Cambridge diet buddy?

tomnkatesmum said:
Charlie that's fantastic! Bet you felt amazing, and at least your family were polite enough to ignore the drooling! LOL!!! Well done you... It is hard, but makes you realise we often don't need these foods.. I think I'd completely lost what hunger was and just ate regardless! Feels so good to be in control!

It feels amazing to be in control. This diets teaching me that food is fuel for our bodies and that we eat to live not live to eat!!! :)

I just baked a cake for my partner as a surprise and I didn't even lick the spoon :p xxxx
Now that is amazing... I love baking but haven't dared as I adore licking out the bowl, and eating the baked goods... Instead I've bought the kids stuff at Tesco to ensure they don't miss out but there wrapped so I don't have to smell the baked goodness!!! LOL!

You are right though, previously I've always lived to eat, not eaten to live but this diet is showing me, I do not need food, most of the time, and I can still have fun without constantly eating! Very liberating! :)
tomnkatesmum said:
Ah you are selling these bars! The peanut crunch sounds divine! I'm weighing in tomorrow so may have to buy/try some.... I'm finishing my third week and can't wait to WI...I'm two pounds off my first stone and desperate to get it... More would obviously be lovely, and I cannot wait to be out if the 14'a and in the 13'a but I will have to wait and see if the scales are going to be kind!

I got excited about the bars as it's something solid we can eat without thinking it's cheating lol and they r in the plan :):) ugh Monday tomorrow I pray this week goes fast again lol.. Waiting for Xmas woo yes I know what u mean and hopefully u will be a stone off now yay - have u noticed any changes around ur body etc? Xx
My trousers are feeling much looser, I wrote then about a month ago and they were VERY right, now there very loose which is lovely... Seems like you can feel the fat disappearing... I can't see it in the mirror yet though! :-( wonder how long that will take... Did you take before pictures?
tomnkatesmum said:
My trousers are feeling much looser, I wrote then about a month ago and they were VERY right, now there very loose which is lovely... Seems like you can feel the fat disappearing... I can't see it in the mirror yet though! :-( wonder how long that will take... Did you take before pictures?

No I haven't taken before pics but I have a few already taken recently that is a reminder lol ask ur CDC tomorrow when you can see a diff - apparently its four weeks in but not sure. Good luck for tomorrow :) I know I cnt see the fat melting either :( maybe it is - in places except the belly which is the part I want rid off grrr xx
tomnkatesmum said:
Hope it is 4 weeks as that's not long away... Just got to keep on going...

Is anyone else having loads of food dreams?

I have bought some Tabasco sauce today with my soup. Hope it tastes better :) haha i have loads involving choc cake and lamb burgers yummm haha.. X
I quite like the soups... Well the mushroom one mainly and the tomato is okay if mixed enough, otherwise it can be really gritty!

I keep waking up thinking I've ruined the diet! My dreams are full of food, but I don't know why a I'm not hungry! Any ideas?? Xx
Uh oh, I had a fork full of it :-( damn it!!! Feel a bit sick tho so I'm not going to have a slice! Maybe it's good I had a tiny bit but knew when to stop!? Lol positive thinking!!! Xxxx
Imagine its hell not having any, at least you only had a forkful, surely that can't be that bad...

Mmmmm... Cake sounds delicious... My kids are just having some chocolate and I feel like pinching it! Honestly this diet is making me want to steal candy from babies... Naughty mummy! LOL!
Lol I know this diet is crazy :p I do feel bad giving in after being so so so good yesterday! Never mind.

Stay strong don't nick the babies chocolate lol cxxxx
lol very naughty mummy! Im the other way, im really enjoying cooking for my wife at the moment. I made her smoked salmon eggs benedict (and made the hollandaise sauce myself) for breakfast!
tomnkatesmum said:
That's great... Especially getting back on track, I've heard it can be do hard to start again, and seen loads of people saying they wished they'd continued for slightly longer the first time! Have you got much more to lose?

Iv still got 3 stone to lose although that's still not what I should be at 5.1 but I thought if I just aim for 10 stone that will be an amazing achievement having come from 17 stone 5lbs. Iv been on the diet 5 months in total but messed around for the last month and gained the 8lb but I reverted to eating total rubbish... I was having a bad time with my original consultant felt unsupported and several other problems with her... I felt lost but then I found a new one and happily I'm getting on with it.
Everyone sounds like they are doing really well :)

I tried a mint chocolate warm tonight yuk not for me... Iv a feeling I did it too hot and that's where I possibly went wrong :(
I may stick to them being cold as Iv been used to that x
charlieann01 said:
Lol I know this diet is crazy :p I do feel bad giving in after being so so so good yesterday! Never mind.

Stay strong don't nick the babies chocolate lol cxxxx

Damn kids ate the chocolate to quick! One minute it was there next it was gone! Probably for the best but it did look yummy! Nom nom...
Bayboy said:
lol very naughty mummy! Im the other way, im really enjoying cooking for my wife at the moment. I made her smoked salmon eggs benedict (and made the hollandaise sauce myself) for breakfast!

Yes I am very naughty.. You on the other hand are amazing, don't know how your cooking and not tasting... Your willpower its truly inspirational! Well done! :)
Your wife is very lucky, the food sounds delicious!
tasha_37 said:
Iv still got 3 stone to lose although that's still not what I should be at 5.1 but I thought if I just aim for 10 stone that will be an amazing achievement having come from 17 stone 5lbs. Iv been on the diet 5 months in total but messed around for the last month and gained the 8lb but I reverted to eating total rubbish... I was having a bad time with my original consultant felt unsupported and several other problems with her... I felt lost but then I found a new one and happily I'm getting on with it.
Everyone sounds like they are doing really well :)

I tried a mint chocolate warm tonight yuk not for me... Iv a feeling I did it too hot and that's where I possibly went wrong :(
I may stick to them being cold as Iv been used to that x

Tasha, you are doing fab... A bad consultant will not help, but you've picked yourself up and got back on track, and don't forget were all here to help and chat...

I love the mint choc shakes, been having two each day this week! I heard there nice hot but it doesn't appeal... Might try one day, but at the moment I really look forward to them... :)
tomnkatesmum said:
Yes I am very naughty.. You on the other hand are amazing, don't know how your cooking and not tasting... Your willpower its truly inspirational! Well done! :)
Your wife is very lucky, the food sounds delicious!

You know what, habit made me dip a finger in the sauce today, but before it got to my mouth I stopped. The way I see it, anything I put in my mouth other than Cambridge stuff and water will set me back... And I don't want to do that.

Tonight I went for a twenty min run and threw in about 60 squats, lunges and a few burpes, over the course of the run... What drives me? The fact I can see my body changing, the fact that I had to buy smaller interim jeans today, the fact that my brother in law a royal marines officer finds me inspirational, the fact that I now fit in the tshirt my parents bought me for my birthday in august that I wouldn't have been able to fit in ever!

And the biggest driver..... That my wife fancies me again (she always loved me, but hasn't fancied me in years)

Lets do this people, if you need some support just drop me a message and we can help each other out!!!