bad. Not sure what we're doing today hoping it'll be go down the strip and out for dinner


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Looks fantastic. So glad your having a wonderful time you look so happy xx

Can't believe it's been 17 years since I've been everything would of changed so much.

Enjoy your time darling xx
Thank you :) in San Francisco now Ben is just getting a shower then we'll be off out. Saw quite a bit last night is very cool! Had dinner overlooking the bay which was lovely. Is pretty chilly tho and I haven't got many warm clothes!
I loved San Francisco. I could live there and blend in and enjoy it. Loved the bars and the people and the atmosphere
Hope you had a lovely time xx