Caledonian Dukan

Wonder how much I'm going to weigh tomorrow? Just worked out that I have done 2PP 3PV 2PP since I last weighed myself which overall is the same as if I had alternated the days. Today has been exhausting and freezing and I am snuggled in bed in my pyjamas and bedsocks trying to ignore the pain in my knees (slight arthritis that is hurting today). So - positive thoughts: with hubby away nobody is going to laugh at me wearing bedsocks! Also, Christmas shopping nearly finished as well as daughter's birthday shopping (Born on New Year's Day!) And our new roof is being started on Tuesday. I think, if I haven't lost any weight tomorrow I'll have one more PP day, if I have lost then I'll have a PV.
I also wear socks in bed, it's eitherthat or warm my feet on hubby and he hates that lol
Good news about the roof, we are hearing back from the double glazing company first thing Monday when they can fit our new doors and 2 windows, should be middle of January and hopefully that will help with the heat in this house.

Fingers crossed for weigh in tommorrow x
Well, only 1 lb down today but have definitely got to a point where as long as it's a loss, however small, I'm happy! I'm slowly getting to know people in Glasgow and whilst it's a lovely compliment for someone to say "But you don't need to lose any weight!" whilst offering me chocolate cake, it's not very good motivationally. These people never saw me at my biggest! Anyway, I think they are getting used to me only having coffee (yesterday I sat with a table of four others all eating fry-ups for breakfast). I think today is still going to be a PP day as it wont do me any harm. ;)
A 1lb is great! Like you say the closer to target you get the slower the weight will shift and tbh it isn't a race, you will be doing Dukan for life, just different stages of it so I guess there is no rush. I have always said "when I have lost the weight I will have xyz" forgetting that saying that is why I have yo-yoed for years. Really hope that my Dukan diet is a plan for life cos I am v tired of the fight and not sure I would have enough motivation to start again if I went back this time! So IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! lol! X
You're right Trudy - I definitely see this as our long-term way of eating as it is so healthy. However, I'm definitely looking forward to Gala meals!!
Boy has earache. Poor thing, needing lots of cuddles. I'm full of yet another cold and feeling very very lazy so have stayed in pyjamas all day and not done any housework. I know it means more tomorrow but tough! Can't wait as tomorrow is PV!!!
Tomorrow's PV menu:
B - Spiced muffin with quark icing (YUM YUM)
L - Red onion and ham mini quiches x 4
D - Roasted BNS, stir-fried turkey and salad
S - Rhubarb
Hope your ok CD and your wee mans earache is better. Thanks for the quark icing tip yum yum
The problem with having so many kids is winter seems like one big long illness - at least one person is under the weather at all times!! So, food - really enjoying a warm spiced muffin every morning with a cup of coffee. The kids are at bit miffed watching me eat muffins for breakfast so I've promised to make them some oat muffins too! Think I'll do spiced apple for them, lovely in this awful weather. Today's PV I'm going to try out making BNS croquettes ready for Christmas Day. I'm thinking roasting first with a touch of cinnamon, then egging and flouring with some seasoned oat flour (oatbran ground in the coffee grinder) and shallow frying as patties. Hmm, will it work?
let us know if it does :D
I got fine oatbran that looks quite like flour from holland & barrats last time i was in.... not very good for my porridge but is great for the muffins, would probably be good for croquettes
Well, the croquettes were lovely! Will be a nice way to have the extra oatbran in Conso. Would be good seasoned with chilli powder as well as black pepper. Last night's PV dinner was stir fried chicken with peppers and onion in a garlicky tomato sauce with the BNS croquette. It was gorgeous. Today however is PP (Boo!):
B - Warm spiced muffin with cream cheese icing, 2 coffees.
L - Ham Mini quiches x 4
D - Stir fried chicken with garlic and a green chilli
S - Jelly
Got to make up another batch of muffins today and I'm making spiced apple, raisin and oatbran ones for the kids so they can have one for breakfast all this week!
48 muffins in the freezer. Phew.
Think I need a coffee IV drip at the minute, am so weary. Or maybe a lie-in, have only had one in the last five months and really dislike being up before seven every morning. Son has his first Christmas Show tomorrow - he is a star and gets to sing "Twinkle Twinkle" in gaelic. Can't wait. And tonight, my 15 year old daughter has her first formal dinner-dance; seems like only yesterday since she was singing Twinkle Twinkle!!
Brrr. :winter_brr:

Seriously do not want to go outside today but I have to in an hour so wrapping us all up very well. Today's PP:
B - Warm spiced muffin and a cup of tea.
L - Ham and cottage cheese
S - Boiled Eggs
D - Mince with lots of garlic!!! (Whilst the hubby's away!)

Tomorrow's PV:
B - Muffin and coffee
L - Mushroom and ham mini quiches, vegetable soup
D - Dukan bolognese and salad, rhubarb

Hope I've lost something this week, just realised my next weigh day after tomorrow is Christmas Day!!
Fingers crossed for you x mines will be Xmas eve :eek:
My weigh in day is Sunday too - dont feel like ive lost any this week we shall see in the morning hope yours is a good one CD x
It's funny Chris, I don't feel like I've lost any this week either! Hope we both are wrong and have lost loads!
Well wasn't I completely wrong - 3 1/2 lb loss this week!! Couldn't believe it at first so reweighed a couple of times :eek:. Very happy, tend to lose more at this stage of the month but really thought I had slowed down completely. Interestingly, I had no yoghurt this week as not been shopping. Going to try another week without in January! Happy Dukan Sunday to everyone.:D
That's fantastic cd very well done :D
Well done CD - I'm much the same with dairy and lose far better when eating little of it (note to self: remember this for January restart!)