Silver Member
CarlyLanky140 said:I hate London! People there are mean!!
I am home now and for no reason I feel like crying! I can't quite do it but my eyes are welling up! Just feel down and no clue why!!
My friend who started last week lost 5lb! And honestly I'm cross! She was as bad as me on Sat and she's smaller than me and I've never lost that.. I kno I'm an awful person for even feeling like this... Just coz she is negative and oh I dunno!
Anyways! New week tomorrow and I'm going to get into 17s!!!xx
Aww i'm so sorry you got treated badly in London (my town so i feel bad for you!) There are nice parts i swear
Crying is cathartic so weep away if you can get it out x
You are so not an awful person hun, i'm afraid i would be feeling the same way - if you've both eaten similar but you have put more work in then it's understandable to be a bit put out by the different results - i'm sure your positivity will carry you further in the long run
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