Cali Sweden's Diary

Thank you ladies, for the encouragements!

I've noticed that alot of high GL foods, just aren't as tastey anymore. They seem to taste a bit bland now.
Exactly! All the GI/GL books recommend dark chocolate. Possibly not in the quantities in which I could easily consume it :D, but they do recommend it.

I totally agree, chocolate is still delicious. I can't give it up, I don't care what Patrick Holford says about chocolate, that is one addiction I just can't give up. I eat A LOT less now, and eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. He just needs to understand that a woman's body has chocolate cravings in her DNA.

If you look at my food logs here, or on mfp I consume dark chocolate daily. I even gave up my cup of tea a day for a cup of rooibos. I gave up milk chocolate and chocolate candy bars for 70% dark chocolate.

I usually take a piece of dark chocolate before yoga or after yoga.
I would quite happily consume chocolate daily. Unfortunately if it is in the house it will all be eaten. All at once. And any leftover will be consumed the next day. At breakfast.
So until they start selling chocolate in 1 square pieces where I can buy just one piece a day, then chocolate has to remain on the nono list. It's a pity they can't dole out one piece a day to you in the chemists like they do with methadone...: D
It's a pity they can't dole out one piece a day to you in the chemists like they do with methadone...: D

I can just imagine the queues of desperate, jittery (mostly) women now and the fights breaking out as their addiction sends them overboard. :D
(I'm sure its all controlled w/ methadone and people don't get withdrawal symptoms, but I quite like the above image.)
Hahaha, I can't stop laughing from the image of women in line trying to get their daily fix of chocolate. Women in hair curlers, bath robes, house slippers, and bags under the eyes. Then as soon as they get their piece of chocolate, they're all shiney eyed, dressed properly and hair done:)

Don't want to imagine what would happen if they ran out of chocolate. I would hate to be the person that has to tell the ladies they ran out of supply.
In the morning is weigh in day! Sorta scarey since I've had such a naughty week, eating a lot and then also eating high GL foods. I'll be lucky for any minus weight.

Food wise it's been good for me. Everyday needs to be more like today. The bad thing (according to mfp) is I'm under my calories, that's what happens when I eat strict low GL foods, the food keeps me full. Really amazing how low GL foods keep you full and satisified. I don't feel hungry like I was during the weekend with all that high GL foods.

I made chickpea, red lentil and boiled egg curry for dinner. My guy doesn't like curry in any form. What surprised me was that he said it smelled good, when it was dinner time. He even took a lot of it. I did add 3 tbs of greek yoghurt to the pot of curry, to soften the taste for him. I also had some seasoned naan on hand for him, since I know he likes naan a lot.

Exercise was a perfect day too. Though I did squeeze in my walk between the rain. It was a really fast walk today, and I even took the long one. Thanks to the threat of mother nature releasing a flood of rain on me, I walked as fast as my chubby little legs could go. I got rained on only a little bit, it was perfect timing for the walk.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with fiber, dried goji berries, sultanas, cinnamon, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, milk, and agave syrup.

Snack: 1 piece dark chocolate

Lunch: Other night's leftover of grilled pork, salad, and rice/barely/oat mix.

Snack: 2 pieces of knäckebröd with peanut butter and no sugar added jam.

Dinner: Chickpea and red lentil curry with 1 boiled egg, and rice/oat/barley mix.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate. Might take another one.

Exercise: 28 minutes fast long walk, pushups, crunches, and 60 minutes yoga.
It's so nice to have a perfect food day isn't it, especially when you've had a few iffy days. Well done, Cali. :) As for tomorrow, I am sure that you will be fine.
Finally weigh in day is upon me. I was a naughty girl this past week, as you can see from my daily food logs. It's amazing the scale gods didn't strike me down with a bigger blow, but they did pay me a visit. Some how I'm .2lbs heavier today than I was yesterday, and I was being really good yesterday. I was very tempted to move my weigh in day this week, but I wanted to be true to myself and to my blog site readers, and just take it as it comes on weigh in day. I did lose half an inch off my waist this past week:)

Sure this past month (1 month and 2 days) that I started doing low GL hasn't been the biggest weightlosing month. I've lost 1.6 lbs doing low GL. Sure it's a very small number, but I've gained a lot of energy from the diet to do exercise almost everyday and from 1-1.5 hours each day.

The scale didn't go down much, but I've gained a lot of muscles. I've lost inches all over my body in the past 1 month and 1 day since I started taking measurements. Just to give an example, I lost 2 inches off my waist, 1.5 inches off my hips, 1.5 inches off my bum, 1.5 inches off my thigh(right), and 1 inch off my knee(right).

Here's the 9th weekly weight update:

0.0 lbs (0kg) STS (stay the same)

Total amount since started: -10.8 lbs (-4.91kg)
Wow, Cali. That's a lot of inches and who would have thought that inch loss around the knee could be that significant? Definitely, not me.

And an average weight loss of 1.6 lb per week is pretty good, especially with all the exercising that you are doing. Well done.
Thank you Ashie. I'm really happy about the inches lost. An inch around the knee is a good number. I was looking at the measuring tape today making it into a loop on last month's numbers, and today's.

I haven't lost 1.6 lbs per week. I totally wish I did. I've only been gaining muscles this past month, and lost only a total of 1.6 lbs for the whole month :(

So weightloss wise it was a bad month:(
Two days in a row of low GL foods is great. I feel better again, and more energetic. Also the food was very lively and tastey, even if I didn't cook a meal today. Thank goodness for leftovers and food I froze.

It rains here a lot, I was just lucky before with it not raining so much. Seems like everyday might be a dodge the rain day on my walks. I have to wait for a break in the rain, and go for a fast walk. I can tell you I feel it in the front and back of my thighs now. It burns!!! But I guess that's a good thing, that I'm pushing myself to walk really fast.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with fiber, goji berries, sultanas, cinnamon, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, milk, and agave syrup.

Lunch: Leftover chili beans from the freezer.

Snack: A peeled apple with tbs of pumpkin seeds, 1 piece dark chocolate, and 3/4 of Allévo bar. (The snacks were spread apart, I was quite hungry this afternoon).

Dinner: Leftover chickpea and red lentil curry with boiled egg, and rice/barley/oat mix.

Exercise: 26 minutes fast walk, pushups, crunches, and 50 minutes of yoga.
Wow Cali your inch lost is *fantastic*!!! :D Well done! I know it is disappointing to not see the scales going down in tandem but it proves that you are converting your body into a much healthier one ie swapping out fat and making new muscle. Which will help in the quest to slim down as muscle burns more calories than fat. I'm really impressed with your inch loss and I bet if your body fat % has gone right down too. :D

Food yesterday looks great and good job for having two such great days in a row!
Thank you Plum. I've noticed that I look more toned now. You can actually see muscles on my upper arm and legs. Before they looked like stuffed sausage with cottage cheese on the back of my legs.

Hopefully I'll be a fat burning machine, and the pounds will drop. If not then at least I am getting toned, and don't resemble Jubba the Hut.
Another healthy low GL day, that makes 3 days in a row:) I'm really happy about that. I need to plan my meals more. I went to the grocery store trying to figure out what to buy in order to make for dinner. Luckly I came up with two dinner plans; dinner plan 1) Salad with quinoa and some kind of meat; dinner plan 2) Mexican food, burritos for OH, and taco salad for me. Tomatoes were on sale, so I bought a lot to make salsa.

While out running errands today, I went to a clothing store and picked me up a size M shirt. It's just a shirt to lounge around in, as the last one I bought a month ago is baggy now. I did try on some jeans while there. I was able to fit into a size smaller pants, though I need to wait probably another 5 lbs, as it gave me muffin top >_< Just a little bit more, I'm almost there!

I ran into a friend I haven't seen since before I started dieting and working out. She said I looked smaller and better, so that made me happy that people are starting to notice the change. I've been posting a lot about yoga and dieting on my Facebook.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with fiber, raspberries, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, milk and agave syrup.

Snack: 4 thin slices of chicken breast sandwich meat.

Lunch: 2 knäckebröd with peanut butter and jam, and 6 slices of chicken breast sandwich meat. I needed to go grocery shopping.

Snack: Cottage cheese with pumpkin seeds, and a peeled apple.

Dinner: Spinach and rucola, tomato, corn, cucumber, green onion, feta cheese, and carrots with lots of lemon juice, quinoa and rotisserie chicken salad.

Snack: 3 pieces of dark chocolate.

Exercise: 27.5 minutes fast long walk, pushups, crunches, and 60 minutes of yoga.
What a great day. Well done. :)