Bye bye jelly belly and thunder thighs

I don't know what it is but yesterday and today. I could of easily just said sod it and just eat anything. But I didn't. I just pray to get through the day. Lol. I'm hoping our night out next week will click me out of this mind frame. But I guess everyone feels like this sometimes.
Hey! I did just eat what I wanted today! Exhausted from work slept badly and had prawn mayo sandwich and shared a tarte au citron. And got huge steak for dinner as selling them off at £2 each :) rude not to huh!! Need to get my Christmas head on again as haven't done much for last 3 weeks! Need to go to town again and need to get more stocking presents.

Did feel good this morning when people were struggling with hangovers not to have gone to the party yesterday evening! Was invited to carols tonight with the in laws but am declining as enjoy them but want some quality time with mr :)
Tucked up nicely :) had steak and chips for dinner was delicious! We love steak could have made it healthier but wanted to enjoy!

Looked back at goals and am on to my last one, 11st 3lbs, 3lbs to go.

Was up before 6 so bedtime now!
I think we both have been busy this week haven't we.
Glad u enjoyed your steak. Think I may suggest having steak on Wednesday dinner time. I can't have red meat to close to weigh in it will weigh me down.
Fish all day tomorrow again and maybe rivita in evening.
When is your day off this week? Do u plan on Christmas shopping then?
Nearly all mine done now. Just mums and mine and misters. Right bed. Catch up tomorrow.
Need to move! But don't feel like it!! Need to go to the supermarket and then collect click and collect present for mil, also need to buy 12 bottles of wine and look for more Christmas presents. Want to sit and do nothing tho!

Having quorn sausages and grapes from breakfast and got homeland on again but really need to go and shower! Need to prioritise I think! OH thinks I try to do too much on my days off but I don't think he realises how much needs doing! I have to Hoover and clean kitchen floor. Right going to make a start!!!!
Made it to and round morrisons! Went a bit mad got loads of meat and fish. But just realised I forgot onions! Gah! Am probably going straight to aldi now tho so can grab some! Need to figure out what to cook from it all.

Also got lemon quark and this no idea what to do with it so will have to investigate!


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Think I am on for a gain in the morning :( have ordered a dress on line for Christmas tho eeek!

Been ok food wise had chicken curry and salad for dinner need a better week next week at least I have some stuff in now to cook with! Made a veggie sausage casserole tonight might take it to work on Thursday evening. In work at 6 so best get off to bed!
Did you find out what to do with your
We're the twelve bottles of wine for the mil? Lol
I know what you mean about busy and having loads to do. I haven't stopped since last Thursday.
So looking forward to our night out on Saturday.
from my sparking new phone.
Ohhh what's your new phone!

Still no idea what to do with my dudhi!! Did google them and think it will have an Indian twist but beyond that not sure!!

Woke up really suddenly at 5am and got a headache and feeling blah now. Is going to be a long day I think, we're short staffed today.

And scales say 11st 6.5lb which is at least 2lbs on :( want to stay in bed and skip class! Better go and take some painkillers I think and get on with it!
Morning clare.

My new phone is Samsung s4 it's my upgrade. Although I did pay a little extra to upgrade early. It's marks fault he upgraded on Sunday and I got jealous of his new phone lol. I haven't had a Samsung before so trying to get use to it
from my sparking new phone.
Gained 1.5 am gutted but I ate the steak and chips! And drank the wine. Made an enormous chilli and Linda McCartney sausage casserole and hot smoked salmon pate so am trying for the week. Calmed down about work now thank goodness was going to explode earlier. In IT now xx
Just a bit annoyed as lost nothing in last 4 weeks so feel like I have stalled. Got chilli and wedges now all on plan so am starting as I mean to go on and hope to manage a week of being reasonably on plan. Am exhausted emotionally drained from work and disappointment of wi. Going to watch a bit of tv and maybe have a hot choc and a Hifi then an early night.

Am pleased I didn't grab a bottle of wine when I finished as that is my usual response to mega stress so pleased with that.
I can imagine how you feel, did your leader says she could give you any idea what to do to help you along a bit.
You must be really disappointed. But you did the right thing not to go for the wine. I'm sure your leader could help in some way. Enjoy your night chicken.
Think I need to focus better and up my super free and drink more I am bad at that. Bit worried about my little cat she was sick earlier which has never happened. Had a few poo accidents recently which again have never happened she is about 10 I think I've had her for 5 yrs. her coat is ok and she let me cuddle her just. Will keep an eye on her xx