Needs more willpower
why not do 4 shakes instead of 3. if it helps you and you'll loose practically the same, if not the same.
Yes Great Things I have done that on a few occasions atnd it does help.
The nibbling often arises when I am cooking for the family. :family2: The smell, and the urge to taste a bit- :drool: not even always hungar. I did it tonight when dishing up Sothern Fried chicken had 2 pieces, it is the healthy type though not KFC. :ashamed0005:
Thanx though guys for the support :thankyou:
Anyhow had my weigh in today and lost 4 lbs

1 Stone and 1 lb to be exact so this has made me happy I am a quater of the way there.
Shame I had to ruin it with the Southern Fried chicken
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: