Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

Gah!!! Wish it was official wi today!! I am 11st 10lbs this morning which is absolutely amazing!! It's 3.75lbs lighter than last wi and would definitely get me my club 10! But I know it won't stick no matter how good I am today! So will have a bit of disappointment tomoro regardless I think!

Am so so tired was awake for ages in the night for no real reason but there we go! Have also realised I am actually really close to 1.5st lost, no actually I have lost that by my wis so am very nearly there at class too!! Obviously class is my actual wi but am still pleased with myself!

Lots to do today better get cracking, boo I hate the constant house work and washing!!
Have done the cooking and cleaning kitchen part of the chores at least. Made a huge pot of soup basically put in all the veg in the house! So got mange tout leeks onions pepper pac choi baby sweet corn asparagus tenderstem broccoli carrots and that might be it! Also made a sw quiche and a scan bran cake, phew need to go and get dressed put on washing change bed and maybe make coffee then I really need to try and plan the rest of the week and write a shopping list. My sister is popping round at lunchtime to get a couple of bits I got her in Asda to try as she is really struggling at the moment. Right part two of morning must start!
Is so easy! I do smoked salmon and asparagus but my c does a breakfast one and ham and mushroom would work too.

I place asparagus smoked salmon (I use the packet of trimmings from Asda as is only £1.50 and it does 2 I use half a bunch of asparagus) and a bit of tender stem broccoli. Then I mix 4 eggs half a tub of cottage cheese and a bit of milk (I find it takes away the cottage cheese taste) and then pour over I bake for 30 mins on 200 and then I have it for dinner with salad at work or I have it for breakfast as I really struggle at breakfast as I don't eat pork (we have bacon every day at work!) and am not keen on cereal but makes a substantial meal. My c also did one with pasta and sauce and smash which my sister loves as she doesn't like egg. If find it great for red days.

Did you make the paprika pork? I posted on my classes social network page I was going to do something new and someone suggested that, thought I had read it was a bit flavourless and I'd have to use something else other pork. Am looking at mag and thinking about trying the tacos and maybe the seabass but with mackerel as is a suggestion although not seen skinless fillets? I know work sells mackerel filleted from the fish counter but if they skinned them too would be hardly anything left! And they are always saying there is no need to skin fish hmmmm
My quiche hopefully! I usually add cheese but ran out so couldn't!


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So think I might try the tacos and seabass/mackerel fillets from the mag also like look of black bean stew. Although black beans are a HEXB I don't think I can have enough of them to make it worth making, maybe on a green day though I am not sure they suit me that well!

Finally found the chilli spiced squid which I really fancy as am a new convert to squid!

Just seen in mag Asda do a reduced fat pesto which is only 1.5syns per table spoon rather than 3, I like that love pesto but do tend to avoid it!

Also going to do the beef kofta curry as got a fair bit of mince beef to use up.

So no idea what to have for dinner, we might go to cinema at 5:30 so maybe tricky.

Tomorrow, no idea what shift I am doing yet, hmmm poss 6-3 poss 7:30-4:30 optimistically 6-2 and is wi day

B quiche and grapefruit
L chilli beef salad and melon
D maybe the squid as is quick after wi poss sw wedges as a post wi in treat

Thursday doing 12-9

B scan bran cake grapefruit
L soup and fruit
D salad and quiche more fruit

Friday probably 6-3
B1 scan bran cake
B2 quiche and grapefruit
L soup and fruit
D squid I think as feels treat like

Saturday day off :)
B scan bran cake and grapefruit
L soup and fruit
D tacos as think OH will eat them!

Sunday day off :)
B scan bran cake and grapefruit
L soup and fruit
D tricky as possibly need to eat with OH parents if not beef kofta curry

Monday 1-9
B scan bran cake and grapefruit
L soup and fruit
D quiche and salad fruit

Tuesday 6:30-3:30
B1 scan bran cake
B2 quiche and salad
L soup and fruit
D salmon curry I think with veg

Weds 6:30-1:30
B quiche and grapefruit
L tuna salad
D maybe cauliflower cheese as my post wi treat

Think that will do for now! Just need to make a shopping list!
Love your planning today !!! Well done
Yes I also thought the paprika pork hadn't got a lot of flavour. Wouldn't make it again with pork.

What as you going to cinema to see??

I'm doing the chicken and mole sauce out the magazine tonight will post photo once its done.

Quiche looks lovely will have to have a go at that. !
I need to plan really well or I eat rubbish!! Possibly rush the film about f1 tho OH was non committal about it last night. Will have to look for that recipe didn't see it earlier when I was looking thru the mag. Had my soup which was nice added scan bran to left over to thicken it and going to eat the rest of my scan bran cake now.
Also have you seen on the slimminp world website.
Caribbean curried lamb??
Looks lush too.
But I can't get the Caribbean curry powder from my Tesco. Will have to wait till I can get to big Tesco see if they have any. But would love to try it
Tucked up in a lovely clean bed :)

Wi at 5:30 tomoro am hopeful I have done well as been mega focused this week have been on scales tonight and they say 11st 12.25lbs tonight which is 2.5lbs down on last week so hoping it will come down a bit more overnight! Just wish I didn't have a day at work to get thru before wi! I usually finish at 2 on a weds but stuck there until 4:30 tomoro not impressed!

Food is all ready tho :)
Good luck tomorrow with weigh in. Sort your problems out and work and you will feel better about going in. X
I love getting into a fresh bed. Gosh its so close tonight I have just come to bed and opened my window. Good job Mr isn't here. Lol
Scales say 11st 10,5lbs which I am pretty pleased with just got the whole day at work to get thru! Should bring me close to my club 10 I think as generally class scales are 1.25lbs heavier than my scales and my club 10 is 11st 12lbs. Think I am on for about 3-3.5lb loss which I am chuffed with! Need to get ready for work!