Caledonian Dukan

Well, PP today so omelette with green chilli I think for lunch and turkey for dinner. Yesterday was very nice but very tiring, today hubby has gone again so am a bit down. Doesn't help that sister-in-law is coming at some point so I have to tidy up and hoover and get everyone dressed! God, I sound very grinch-like need to cheer up. Think a bit of retail therapy would help so going to buy matcha green tea and some new sportswear today.
Hi CD hope you are ok and had a good christmas day.
Thought I might venture to the sales but quickly changed my mind. Think its going to be another lazy day watching TV :)
Mrs CD hope the retail therapy does the trick - I am going for PP today after a bit too much vodka yesterday - think I need to go shopping though as not alot in the fridge!!! Bad planning on my part I think!
Brrr it's cold here. 6 year old's favourite toy is a pretend snake in a tin of peanuts!!! Oh and the whooppee cushions are all apparently hysterical!!
Why oh why do my children wake up so early? Very tired today, going to make sure I drink plenty of water and see whether that helps. Looking forward to my new green tea coming in the post - bought a battery-powered whisk for it to as the cafe I usually get it from uses one to smooth out any lumps. It's a lovely cafe but one cup of matcha costs £2.50 and making it at home is much cheaper. Wonder how many cups I should have a day? Dr. Dukan doesn't actually say. I'm thinking three or four?
HI CD - what kind of green tea are you getting that needs a wisk? Mine just brews in a bag or strainer depending on whether or not I purchased loose leaf... My nutritionist said drink 6 -8 cups of plain green tea a day for optimum metabolic effect - but I am normally done at 3 :)
Hi Sander, I bought matcha green tea which comes in powder form and can clump if not properly whisked. According to Wikipedia, " the antioxidant EGCG available from drinking matcha is up to 137 times greater than the amount of EGCG available from other commercially available green teas. Matcha is also said to boost metabolism and help reduce cholesterol levels when drunk regularly. The aforementioned health benefits of matcha green tea can largely be attributed to the fact that the whole tea leaf is ingested, as opposed to just the steeped water in the case of 'bagged' green teas. This means that it delivers a much higher potency of catechins, chlorophyll, and antioxidants." Sounds good :)
Today's PP:
B - Omelette
L - Tuna
D - Mince with a chilli and loads of garlic
S - Muffin and a cup of tea

Came off Dukan yesterday and pigged out, and had a bottle of wine too. Very annoyed with myself as managed Christmas Day fine. Think I was just missing my husband so much my will power was weaker than normal. However, just going to brush myself off and start again and, I hope, learn from this. It's also very hard at the minute as everybody is telling me I don't need to lose any more weight, I wish they wouldn't say this as it is not helpful! Not looking forward to the headaches, tiredness, etc I will no doubt suffer from coming back on track - my own fault though!
Hugs to you xx
Well, I feel so much better even after just one days' PP! Don't feel sluggish even though I'm tired (vodafone sent me a text at 2.50a.m. grrr!) and my head's not too bad. Today's PP:
B - Muffin and coffee
L - Mince
D - Omelette
S - Turkey!!
And loads of water obviously. Husband's here for a week from Monday evening, which will be great - the time is going slowly at the minute though. The weather is bad and the kids are playing up. And my teenager is revising for pre-lims in January and stressed so therefore taking it out on Mum! Anyway, positive thoughts...daughter's 7th birthday on New Year's Day, it's nice not having to get everyone ready for school, only three more sleeps till I'm in Mr CD's arms.
CD so glad you are feeling better and not long before MrCD will have his arms wrapped around his lovely Mrs.
Same here CD I feel so much better and not at all wanting rubbish stuff - even if I dont lose this 2 ive put on this week im still very chuffed as it could have been a lot more.
At least you're brave enough to check how much you gained Chris, I daren't as I don't want to be too dispirited!! Hoping by Sunday weigh-day it wont be too bad a gain :eek:.
Anyway, very pleased as bought a chicken in Sainsbury's earlier reduced from £5.50 to £1.20! Put it in the oven as soon as I got home and spent ages picking ALL the meat off then made stock with the bones. Four meal-sized portions now in the freezer, 30p a meal :D
Don't u just love a bargain. One day off over the entire Christmas period is pretty darn good I would say!! Well done you - huge pat on the back! x
Only problem Trudy is it was one day of complete binging and a lovely bottle of wine! However, am going forwards very motivated now which is good! Just bought some running clothes in the sales, am going to start running whilst daughter in Nursery (from the 11th) very excited as I've been missing exercise always having the kids. It's not kayaking or swimming (my favourite activities) but at least it's a start. Today's PP:
B - Muffin, coffee
L - Omelette
S - Tuna
D - Chilli
Have decided to take my measurements once a month as well as weighing as I haven't done this before - wish I had from the beginning. So, tomorrow is weigh and measuring day.
Have decided to take my measurements once a month as well as weighing as I haven't done this before - wish I had from the beginning. So, tomorrow is weigh and measuring day.

Something I wished I had done CD from the start!
I saw someone today I've not seen for ages, I was all wrapped up in jacket and big scarf - "my word you've lost a lot of weight" - brilliant feeling !!!
4 and 1/4 lb gain eek! And that's after 3 days PP! Hoping it will come off quite quickly though, and even if it doesn't it will come off in the end. C - 92, W - 82, H - 100. Matcha tea came yesterday, think I'll try and have it with every meal for a month and see whether I feel the benefits. Today's PP:
B - Spiced muffin
S - Tuna
L - Omelette with Italian Seasoning
D - Chicken with chillis
S - Jelly
Mr CD here tomorrow evening :D
Hi CD never mind the + it will go, its already sorted in your head and thats the battle won. Have a good day and MrCD will soon be home :)
That is nothing Mrs CD - it will go in no time. Your head seems to be in the right place which is great. I have also started on the green tea idea but with the supplement from Holland and Barrett which was recommended by a guy who cycles for a career. He uses it after his winter break and says it really helps his metabolism so thought I would give it a go. Have to be careful as I have an underactive thyroid and often herbal slimming aids are not recommended with Thyroxin. It doesn't say to avoid on the bottle so hope it's okay. Bet your getting v excited to see Mr CD - btw your measurements sound like my perfect goal figure!!! Not sure I could get under those numbers!! LOL x
Ha thanks Trudy! I think that's what is going to make this last stone really hard - I do already look pretty good! This diet is amazing and so much is achieveable on it, by the time I've been on it a year I hope to have lost 6 and a half stone in total. WOW. And the fact that Dr. Dukan worked out systems to stop us putting it all back on again is great.
Anyway, PP again:
B - Spiced muffin
L - Omelette with ham
D - Chilli chicken
S - Jelly
Yesterday was my daughter's 7th birthday and my mother-in-law organised a lovely family party for her. Her teenage cousins were all amazing (had probably been ordered to be/bribed by their parents but even so!) and I am really proud of myself as I had nothing to eat and even though champagne and red wine was really being forced on me I avoided them too! It was really hard as they were pushing it much more than they normally do so I am feeling proud of myself. Only problem is I had to keep accepting coffee and diet coke instead so came home shaking and with a splitting headache!! Can't wait till 5pm - so excited about seeing my wonderful husband, I miss him like crazy.