Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Oh my goodness home!! Having my first cup of tea in 2 weeks in my Vegas princess mug catching up on bake off. Had the most amazing time ate what I wanted and scales say 10st 12lb this morning which is 4.5lb more than my lightest was but actually 0.5lb less than the day we went as I think I was off plan from the Tuesday so back on it now need to focus for target ASAP! Selection of pics none of my as they are from my phone

They are the Golden Gate Bridge driving across at sunset, beach on route 1, diner in a railway carriage, Venice beach sign, end of Route 66 sign from Santa Monica pier, the sunset bar on sunset boulevard, sunset on Venice beach/Santa Monica, owl in muir woods San Fran, Alcatraz and finally the place of fine arts in San Fran


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First load of washing is on and been to Aldi for basics and had a brunch of Linda mcartney sausages and onion and mushroom got a peppermint tea too as feeling a bit dehydrated.

Am starving still tho so may need some more nibbles! Got crab sticks and strawberries and raspberries for snacks and salmon and chicken for lunch/dinner

Living room is like a bomb site but chilling for now am off today and doing 2-10 tomoro and weds so am feeling like I have plenty of time to do stuff and get over the jet lag!
Welcome home lovely! Sounds like you had an amazing adventure - Dave and I really want to do a similar trip sometime, but a lazy sunshine holiday won this year!

What a great result on the scales! Great news. And fab you have today to catch up on washing (and GBBO!) and get over the jet lag. xx
It wasn't a relaxing holiday we walked miles literally everyday 4 or 5 some days but was amazing! Did chill more on last 2 days in LA and just spent time on beach which was needed. Do feel relaxed and refreshed which I hadn't expected to really as we had always intended to do a lot!

Totally recommend a road trip but if you can go for more than 14 nights it would be even better we could have done with another day everywhere and another day to drive route 1 would have been amazing as could have taken it a bit slower
Think I have done ok for first day back.

B lm re sausages onion and mushroom
S crab sticks and strawberries raspberries and muller light
L brown toast cheese and mustard cheese and onion crisps
D chicken salad

Syns probably around 10 tho I haven't counted strictly just to break myself in gently

I will need something else tho am a bit hungry

Got scandal on now :D catching up!
Think I am going to fast today, had a huge sleep but still feel dehydrated so drinking plenty. Not particularly looking forward to work think we are chronically short of staff as usual! Going to make a fish stew for later. Final load of washing is done got bits left to put away but probably will leave that! Feeling lazy! But will put stew on now prepped veg and froze it before we went away so is really easy to do!
Had a chilled morning not looking forward to work although needs to be done to pay my credit card bill! I asked to change jobs before I went away and will probably hear this week if I can, am not that hopeful as no one will want my job I know that! But at least I asked.

Fasting gone fine, I have had loads of herb tea I am really dehydrated and I won't drink much at work I know so trying to get plenty in me before I go. Undoubtably a rubbish day ahead of me too, need to decide what to look forward to next, holiday has got me through a really crap 3 months so need something else now!
So pleased you had a lovely time. It's a wonderful place to visit and something you will remember for always.

How did the benefit eye eraser work?
Can't believe your back at work already.! Have you heard about your job yet? X
Love the benefit stuff, go to a counter and try it.

Job up in the air, I might move but is tricky will see I how it pans out.

Fast day was ok but feel very I'll now killer head hoping it isn't a migraine
Did indeed turn to a migraine so been off plan.

And today is my birthday and I'm working 2-10 which I had a mega strop about last night, Ben took me literally when I said that birthdays were cancelled, even tho i got him presents and he had cake and a meal. All I wanted was cake and bubbles! So think we will do a little something on weds otherwise am pretending it's not my birthday!

My new binge tv is the blacklist so getting a few of those in this morning I should tidy up some too as having been ill haven't done enough but lacking inclination.

Been doing some thinking about work, I need to remortgage so I have to sort that out, but ideally I'd like to work less hours but I need to be full time to remortgage. I have also decided that I don't want promotion so I need to figure put what I do want.
Happy birthday gorgeous lady! Sorry to hear you're working - that sucks! And that Ben took you literally. I'm sure he'll make it up to you.

Knowing you don't want the promotion definitely has a plus side, because hopfefully it'll help you focus on what you really do want.

Sending you lots of love hun and glad you're feeling better xx
I should have said before I went away and it would have been ok I just didn't think. I think he has realised now I did mean small acknowledgement not ignore it! Even his mum forgot she dashed out yesterday and grabbed me flowers and a home sense gift card!

Am about to text my bestie as going to see her in a couple of weeks to plan what we are going to do feel in need of something to look forward to!!
Ben took me to work and pocked me up bought me a badge and some peanut butter cups and was generally lovely. Not really feeling sw at mo which is bad as I need to jump back on!

Watched all the blacklist now so want new series to start now :)

Not had breakfast and undecided on lunch too :eek: I'm doing 2-10 today and off tomoro

Think I might make tacos for lunch as bought them in morrisons and Ben isn't keen

Had a long chat with senior manager yesterday about my job, I think I will get moved but realistically not for a month. Have calmed down now so just need to focus on getting to end of next 4 weeks
Glad you ended up having a nice birthday.
Have you made the curry loaf? It's so nice taste like onion bargies.
Will you be moved within your building or to another location?
Hope today goes quick for you. It's been manic for us at work today. Hope your tuesday wasn't like mine lol
Having a tough week had a mini break down at work so been plonked on a till so I can calm down a croissant and a small dairy milk have helped. Going to be a long day but at least I can chill basically
I am ok now, have been lots of tears but a lovely new senior manager has been amazing. Was a tough week, had my back to with her, Sarah on Monday and she basically said if you get a written warning for your sickness (which is a possibility) I can't move you, but if you are ill because of your current role I can. I said I felt I was more ill since I have changed jobs and that I felt really had to move.

My current manager who caused so many problems earlier has finally pushed me to the edge I have had no positive comments in 4 months. I stayed on Monday when I felt awful, and then got criticised to hell over what I'd not done. I feel so petty saying it but that is not how things should be I had a really good appraisal I am a very good team leader but I feel poor at my job everyday thanks to her. She has knocked my confidence really badly.

I have been very anxious all day very wound up and highly agitated and Sarah was great she said she had researched my type of migraine and that I needed some time and stability and then we can review it and decide what I can do and where that will be but it won't be on ambient. I think I probably could do the job if I had had more support. I went to a meeting yesterday morning loads had changed I had no idea and I looked an idiot. Typifies last 4 months
I am ok now, have been lots of tears but a lovely new senior manager has been amazing. Was a tough week, had my back to with her, Sarah on Monday and she basically said if you get a written warning for your sickness (which is a possibility) I can't move you, but if you are ill because of your current role I can. I said I felt I was more ill since I have changed jobs and that I felt really had to move. My current manager who caused so many problems earlier has finally pushed me to the edge I have had no positive comments in 4 months. I stayed on Monday when I felt awful, and then got criticised to hell over what I'd not done. I feel so petty saying it but that is not how things should be I had a really good appraisal I am a very good team leader but I feel poor at my job everyday thanks to her. She has knocked my confidence really badly. I have been very anxious all day very wound up and highly agitated and Sarah was great she said she had researched my type of migraine and that I needed some time and stability and then we can review it and decide what I can do and where that will be but it won't be on ambient. I think I probably could do the job if I had had more support. I went to a meeting yesterday morning loads had changed I had no idea and I looked an idiot. Typifies last 4 months

I am so sorry to hear you are having such difficulties with people being so unkind at work, I also suffer anxiety and in the past have found people to be unsupportive, well done for continuing to go to work, I think you are being very strong and am pleased someone is supporting you now, I really hope you get a role that you can feel confident in and with a leader that will give positive comments x x