Thanks Jo
Thursday 12th January 2012
POSITIVES 1. I went to the gym and worked really hard
2. I enjoyed my last chocolate for at least a month
3. I got an interview for the PGCE
Eventful day... busy day with work.. then to gym and worked hard on day 2 of c25k

also did my food shopping and got muller lights for lunch, some apples and pineapple to smoothie... and got some jelly sweets/ mr kipling lemon or angel slices for after evening meal

NO MORE CHOC from tomorrow am...
Scales will hopefully give me a sts tomorrow...
Now not having takeaway tomorrow as they are having chinese and I am not a fan.. boss was offering to cook (and may still do this) but I have bought the chicago town pizzas... 2 are 28pp which sounds a lot but will feel like a treat and only use a few weeklies compared to takeaway

looking forward to poker...
Gonna draft my resignation letter this weekend... found out today that I have an interview for the PGCE... having a quick read of what i have to do is a bit scary.. just gonna prepare prepare prepare

Will update properly over weekend as really must sleep!
Much love xx