Wow u lot have been blooming busy!!!
Cottage/ Shepherds Pie - I interchange the names lol.. regardless of meat! - as for individual portions... I bought these rectangular pyrex dishes with lids from asda... I make up loads of mince in gravy and then loads in bolognese and make 4 little cottage pies, 4 little lasagnes... work out the pps for the full amount and then split it by 4... they still worked out quite low and so handy... and feels like a ready meal but I know I made it fresh
Winter/ Christmas - love Christmas - biggest kid ever... love the presents, the wrapping, the tree, the decorations... unfortunately my mum is a bit controlling and the tree is a bit too fashionable.. but I do still enjoy the family occasion (once a year is plenty

) - it used to be better when we had more family... but we dwindle each year unfortunately... and as for winter... I don't mind the cold ... like sitting in the house all cosy... like the snow but only to look at not to drive in lol....
I know people think that winter is better for "fat" people because its easier to cover up but honestly whatever season its hard to find stuff that looks nice... wish I could wear jumper dresses etc.. can't wait to shop when I am slim... I love looking at all the pretty things and telling myself I will buy them... the glamorous suit dresses... the short skirts... the shorts.... the shoes with a heel higher than an inch... oh yes I can't wait!! lol (not sure where that ramble came from!)
What is everyone doing for NYE? I really want to go somewhere and do something this year.. Manchester or Glasgow... if anyone wants company?!
As for age.. u all look no older than 21 to me
HI ANDI!!!!! I will pop and find your diary now

how are u finding it? That sounds like a realistic plan.. do you have an ultimate goal in mind? or an event to aim for? Have u had ur first WI? There is a Christmas challenge on the WW teams board which might be right up your street
