Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

I have only had 2 periods like this both caused by 2 people, my current manager and a "friend" of hers. I've been much more stressed than this but have only had this anxiety in the last year. I feel irrational and have told another friend at work to make me go to the dr if I am still like it next week. Her daughter has had a lot of anxiety over the last couple of years and she knows me well enough to know I'm not normally like this.
Doing 8-5 today so just having a cup of tea, some weetabix and covert affairs to get me ready for the day. Scales have gone up to 11st. Need to get my head back in the game but am struggling.
Food wise day not good but sitting on a till is fine get slightly anxious if managers speak to me but luckily senior manager who is in is ignoring me which is handy as he is a tw*t
I had a busy tyering week to. I succumb to wine last night and another bottle needs sharing tonight. ! Hope work gets better for you I know you have suffered in the past. Maybe it would be good to move xx
Wow, what hellhole do you work in?? Sounds awful. Hope you get moved soon :)
I work for a well known supermarket chain. Like everywhere I guess it depends on the people you work with 98% are lovely but some of them have no people management skills or empathy. I'm not particularly confident in situations where I get confronted, I tend to freeze and can't think want to say, and then I look like a pushover which I think has kinda happened here. I think I'll end up where I want in the long term and short term they are using my migraine triggered vertigo as an excuse to move me to a till for a couple of weeks which is good as I am comfortable down there. At the moment work is creating the anxious feelings and I need that to stop I am fine not at work but thinking about it starts me feeling anxious again.
I was in the same position earlier this year, most of the people I work with are lovely but a few just make my job really, really difficult to do. I've had to stop feeling that way as I really need to keep my job until I find another one, its horrible but you can get through it :)
Am going back to class today haven't been for ages possibly first week of August haven't been off plan all that time but I know I'm in for a gain

Have had 2 days on plan and I will fast today I think as doing 12-7 so will be quite easy.

Got a busy morning before work as got sw, having my legs waxed and want to take my bouts to be re soled and kitchen needs a good tidy as lots of dishes
Been an off plan girl ooops

Gained 4lbs this week so I must stop this and get back on track. Is compounded by having a sinus infection and am now sitting down all day not lugging stuff round all day which is not helping.

Making soup and stew at the moment am going ee today simply to try and stay on track!

Had an apple, 6 milkado and a cup of tea and 2 coffees the flavoured ones by douwe eg beets they weren't sweet which I hadn't expected

Got quite a bit of cleaning to do as well which I don't fancy much!!
Have had a busy morning getting ready for next few days as working. Tho hoping to blag Sunday off I should be working but we can opt out of them and think I will, I hate working Sundays.

So my plan today is fast, got fish stew, raspberries cherries and vanilla activia


B R&R sausages hard boiled eggs apple and grapefruit
L BNS & sweet potato soup with ryvita melon, raspberries cherries and vanilla activia
D beef stew with green beans and broccoli syns for flour to thicken gravy

B & L same as above
D not sure something with mince as bought some yesterday, either chilli or burgers

Need to go shopping so will see but at least I have a part plan!
Should be in bed but still up ooops

Really struggling, have batch cooked today but wi this morning was 11st 3.5 again

Definitely need to plan more, drink less and fast better!!
Am still doing really badly!! Work does look like it is resolved until Christmas, I am going back to the coffee shop which is where I was until last summer when everything got thrown up in the air. Fundamentally I am happy with slightly frustrated that I have been messed around so much but I have to be positive and view it as an opportunity. I need to stop messing around and focus properly on getting back to 10st something then think about target. I am struggling with getting to class as well which isn't helping. I need to do some planning next I have plenty of fruit but need to think about actual meals!
Think I have managed a day on plan!

B grape nuts with persimmon fruit apple and fig with vanilla activia
L chilli green beans and broccoli
D salmon and celeriac soup and and apple

So syn free!

Having a glass of wine now

Doing 7-2 tomoro so similar plan I think


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Hey claire thought if pop on and see how things are going. I'm like you to be honest I think I have 6 out of 7 days where I am totally on plan but it's so frustrating when the scales don't move. So I've decided to cut meat out for a week as I noticed how well the scales moved last week with out it for a few days.
Do u like it back in the coffee shop? maybe you need something to focus on to get you back in the tens like you did for Vegas. Mine is our Christmas party at the moment. want to walk in and everyone think wow. But all we can do is our best sweetie xx are you working today? X
Went back to class last night and have gained 5.5lbs. I am annoyed with myself but determined to loose next week.

I enjoy the coffee shop but my hand is really sore am considering the dr am worried as it painful in all my joints and lifting stuff is really uncomfortable.

Am also going to put my scales in the garage they aren't helping me at the moment
Think I have done ok today. Had a hot chocolate which might have been about 8 syns still within syns as had 4 for sauce with dinner was lovely a new sauce we do at work

Tried to make a dr appointment about my hand as is still very painful but no luck first appointment is 25th November so have to sit and wait on Thursday instead gah!

Done a shed load of cleaning as my manage is coming over tomoro straight after work so had loads to do. And back in work at 6:30 tomoro I should have washed my hair but I haven't. Food is prepped for tomoro altho going to see we will rock with manage as her daughter is in it and I won't be on plan in the evening I am sure!