Caledonian Dukan

Huh. TOTM starting yet again and I am hungry - why can't jelly set immediately!! A friend picked my hand up today, looked at it and said I was wasting away! Whilst it's nice that people can notice I'm still losing I do still have a long way to go - my bmi is still "overweight" (need to lose 2 more lb to be at maximum "healthy" bmi) and I need to focus on this and stay firmly on track. Missing wine today, and banoffee pie, and galaxy...hurry up jelly, set, set!!
bung it in the freezer CD or even outside its cold enough up there - ive just had some 0% yoghurt and new dukan flavouring 'Nougat' my word its good just like eating sugared almonds - love almond paste xxx
i find the weight watchers jellys set fairly fast ;)
Walked into the city centre with two wee ones this morning for a few bits and pieces, started big Christmas house-clean this afternoon. Should clean the oven tonight but can't be bothered, will do it tomorrow. So weary at the minute. And a wee bit lonely. Hope I'm in a better mood tomorrow! Not even hungry but will make dinner anyway.
Are you doing lots of baking? That makes me super tired since we can't eat it :-( DO you and your hubby get to skype while he is away? Sometimes that helps, but sometimes it makes it worse. When mine was gone for long periods I would stay up late into the night because I couldn't stand to go to bed alone I watched all the movies that he couldn't stand, loaded up on books that he would harrass me for reading, and didn't do the chores that I hate to do but he nags me if I don't do (He insists on the bed being made tight - I don't see why I should bother with it!) About the time I was reconciled to being alone and pretty happy with all of my treats, he would come back and I would have to go back to being proper - no more trashy novels, romantic comedies and dramas, and making the bed every morning! Plus going to sleep before 2 AM...
haaaa! I think we're all the same. Miss them when they're away, then they interfere with our routine when they come back! (I must admit that, having had long distance relationships, I'd not want to go there again...!)

I hope you find your Christmas spirit soon CD... (I still see "Californian Dream" when I click on your diary-without my glasses!).

Take care and Merry Christmas!
Sander you have just described me lol god how I hate going to bed at 9.30 now and missing all my favourite programms lol
Two days till eldest daughter here, three till hubby. Time is going slowly!! Think I'm fed up mainly because there's nothing interesting to eat in the house but I truly can not be bothered to go to the shops - bit of a Catch 22 I think! Going to put the washing on, make a cup of tea, have an ibuprofen and start cleaning the 6 year old's room.
I am doing laundry today too :) And I cleaned the oven and thought of you! Last night when I was preparing supper I leaned over to put the carby side-dish in the oven (sliced potatoes with a sour cream and chive sauce) to bake for the last hour and my shoulder decided to have a weird spasm and the whole casserole upended into the oven! Dogs came to lick the sauce off the floor and I got to spend 45 minutes cleaning while the roast finished up on the rotisserie, then I put together a quick box of mac and cheese for the guys - they were probably happier with that option anyways!
Ugh Poor you Sander - I lost two eggs today in the kitchen, knew I'd taken them out of the cupboard but they had disappeared. Found them in my cardigan pocket! Smashed! I'd been walking around searching for them dripping raw egg all over the floor - had to wash it and had no more eggs in. Grrr!
Can't wait for loads of turkey on the 25th, very hungry.
Oh no!! I can totally see myself doing that and it paints quite the mental picture :)
I am prowling and hungry today. Had my gallette, left over roast beef, chicken curry, a sf jelly, and a soy yogurt so far and am just ravenous for something else, but nothing I have sounds good and I don't want to go out shopping. No aubergine for me today since I am too lazy to go to the store. Guess I should have my veggies, but ugh - broccoli and cauliflower was planned and in the frig, but not appetizing.
Blurgh I hate being female. Just want to curl up in bed with a hot water bottle and a new book/glass of wine/chocs. Instead I am cleaning bathroom and wee one's room and baking double chocolate orange muffins and a chocolate Christmas Tree cake. And wont be eating any of it. :cry:
Last day of school today, must remember they finish early!! :eek:
I remember forgetting school finished early one year and had a call to say son was sitting in the office crying oops good job the school knew how scatterbrained I was lol
OOOH - double chocolate orange muffins - you are a saintly mama :) I made Russian Tea Cakes yesterday - and had 1 :eek: My mother-in-law always makes them for my hubby, they are his favorite! Since we aren't going home and she isn't coming to visit, I have been trying to compensate. Last years turned out like rocks, so I tried a different recipe this year and I just had to know if they were better. They were! He said they were better than his mom's ;) He better eat them fast.
Last day of school here too - we are supposed to be doing some last minute shopping and then going to see the new Mission Impossible movie, but its kinds of snowy and icy, so we might just stay in and try to scavenge dinner from whatever meager supplies I have left. I really need to go to the store! I still have eggs, oat bran , beef, salmon, jello, coffee, and tea. But am out of yogurts, chicken, turkey & produce!
Mrs CD you sound like you are having a miserable week but trying very hard to keep on top of it!! All will be worth it in the end. I am going from being saintly over Christmas to devouring everything on site! LOL and my mood is very erratic, one minute fine and dandy and the next ready to throttle my nearest and dearest!! Must be something in the air or the hormones. Keep smiling and baking - I have just made flapjacks and have choc chip cookies and fairy cakes to make for a swim party at our farm tomorrow - I have had to drag in taste testers for everything as my three year old thinks everything is great. Mind you, have been harping on at him about sharing everything he has but then scuppered it by saying 'Mummy doesn't share her diet cakes' (aka muffins!) - he is slightly confused LOL!
Hi Trudy, I know exactly what you mean - 3 year olds' don't make good taste-testers!! Think I find not being able to check my baking the hardest thing about losing weight, especially when I'm baking for others. I get really nervous that I've bodged it up which is mad as I haven't for years.
So, ruminating on things to plan for January...think I'll put a Dukan flavourings order in (the new nougat sounds good) and maybe get some cocoa too. Also some matcha green tea as I'm going to start drinking much more of that. Have found a gym near the school so when, finally, my youngest starts nursery on the 11th I can spend an hour a day there which would make me feel a lot better. Will need to get some suitable gym clothes that fit though - my old running pants are a size 18 and fall straight down!! Also going to try and make up some different meals as I'm a bit samey at the minute which is fine usually but doesn't fill me with much enthusiasm. I'm thinking chicken kashmiri curry with cauliflower rice, chilli with cauliflower rice, ratatouille, Dukan moussaka, and pizza.
Your making me hungry CD - lol. Good idea joining the gym it will be some 'me' time for you! Yes defo buy the nougat I probs wouldnt have got it but it came free with our order it is yum. I like the Mocha too :)
Wow your new menu plan had me drooling!!! I made the BNS and chicken curry which is yum but need to keep looking for new menus. Had steak again tonight and it wasn't the best to be honest with shirataki noodles which are taking some getting used to! LOL - hope you have a fab christmas. x