Caledonian Dukan

Well if the weather in bonnie Scotland is anything like it is here then your plan for today sounds a very good one!! Raining cats and dogs down here and a bit chilly too - was dodging the huge puddles all the way to town this morning!!! Hope it doesn't continue as we live on a river bank and will have to move horses up if it keeps on like this!!! There will be mud in places we didn't know we had places!!!
Well a horrible cough will not be helping little ones shoulder - ouch to cough I am sure!!! Hopefully the week will be better than you think! My fingers are crossed for you!! Only a week in bed???? I reckon you could stretch payback to at least a month!!! LOL! Have a great Dukan day. x PS - wonder how Ellie doing this weekend - no posts usually means a bit of a session is taking place, LOLOLOL!
Glasgow is really sunny today!!!! I have pulled all the blinds down so the bigger kids don't moan too much about being in :eek:.
Uber-organised Mum alert - browsing the computer for the new school stuff needed in August!! Prices should be less now then later, I hope. Also, can please the children with pony schoolbag, dog pe bag, batman lunchbox etc. Oh, who am I kidding - just feel like comfort shopping rather than comfort eating ;)
ive got a rotten cold too thanks to hubby sharing his germs :( nice timeing for my friends wedding next week
I hope you got some good comfort shopping on line! I was doing the same last night looking for 99p dresses on e-bay for this murder mystery singing thing!! Got google eyed in the end and didn't find anything wonderful but on a budget of less than £3 what did I expect!!! Could have had a wedding dress from China!!! LOL! Refuse to pay more for something that is really a costume!! Also looking for a new driving outfit for the shows - have decided to debut our new horse at the Royal Norfolk show which is near the end of June if all goes well so need a spiffing outfit to compliment her - the last outfit I wore might be a bit big now given that it was a size 28!
Have a good day CD - hope your feeling better and you all got a good nights sleep.x
Trudy - you'll look AMAZING in a new show outfit, it'll show off you lovely newer, slimmer figure and you'll feel great. Bet you have a great time at the Norfolk show - I love Norfolk. I haven't been in England for ten years but have to go this summer to visit my Mum in Northamptonshire.
Glasgow is beautifully crisp yet sunny this morning, the walk to school was great. Getting a puppy over the summer, and looking forward to walking it. Only problem is everyone has different ideas of what sort to get - choices are Newfie, Dalmation, Boxer, Spaniel and Bichon Frise. Quite a difference between them all! (Their Dad gets the final veto as he does the hill walking with it!). I'd like another Newfie but am sensibly promoting spaniel. We'll see.
PV today, yippee! Seriously can't wait till Conso as I love veg, always have even before Dukan, and am really looking forward to being able to have more. Made some thai flavoured kale crisps yesterday, which I can keep in my bag as a snack whilst out and about all afternoon. Thinking about getting a food dehydrator, will research one later. Be good Dukanites :D
ive a working cocker spaniel CD and she is a wonderfull little dog and not at all hyper like the springers i know.... she is such a caracter and loves kids ppl horses everything in fact LOL
Oh get a boxer CD - would love one - my great aunt had one and I loved him. Also all the boxers I have been in contact with have had amazing temperaments mind you all the dogs you mention have great temperaments so hard to choose - if I had a dally it would defo be a girl as the boys tend to be a bit 'selectively deaf!!" Any dog is lovely though and much more fun walking when you have a dog with you!!! Can't wait to see what you choose. Norfolk is lovely and we went there on holiday last year which was lovely. I love the Norfolk show, easy to get to, easy to park and close to the ring - great!!!! Gonna take my time choosing the outfit as it has to be perfect - I am sooooo excited to get one and for it to look lovely - usually I would be dreading it but not now!!!
Tell me what on earth do you do with a food dehydrator?? Intrigued!!! Really must remember to make some veggie crisps for a PV day - keep forgetting!!! Noticed you and I have now lost the same weight as of today though I have quite a bit more to lose than you!!!! Think I am gonna change my TW by another stone but waiting to see how I feel when I get to the original target set by Dr Dukan!!!!
I know Trudy, we should be really proud of ourselves - you even more than me! A food dehydrator makes dried food at home, great for any glut of fruit or veg, great for kids fruit too. Want to get the spirally thingy that Atropos has and haven't yet made my mind up about dehydrator.
Youngest now has a chest infection to go with the broken collarbone, poor wee thing. Really bad colds for three of us. Have made a really tasty chicken casserole and portioned up for the freezer so don't feel guilty that I'm ignoring today's washing up :eek:. 24 days till we are with Mr CD for over a fortnight, wish the time would go quicker!
We're going to be getting a puppy and a kitten at the same time so they are, fingers crossed, friends - so I suppose I should try and find which breeds are better with felines!
my cat is the boss of the house LOL and has a litter of kittens just now so the dogs know to avoid her at all costs if the want their throats intact LOL
ellie1969 said:
my cat is the boss of the house LOL and has a litter of kittens just now so the dogs know to avoid her at all costs if the want their throats intact LOL

He looks like butter wouldn't melt in my display pic, but my cat used to spring random attacks on my collie. She would be asleep and he'd decide to lash out then strut off....latterly he became a lot more cuddly with everyone, including her. Although you could tell that she still knew who the boss was cause when he took to sleeping in her bed she'd just stand and watch/whimper/bark for help instead! X
I'd love a spaniel :) when i was growing up in the close our neighbour had one which would bolt in through the door each morning just to say hello :) - mad as a box of frogs that dog :) as a kid i loved it :D x
BOXER, BOXER & More BOXER!!! I had a boxer for 12 years and miss him to this day a fabulous very intelligent dog. Great with children as they are like a big kid themselves. The local children used to knock on the door asking 'could Ben go out to play' so I would have to sit in my back garden with my Ben and 5 neighbour's children (this was before mine came along) happy memories (couldnt bring myself to get another he when he passed away) exciting cant wait now to see your new pup :) x
Think it's between boxer and spaniel really, Mr CD won't have another Newfie as he was so upset when our last one passed away. Amazed he's agreeing to any new one really so will get what he's happiest with - he seriously doesn't want a bichon frise though, wonder why?:D
Seven year old sick in the night, other two both have full blown flu with raging temperatures - wish a stranger would turn up on the doorstep bearing lemonade to soothe tender stomachs, honey for sore throats, the magic that is Calpol (nearly out :eek:) and an IV drip containing coffee for an exhausted Mum. Nearly tempted to tell Mr CD he has to take a few days off and come and help, but by the time he gets here the worst would be over (I hope) :(
Dukanwise, have already had my muffin to cheer myself up at 5.30am and am seriously not looking forward to the rest of the day - PP is so hard when the day is tough anyway.
oh no... it all happens at one cd :(

I wouldnt have a bichon either ;) ... when i was looking for a puppy i wanted a little fluffy handbag dog.... then i thought about how muddy the poor little thing would get round the horses LOL so went for my little lutra instead ..... shes amazing and never leaves my side ...very much a ppl doggy friend who hunts and does field trials wants her to train as shes so obedient but i couldnt bare to let her go even for a week lol
Ha Ha Ellie, imagining an incredibly muddy Bichon!!
Hope things improve soon and your kiddie winks are feeling better, you will be shattered now an early night then ................
Early night for us all, dread to think what the night will be like!