Caledonian Dukan

Hahahaha. :)
I just did something stupid - went on to the Dukan website, entered all my details truthfully giving maximum weight, no. kids, weight now...apparently, my "True Weight" is now 10 stone 1lbs!!!!!! It was 10 stone 7lbs! Feel a bit disappointed after all the work I've put in, I can't just leave it like this am going to have to get to that weight now. It'll probably take ages as well, I'm never going to get to Conso.
CD are you scared, nervous of conso like Ellie and Chris??? and you've found a loophole to prolong going into conso???
Ha, Ha Sid - clever idea but the thing is, the flipping official Dukan website puts me at a different weight, by half a stone! Loophole it's not - the programme is each stage one after the other and if I was going to stop before my True Weight I could have stopped at 12 stone, or 11 stone. I've put my all into following Dr Dukan's expertise for over a year and want to do what's best for me to manage long-term but what is? I so don't want to yo-yo.
If that's what the good Dr says then...... he's got you this far, 10.1 it is oooooo not be long xxx Dr, Dukan needs a nighthood xxx
are you happy at the weight you are now ?? if you hadnt went back to the site and did it all again would you be happy at this weight ??? if so stay where you are and dont go any lower ;)
Lordy CD you do like giving your brain alot to think about!!! I understand your point of view having got a different result from Dr D but honestly love, you say your a size 8 - that is pretty tiny!!!!!!! Agree with Ellie that you need to have a serious think about what is best for you and realistic - your weight has been stable now for a while - you are not going to yo-yo - you won't let that happen..............If being 10 stone 1lb will make you feel 'safer' then okay but honestly think carefully about this one..... Your Dukan buddies will be behind you 100% whatever you decide...... I had an original TW from Dr D of 12 stone and I did change it myself as I want to have a healthy BMI and not be overweight...... So I do understand.....
SOOOOOOOO glad you are feeling more positive - you are an amazing woman CD and need to remember that when you are feeling a bit low!!! By the way Ellie and I are dropping by when we are in conso for a bit of that flippin tablet cheesecake!!! LOLOLOL x
oh trudy did you have to mention that damn cheesecake :p
I think I'm going to try at get to the 10stone 1lb Dukan says - the only thing I put in different was thin bone structure whereas last time I put in normal - but I was being honest as when I circled my left wrist my fingers now massively overlap and 7 stone ago they didn't!! Being brutally honest, I want to get down to 10 stone myself anyway as I would feel better maintaining between 10 and 10 and a half stone which would be always a healthy bmi - I'm concerned about edging nearer to 11 stone which would put me at overweight bmi. Not sure whether I can get that low though as weigh loss is very slow nowadays - however Dr. Dukan has been right all this time and I'll carry on trusting him, think upping my exercise is the way forward and very positive about doing this. Knowing I have the support of Minimins is great, thanks guys.
If the right route for you then of course we are 100% behind you Mrs CD!!! Onwards and downwards!
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Hope that's worked. Finally got round to it. Nice to see the difference :D
wit woo !! looking good CD :D
MRS CD you is one hot mamma!!! Seriously though can I add my two penneth worth - you look beautifully slender in those photos - not gaunt but wonderful...... I don't see where the other 7lbs weight loss can come from Mrs - you look amazing - I really hope and pray I look like that when I am at target - simply stunning lovely! YOu really do need to put your proper glasses on and see how slim you are................... Mr CD not looking shabby either LOL! x
Ps - and you have stripes going the wrong way!!!!! Defo a super skinny minnie! xxx
OMG...OMG.....what a transformation xxx you look amazing, and MrCD too, You don't look like the same couple, fantastic results, but hey CD where's the extra weight coming off from???? You look amazing as you are, tbh are yoy setting youself a task tou don't need???? Its a personal choice but hey to quote a song" your amazing just the way you are" and the kids are soooo cute there lovely CD xxx
Lovely to meet you CD and OMG WOW & double WOW you both look so different Congratulations a fantastic achievement to you both. xxx
Wow !!!!!!! What a difference in you both. Well done you, you skinny Minnie :)