Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Had a quiet evening, got a film on now and had dominos. Am so tired I feel sick so hoping I sleep better tonight. Am aiming to fast tomoro. My sister texted me earlier to ask me if I was fasting today, seems so odd for her to even ask.
Oh you poor thing, I'm not surprised you're feeling all over the place / not sleeping / emotional it can't be easy. Hope the dominoes & film is letting you escape from reality for a few minutes x
I did sleep better am at work now, feeling a bit upset as seen on Facebook that someone else's sister is having chemo today. Has nearly pushed me to go and tell a manager but there is no one I feel comfortable talking to so trying to calm myself down.
The manager thing kinda sorted itself out, my immediate manager who I am friends with came in today although she is on holiday, I told her on Sunday evening and told her I haven't told anyone so she was going to tell people for me which is a big relief.

Am in bed again, had an ok day food wise intend to carry that on tomoro too, is wi am sure I have gained after the pizza but there we go, I don't intend to make it a common thing again, which is has been at some points, so will try and focus on sticking to my plan for the next week.
Told another person today her sister started chemo yesterday and that has really helped she is going to tell people for me as I just can't I could hardly get the words out I was crying so much but I do think it will be easier if people know I am not myself and that's why :/

Am very tired again but on plan so far dinner is wedges and burger SW style
Thank you :) have told a senior manager who I have had a lot to do with, she was amazing. I managed to call my parents which I have avoided since Sunday. And I have texted my sister to go and see her, she lives down the road, literally, we actually drove past her house last night going to buy a screwdriver. She hasn't replied but I have asked. Have cried lots again today but also arranged to see my best friend and a very old friend next week, was always seeing another friend on Sunday and texted another friend about meeting up. Final friend replied to my text sat she has moved out off her boyfriends and in with a friend of ours so hope to see her soon. Phew so lots of girly catching up to do. And told Ben I want a Saturday of us time :D
Glad you're getting in touch with people & will be talking about with friends and family :) a day of just the two of you sounds perfect, a little r'n'r x

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It's Friday! Was a tough evening on Wednesday, Ben said some quite upsetting things and was utterly distraught. Not impressed he was nice yesterday but suspect that was partly due to his brother and family being there. At least it is Friday and I can lie in tomoro then going shopping with my sister on Sunday and having afternoon tea with a friend. Right work let's get this done!!
Much needed day off, think it managed to fulfil family obligations to Ben's brother by visiting them but not staying for dinner, they were having pizza which I really didn't want as am trying to be as much on plan as possible. Do feel quite skinny today funny how you have days like that!

My parents have been and done a couple of bits we hadn't done due to everything that has gone on this week, will take pics am very pleased with what we have got done. Have also been to Asda, wanted a few branded things especially the bFree wraps to make a pizza on weds evening. Ooops literally just realised I am having dinner with a friend on weds at hers! And out on Monday night for dinner too, sticking to plan is going to be harder than I'd remembered doh! And I suggested takeaway and a film or house of cards recap as well. Might need to aim for sts again this week!!
Lunch is celery and cucumber sticks with tuna mixed with cottage cheese and franks hot sauce. Amazing!! Made it and brought it with me to Ben's parents as family still here. Got raspberries and yoghurt for afters and bread to toast and have with a HEXA as well, then going for prawn chop suey for takeaway later :)

Been with Ben's youngest nephew while he plays Ben's key board was actually adorable and I am not a fan of his nephew he is very naughty most of the time! Took some photos and Ben has recorded it so can send sound file to Ben's brother and sil with the pics mil and sil out so relative peace other than Ben's loud mouthed and opinionated brother. Think I might close door so I don't have to hear him!
Had egg foo yung and fried mixed veg from the Chinese was tasty no idea on syns but was happy with the choice.

Waiting with my free coffee for my sister to go to primark :D it is cold and just started raining too!

Afternoon tea at 1:30 with my friend
Afternoon tea :)


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Just had a super bargain got a pair of dune boots with price match and discount from john Lewis on line for £63 instead of £135 feel very happy! And got a pair of jeans in size 12 from primark earlier felt fab as usually I find their jeans a nightmare! And got a pair of shoes and 2 t shirts enjoyed shopping today as feeling nice and slim first time for a long time I've felt like that and feels do good. Keeps me focused for target :)
Glad it's bedtime. Feeling quite glum, I have my appraisal tomoro at 10 had a very good rating last year. Be lucky to get good tomoro, done no prep and have no idea what I want for the next year. Thinking to get through appraisal without crying will be first aim. Food prepped for tomoro but out for dinner so will be a case of saving my syns for that and fasting on Tuesday and crossing fingers on weds for a sts!
Sorry I've not been about, sounds like you've had a roller coaster of a few days & sorry to hear Ben was being unkind...seems unfair. Hope he's being better behaved :)

I hope they are understanding at your appraisal tomorrow x