Cali Sweden's Diary

What an excellent nonscale victory, you must be really proud of your progress! :D If you are doing exercise as well you are probably shrinking in size faster than your weightloss would suggest, because muscle is denser than fat and so a given weight of it takes up less space than the equivalent amount of fat.

Food looks yummy today!
Yes I've gained alot of muscles, which is good and it's what I need since I lost so much from being in bed a lot. Today when I was making the sauce for lunch, I was so shocked I opened the jar with no effort at all. Usually I have to grab the rubber tongs to open the jars. Yesterday I was lifting heavy things I couldn't have imagine lifting just two months ago.

On a bad girl note: tonight I completely sinned to the max possible. My guy came home with McDs, and got me fries. He knew I was craving them, and that it usually does the job. I knew that in the morning I would regret it, well sorta. But he was right, it did the job, darn these raging hormones. It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, first fries in a month and half, I think I don't need to have them for awhile again. I took a sip of coke since I was craving pepsi and ewwww, gross. It didn't taste good to me at all. It tasted like pure sugar or syrup or something, not tastey at all. So I won't be doing that again.

Okay I'm ready for the rocks and stones to be thrown at me now >_<
No rocks and stones Cali. Everyone can have a treat of whatever and whenever they wish. Better that than ending in a long binge.
You are also so right about noticing so many changes. The journey is not just about a number in the scales. We can map our progress by any number of milestones, each one as important as another.
You are doing so well. Enjoy your occasional treats guilt free once you know you will be back on track in a jiffy.
Cali, I agree with Molly - don't beat yourself up over a few french fries. The rest of your food yesterday looked good. :) And it sounds like you've reached the point where you will be thinking about whether a longed-for treat food will really taste as good as you think it will now that your body is used to healthier foods, which is really positive. :D

On the subject of treat foods, there was a saying I picked up in the SW forums awhile back, which was: I can eat anything I want, just not everything I want. In other words, a little bit of a treat isn't going to render all your other efforts useless. So some Friday night french fries, not the end of the world. XL french fries every meal for a week, maybe not so good. ;)

That's good news about your muscle gain, I hadn't realised you had been seriously unwell and stuck in bed for a time. Hope you are feeling much improved now! :) One of the things I don't like about having ME is that I can't exercise properly and so I am losing muscle and fat together. I might be smaller but I'm still just as wobbly! Hehe!
Thank you guys for the support. It was a learning lesson that watered down apple juice tastes much better than cola. French fries were good, but nowhere near as yummy as I used to think they were. I've learned to appreciate more natural and unprocessed flavours over the fake artifical over processed stuff.

This morning when I woke I thought about how many calories are in a normal Swedish BigMac meal I used to like eating a couple of times a month. A BigMac has 500 calories, medium fries has 300 calories, and a medium drink has 170 calories. So a meal has 970 calories!?! OMG, it's just gross to even think about how much worthless junk calories that is. How is it even possible to cram that many junk calories into just 3 items??? Lately I've been looking at things totally differently, than I used to. Before a calorie was a calorie, but now it's becoming quite the opposite.

The foods I eat now on GI/GL doesn't make me feel sluggish or heavy in the stomach. I haven't had any indigestion either, before I'd get acid burn in the throat and bloated stomach. I've noticed that my skin is starting to glow and shine in a good way.
What great positive effects you are seeing! It's those things that can make it easier to carry on even at times when you might have a disappointing weigh-in or just a 'why bother' week. With the great attitude you have I'm sure you won't have any trouble reaching your listed mini goals. :)
I woke up in a much better mood, and didn't have any dizziness. I took my woman's multivitamin with my breakfast this morning. Just to be on the safe side, think I was low on iron yesterday. Instead of eating al dente pasta, I switched out for soy beans since they're really low GL. I was really hungry all day yesterday, blame it on hormones and not enough of the right carb.

I actually ate less than the minimum 1200 calorie requirement on myfitnesspal. Not that I was trying to go under, but it happens sometimes. Plus I wasn't as hungry today. Soy beans are great, I can have alot for a portion and they stay in the stomach longer. I still have 602 calories leftover today I earned 553 extra calories from my exercises today, but I'm not hungry so I don't need to eat it. As you'll see I snacked alot today too, I guess just more of the better stuff :)

2 new milestone today, I did 11 guy pushups, and 65 minutes of yoga!

Breakfast: All Bran with sultanas, gojiberries, sunflower seeds, almond slices and milk.

Snack: knäckebröd with cottage cheese and watermelon.

Lunch: Spaghetti sauce with soy beans, and some watermelon on the side.

Snack: 1 Piece of chocolate right before yoga.

Dinner: Spaghetti sauce with soy beans, and watermelon on the side. 2 pieces of dark chocolate 70% for dessert.

Exercise: 30 minutes walk, 11 pushups, crunches, and 65 minutes of yoga.
Men are so lucky, they burn fat much faster than us, therefore losing more weight than us. My guy isn't overweight, he was a twig when we first met, now he's about 15 lbs heavier, but he's still skinny. Ever since I've been on GL he's been eating my foods too, and he's been snacking eating like normal etc, but he's lost 4-5 lbs now. Really great for him! I have to admit, I'm a little bit envious atm, I didn't want him to lose weight since it'll make me look even bigger if he gets skinnier >_< Silly me :p
It's so bloody annoying isn't it!!! My husband's normal to skinny sized and he eats whatever he wants! He doesn't eat particularly unhealthily but the volumes, oh my god !! He has a thing for bread, and for coke - every day he eats roughly a whole loaf of bread and a 2L bottle of coke on top of normal meals. Seriously, if he ever wanted to lose weight all he'd have to do is cut out the coke or change it to diet coke. It's very frustrating :D !!
On the plus side I often find that there's no bread in the house because he's eaten it all- handy for GI :D
Hehe Ruth, I totally understand where you're coming from. My guy's really tall too 6'5. So imagine little tubby me next to his tall skinniness. That's a major reason I need to go back to being skinny.

My guy can put away candies, crisps, sodas, alcohol, chocolate, and everything else naughty they go right through him. It was really difficult when I did low carb, because I can smell everything next to me. Now at least with GL it's not as bad.
LOL Ruth about the bread all disappearing. :D

My husband is also a skinny twig type; he's a runner and not too bothered about food either. Since I've been on GI he has lost some weight, I worked out that he needs another 1000 cals/day on top of what I eat as he really doesn't have enough weight to lose any! But getting him to eat this (so I don't feel guilty that my diet is turning him even more twiglike, haha) is difficult - if he could he would just eat 4 big kitkats a day extra but I tell him that would not be healthy. So I try to get him to take things like little bags of trail mix, healthy cereal bars etc. but with his heart not being in it it's not easy! He does have bigger carb portions at meals but since they're all such darned healthy carbs (darn them) this doesn't provide heaps of calories.

I agree, completely, totally not fair!
Yup totally not fair, we are all with guys who are twigs naturally, that can eat what they want. The worst thing is my guy is trying to be a little bit healthier now that I started GI/GL. I'm like "NOOOOOOOOOOO, don't eat the healthy cereal, why aren't you eating the sugary one you still have left?" He wants to go back to his weight when we first got together, meaning really twiggy . He still eats plenty of really really High GL things too all day and all night long, but he's still losing weight. If only we were able to lose weight so easily, I guess then we wouldn't be where we were at now >_<
Haha we're exactly the same in our house. Probably I should let him eat the Nakd bars and the organic dark chocolate and just buy more of them but I would also like it if he would use up the stocks of naughtier stuff first! LOL! When I was doing Slimming World we even had different cheese (I had lowfat) until one day we had grated some on top of our chilli and about halfway through I realised we had gotten them mixed up. Now he just eats the lowfat stuff. ;)
Ohh good idea on having different cheeses. Thankfully since I quit doing LCHF, I've been avoiding fatty foods, and dairy alot. I'm so burned out of those foods right now. It's not fun when you have to force it down your throat everyday for a month.
My OH has taken to my Nakd bars, so much so, the jar is often empty when I look for one. Mind you, he could lose a few pounds. He loves his bread and red meat way too much so I still make two dinners, one for him and one for me!!
Hehe Molly I hope you have a secret stash of Nakd bars somewhere!Like the Galaxy ad 'I'm glad they don't know about this place'...
Lol yep, have to hide a few away! The back if the cleaning cupboard, cos he never cleans!!!!
Today's food was really good and healthy. I'm proud of myself for today. Today's totm so I tried to take it a little easy. I still went for a walk, but skipped yoga today.

We made mediterranean food tonight, but I skipped the pita bread, and sticked to hummus as my carb. Everything was homemade so it was really yummy, and we knew exactly what went into everything:) I also used a lot of lemon juice.

Breakfast: All Bran plus with sultanas, gojiberries, sliced almonds, sunflower seeds and milk.

Snack: 1 piece dark chocolate and watermelon.

Lunch: Knäckebröd with cottage cheese and raspberries.

Snack: Watered down apple juice and sunflower seeds.

Dinner: Watermelon, hummus, tzatziki, chicken kebab meat, huge salad of spinach, ruccola, some cherry tomatoes, and lots of lemon juice.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate.

Exercise: 30 minutes walk.