It is amazing isn't it so versatile!
Had a 100% day today
B weetabix and cherries with grapefruit
L salad ryvita low low pastrami gherkins mango pineapple muller Greek yog
D chilli (no kidney beans) with quark
HEXA milk and low low
HEXB ryvita and weetabix
0.5 muller Greek yoghurt
1.5 the choc shot in jan mag is amazing!!!
Then tyrells crisps, out of a big bag so not sure how many syns but even if i had half the bag (which I didn't) would be 11 syns so am ok for the day
Had to go to Asda to get a prescription and they didn't have it so have to go back tomoro not amused! But was tempted by small bottle of wine but resisted

v proud of myself.
Pleased about how I managed my HEXA today measured, poured some back to a china jug to keep in fridge for after work and took rest to work. Got 5 cups of tea and my weetabix out of it.
Made the Caribbean fish stew tonight with halibut as was going cheap at work so freezing half and having half tomoro night
Need to go and sort food for tomoro so can just go to work in the morning
B weetabix and cherries with grapefruit again!
L ryvita salad low low and pastrami with gherkins pineapple and mango with mullerlight Greek
D fish stew with veg
Will do the same with milk again today as worked well