Looking for Slimville!
good luck for your weigh in this week!
B in bed made by hubby due to exhausting night with baby! 1 crossaint and a cuppa
L- chicken pasta, wispa at asda
D-gammon, potatoes, beans, egg, choc cake with a cup of tea
Very unhealthy day today! Day before weigh day too! Im like a zombie though due to being up at 11.30, 3.15-4.50, 7.15 with my baby. Also had a busy day, trip to two garages to sort car, shopping & then doctors!
Off to bed now and will start again tomorrow! Hope i get more sleep tonight
Weigh in week 1-
15.7 =-3lbs
Could have been more if was better behaved on sun and mon. Onto week 2 i go!
im back tomoro!
im back. been doing we online since i was last here and lost 13lbs. i was 14.11 on xmas eve today i am 15 so 4lbs on. as well as my ww online im going to record my food here too for support from lovely people. i weigh in on wednesdays and wud like to be back to 14.11 for then but i know that may not happen.