Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

What a t**t of a person, I'm so glad your manager called you to check in as I'm sure it's quite reassuring. The general public are vile and I think there are so many people out there who've never had to suffer working in customer service - otherwise they wouldn't be so blimmin' rude....swine... Sent from my iPad using

Worst thing was she worked in a coffee shop she said!!!! I always try to be a lovely customer as I know a mean one ruins your day.

Weigh did make my day day tho, feel so pleased I dragged myself back on plan and managed a fast day yesterday too.

Going to plan the next week as carefully as I can as since I did that on Friday it has made life simple so definitely want to do it again
I doubt she's very good at cs though...

I keep falling down because I don't plan enough, just mess about on minis & candy crush ;)

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Fantastic weight loss sweetie. If i get time later ill text u tinted u what's been going on. OMG can't believe what that woman some people and just nasty. There is no need for it. I believe what goes around cones around so hopefully she will get that back 2 fold. Hope your ok. Just plays on your mind doesn't it.
Keep seeing adverts for 50 Shades so want to see it. But don't want to sit in a room full of strangers watching it lol. Catch up later got to leave for work xxxx
Lunch for me and mum from the latest mag, Mediterranean cod bake v tasty and easy. Mum really enjoyed it too. Cleaned up and properly done the kitchen floor which was needed as had been doing a quick steam mop job!

Living room has been re arranged again still not keen but sick of changing it!

Quite tired as slept badly but did make rocky road to take to work tomoro and done a load of washing. Think we might watch a film Ben has a cold which seems to be turning to man flu :eek:


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Was really tasty :)

Made rocky road earlier and cut it up a few bits may have ended up in my mouth ooops!!

Need to plan meals for Saturday tomoro morning as am working late and back in at 6 on Saturday so must be organised or it will be a disaster like the last Saturday I worked!

Quite tired hope I sleep better tonight tho bedroom is chaos after a some di not y today :/
Did skip second HEXB after rocky road gate! Tucked up now in my new bed socks mum bought them they are gorgeous pink cashmere very lucky girl!

Think lunch at work on Saturday will be pastrami sarnie as got some to finish and I do love it can make quickly too before work at 5:30 on Saturday!
Had a good morning, took my rocky road in to work and went down well, went to matalan only bought a light pull which I thought was very restrained could have bought soooo much lovely stuff!

Wrapped Ben's presents this morning just need to write his card. Also prepped all my food for tomoro for work as I won't want to when I finish I know! Got loads so hope I stay on plan!

Still no real idea what food is likely to be tomoro evening am on a red day so hope I can avoid any carbs... Will be hard I know as full on family is tricky! Not sure Ben really gets it but will try and be really good all weekend. I know my jeans are feeling loose this morning so hopefully that will keep me on track. We will see.
Fast day done altho had rocky road but dinner was chickpea and butternut squash curry for 300 cal. Had an ok day altho tomoro will probably be horrific!

Still no idea about food for tomoro night, have thought we might use my 6:00am start as a reason to not stay late! Won't be drinking much so hoping I can stay on track.
Mega off plan day! Had far too much chocolate, wine then burger and chips! And wine. Ben still has man flu so not done much. Tomoro might be off plan too :eek:
Planned the week out. Shopping done watching a film on Netflix now. Have had a big brunch of Linda mcartney sausages, fried egg mushroom onion and tomato. Got a wholemeal roll for lunch if I want it, tho might have a chewy d instead for a sweet fix. Got a headache and now on earlies all week this week so need to get some early nights in this week after yesterday as well!

Think we are going to have a Chinese later so day is kinda ee tho might be red if I want a chewy d and a pastrami roll! Will hav chop suey I think as is 9.5 syns and fits well with red.

Going to plan the week after now as I think I need a bit of variety and I need a bit of time to plan that a bit more. Although going for afternoon tea next Sunday so that will be synful!!!
Had a horrid evening. Had some very bad news, my sister has breast cancer. Think I am in too much shock to process it. The prognosis seems ok, she needs chemo and a mastectomy but she should be ok. Going to be a hard few months. Am very tired and not managed the takeaway and film we had planned. Have spoken to my best friend and my manager/friend and cried alot. Ben is being a bit of a boy and I needed some girly talk! He is very lovely but I think we both need time to process it all. So not had dinner, I need to go to be earlyish as in at 6:30 but think I will call my oldest friend first :)
Oh my god, I'm so sorry to hear that, you must be beside yourself, thinking of you & sending lots of love.

Sounds like they're on it though & hopefully the mastectomy & chemo will sort it. My friends sister went through the same thing recently & is currently in remission, medicine is advancing every day. I really really feel for you, can't express it enough xxxx

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Thank you, I think the prognosis is good, i think it's that she is my little sister, I feel I need to protect her, like it should be me instead. Am in bed now, had lovely chat with my oldest friend just, am exhausted but suspect I won't sleep.
So sorry to hear your news honey. Glad to hear the prognosis is good - I'm sure she's a tough cookie! She's lucky to have such a lovely sister to support her though it all xxx
Feels quite surreal I'm at work and I haven't told anyone. There wasn't anyone to tell and tho I'm friendly with a few people it seems such an odd thing to say so have got pissed off with customers being stupid and otherwise just plodded on. Am so tired, slept really badly with strange dreams can't wait to go home no.