hi pinky you can do this!
its difficult but its even more difficult having a piece of this or a piece of that, it just makes the journey a little bit longer, a few days of 100% and it will give you a feeling of not even fancying food (you still want it, i think its because its the 'norm' and what we've done for so long so naturally)
you think those cheddars taste nice now - just imagine how nice they'll taste when you're 10 stone and popping one in you're mouth! they'll taste a lot nicer than a guilt ridden pick here or there, what you have to beat yourself up over about it afterwards
i know its so difficult, its what we've done for so long, ketosis is you're best friend, it has a natural appetite supressant that comes with it, it takes a couple of days to get into this anyway, just give yourself that chance to get into it and you wont regret it
dont think of it in a way that you CANT have you're favourite foods anymore, think of it, that you can if you really want to... but in doing that, you also make the choice of staying the same weight, you're not taking you're favourite foods away forever, just for a little time while you get to where YOU want to be
you've shown you can still lose weight by not been 100% but theres no point in making it so you're miserable by been hungry and having all the cravings, bring on this next week, and as long as you stick to chicken and meat and salad at the bbq you should be fine

(if you have to eat)
and dont torture yourself, throw the cheddars away or dont buy them in, that way you cant be tempted by something that makes you weak