Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Hey lovely, I don't feel much better I still have a headache :( dragged myself to Aldi tho and am stocked up :) found lots of things I didn't realise they sold but think I did buy a hovis that isn't a HEXB which is annoying! But they don't have much choice. I'll feed it to Ben!

Have had baked oats with cherries and some gross plums for breakfast. Lunch will be smoked salmon with eggs and veg then dinner am thinking either KFC chicken or buffalo chicken but not sure what to have it with. Am tucked up with more of the killing but feeling a bit picky and a bit blurgh and think I might need something else soon!
Ended up falling asleep didn't make me feel much better but did make lunch after I woke up, had leek mushroom mange tout smoked salmon and eggs all cooked together. Was easy and quick and filling. Just had two apples and a skinny almond latte. Dinner is buffalo chicken which is marinating happily, tho had to miss out the Worcester sauce but put in oyster sauce instead.

Not sure what I will have with it syns so far

1 syn baked cherries
1 syn tomato ketchup
3 syns bread from my none HEXB loaf

Had HEXB oats and cheese and milk for my HEXA might have beans for my HEXB with the chicken or might tweak and have the bread as a HEXB or maybe a chewy d.

Do feel I have managed to drag myself back on to plan abit this weekend after a really bad week!
Dinner was v good. Slight tweaks to recipe but rich and tangy with lots of cauliflower rice. And my skinny latte from earlier. Do love my nespresso machine!

Halved the marinated chicken and frozen it as Ben having steak at his parents. That cool as got me time with the new episode of suits :D

Trying to decide what to have for lunch tomoro, could have pastrami and cheese sarnie, egg and smoked salmon and horseradish or least exciting cottage cheese, ryvita and tuna will probably have carrot sticks and celery sticks with whatever I choose. Will syn the bread and can have a chewy d as an evening snack as a HEXB and Special K moments with hot choc the same as I am going to do tonight so my syns are around 15 for today as had sweet freedom syrup in the buffalo chicken and a bit of bbq sauce. So a syn for each of those plus the 5 I had on bread earlier, baked cherries and tomato ketchup, 2 for hot choc and 5 for moments 14 which is ok when being on plan is so hard!!


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Alarm set :( have had a really nice lazy weekend tho so shouldn't moan I guess! Did shopping and washing just need to clean the kitchen floor. Got Ben plenty of valentines pressies and ordered myself new boots. So just need to wrap them and write his card and find out what he would like to do on Saturday evening I'm hoping a Chinese takeaway and a film.

Decided on pastrami for lunch tomoro as very quick to do fast on Tuesday this week as think tomoro will be too hard I need another day on plan before I try to fast!

Off to bed now. Might watch a bit of tv on my iPad if I can find anything!
Sounds like a good day, food wise & chilled out wise!

Know that alarm setting feeling, I love Sunday's as its my alarm free day - still woke up at 8am today though!!
I was awake at 7:30 even tho no alarm too many early starts!

Struggling with my will power at the moment as there are biscuits and Nutella and ginger cake just right in front of me! Gah! So got 2 apples and some water to keep me distracted!

Have had salad cream and mozzarella as was hungry despite my lunch but that will all be within syns
Managed to stay away from the biscuits and the cakes :D

Need to add up my syns for today so far and plan my broad church treats!

Come home and made beef kofta for dinner, washed my hair and put washing on. Made 2 portions of kofta to freeze as well and had mega bargains at work had £22 of fish for £4.68! 4 melt in the middle fish cakes, 2 lots of marinated salmon, 2 rainbow trout fillets and 3 lemon sole :) will share with my mum on Thursday.

And need to check the recipe for tomoro evening as I am fasting so want to double check what I need.


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Because I had the wrong bread I am on 10 syns for the day. Tried the food tracker is a bit rubbish the ww one was better when I started that nearly 10 years ago!

So I can have a hot choc and chewy d or a decaf latte and a chewy d and Special K moment thing or I tweak and have biscuits and a hot choc or a decaf mocha hmmm tempted to do that! The fibre content is about 0.6gm less than wholemeal bread. Just annoying Aldi don't sell a HEXB unless you get a big loaf and I like to have 2 slices of bread!

Am quite tired maybe I should watch broad church in bed!
Loving broadchurch :eek: so exciting!!! Can't decide who did it, but I defo reckon the Dad in the other couple did away with his daughter & 'niece' was it??

While I'm typing this I now am totes agreed Joe did it - dodgy fella!

Shane about the bread, can't do that much harm to class as HEXB for this loaf can it??

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I went to sleep! I needed it tho as 7:30 start again so just having coffee!

I syned the bread and had another HEXB there is hardly anything in it so finished on 15 as had Special K moments too

Fast day today :eek: haven't done one since last Monday as been so bad! Am hoping it goes better as I really want a loss this week!
Fast day done and had dinner already :eek: better than me getting hungry and stuffing my face which has happened. Was shanghai prawns from the new mag easy quick and tasty so will do again and have enough cals for chewy d and Special K moments later :)

Waiting for a parcel at the moment, I want to go out but can't until it comes gah! It is close by I do know that.


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Had a nice chilled evening, been researching places for afternoon tea a week on Saturday :) found a lovely looking place will not be on plan!!!

Ben's brother and sister in law and their children are coming this weekend. Not impressed to be honest, I have asked him to investigate details so we can do something for valentines day I didn't have great plans but would like it to be just us! It's that I get no say in it that pees me off! I don't like them either really and last time they came it was awful there was a huge row and I hated it, I ended up threatening to leave as was so unimpressed!
Fast day done and had dinner already :eek: better than me getting hungry and stuffing my face which has happened. Was shanghai prawns from the new mag easy quick and tasty so will do again and have enough cals for chewy d and Special K moments later :) Waiting for a parcel at the moment, I want to go out but can't until it comes gah! It is close by I do know that.

I may have asked this before so sorry, but how do you manage your fast day? Do you fast all day & just have one meal or do you break it up??
I just have one meal, I find it easier that way but it is personal preference I know some people have 3 small meals. I tend to have one meal then a hot choc and a Special K moments for a sweet treat
Come home for lunch as it's weigh day. Had eggs mushroom onion smoked salmon scrambled and topped with cheese and tommy k :) trying to eat before wi now which is working ok! Need to write a shopping list for when I finish as making rocky road to take to work for valentines day on Friday slightly crazy idea but seemed a fun one last week!
Had burger and chips for dinner was lovely sw friendly but syns will be around 25 for today due to extra Hifi and wine and a white roll, worth it tho as needed.

Had a customer tell me I was a vile disgusting woman today. Possibly worst thing a customer has said to me! Quite upset by it but my lovely manager called me on her way home to check I was ok. I don't understand people at all! I asked her to move as she was drinking takeaway coffee in the coffee shop she knew she shouldn't but did it anyway then was rude to he and told the duty manager I was aggressive and in her face shouting at her! They believed I hadn't done anything in appropriate but upsetting
What a t**t of a person, I'm so glad your manager called you to check in as I'm sure it's quite reassuring. The general public are vile and I think there are so many people out there who've never had to suffer working in customer service - otherwise they wouldn't be so blimmin' rude....swine...

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