I know it's not the best subject to talk about, but I'm so amazed about it that I can't help it. This is my first time having my totm on GL diet, and it's my 2nd day. Usually the first couple of days of totm is not the happiest ones for me. I'm usually a moody zombie with cramps.
Other than the two days before totm, it's been pretty good compared to my usual ones. I only gained 1.6lbs, whereas I always gained at least 3 lbs easy before. Only gaining half the amount of weight is a plus. But the amount of energy I have is amazing. Even my guy is shocked that I wanted to go on a walk yesterday and today. I even did my full yoga today, and I feel, well great!
The walk and yoga felt a little harder than normal, but I wasn't dying afterwards. I only had a few cramps yesterday and day before, but they were nothing compared to ones I usually get. I didn't feel bloated either, usually I feel like a HUGE waterbuffalo, but this time my pants didn't get tight around the lower abs.
Did I mention that I didn't have any huge mood swings, where if I see even a commercial I start tearing up? Also my cravings were very minimal this time too. Usually my cravings are really bad, but this time they were minimal compared to my usual.
So all and all I'm very pleased and happy with GL, not only am I losing weight with it. I'm also a much more energetic person with better skin, and better totm

I love GL more and more everyday!