Cambridge crisps!!!

Great thanks, i will try them if I get the urge. I dont actually like normal crisps because i dont like potatoes in any form including chips, weird I know, but i can well imagine craving something savoury to crunch on further down the line
You don't like any potato at all? Wow! That's astonishing. You're very lucky really, because potatoes are like a red flag to my inner bull! If heaven exists and I get to go there, I want it to be constructed from roast potatoes!

Cambslass, you're so close to goal now. It kind of sucks to think we'll be losing you in a few weeks! ;)

Is the consistency for the crisps the same? Because mine looked nothing like that. It was far stodgier, like some kind of slightly damp play dough, so that's probably why my crisps were inedible!
You don't like any potato at all? Wow! That's astonishing. You're very lucky really, because potatoes are like a red flag to my inner bull! If heaven exists and I get to go there, I want it to be constructed from roast potatoes!

Ooooooooooooh roast potato heaven.........
I could just live off potatoes in every & any form.

One of my absolute favourite foods is just wrapping a potato in tin foil & sticking it on the coals at a BBQ for an hour then munching on it like a Lilly pop. No butter or anything required just potato.

God I miss potatoes!
<img src=""/>Countryb, this is the kind of consistency i mean! And these are chocolate mint ones..i cant quite decide if i would prefer to have them as a shake, i think its because i gobbled them down so quick wish i had more haha! But they were nice :) x

These look sooooo good! How do I make them?! X